On Air: Details

On-Air is a schedule of upcoming drug policy reform media events and an archive of past broadcasts. Please participate by recording your upcoming (or past) media broadcast appearances by filling out the form.
Need assistance getting airtime? Visit : MAP Media Activism Center

DateSat. December 10 /05,
08:00 p.m. ET
NameDrugSense Open House
RepresentingPresented by DrugSense and MAPSubject Roundtable Talk About All Things DPR
Name of Show MAP Media Activism RoundtableStation Info  () (local)
HostSteve Heath and other DrugSense PoobahsCity/StateWe're Everywhere, Man,
Call-in Phone Archived 
Listen On-Line URLhttp://mapinc.org/resource/paltalk.htm
CommentsCome join us for a combination Voice and text chat in the DrugSense Virtual Conference Room. See the URL above for directions on how to download the free, easy to use Paltalk software.

Password for this quasi-private party is PW: welcome-pal (all lower case)

Questions? Problems getting on board? Contact Steve Heath at the email above.
Questions about OnAir - contact: onair@mapinc.org