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1 CN BC: Local Medical Pot User RelievedThu, 10 Apr 2014
Source:Oliver Chronicle (CN BC) Author:Christie, Erin Area:British Columbia Lines:96 Added:04/14/2014

Medical marijuana users say they are in a state of limbo after the latest court battle halted implementation of new laws governing pot.

New federal laws that would have made it illegal for medical marijuana users to grow their own plants were set to take effect April 1.

But Federal Court judge Michael Manson put the new laws on hold, at least temporarily, when he granted a court injunction on March 21. Without the injunction, patients would have had to destroy their plants before April 1 and send notification to Health Canada by April 30 stating that they've stopped production and destroyed their plants, or law enforcement would be notified.

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2 CN BC: Sensible B.C. Falls Short, For NowThu, 02 Jan 2014
Source:Rocky Mountain Goat News, The (CN BC) Author:Marshall, Korie Area:British Columbia Lines:59 Added:01/05/2014

Over 200,000 signatures were gathered in BC for the push to decriminalize marijuana. It wasn't enough to force a public vote, but it isn't the end of the road for Sensible BC's push for marijuana law reform.

According to the final tallies from Sensible BC, the required 10 per cent of registered voters signed the petition in 20 of the province's 85 electoral districts, with over five per cent signing in 28 more districts. Sensible BC was aiming for 400,000 signatures, and estimated they required 300,000.

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3 CN BC: Provincial Petition to Change Marijuana Laws Fails, butWed, 18 Dec 2013
Source:Osoyoos Times (CN BC) Author:McGuire, Richard Area:British Columbia Lines:84 Added:12/21/2013

Local organizers of a petition aimed at changing marijuana laws are happy with the campaign even though it failed to obtain enough signatures to force a provincial referendum.

Province wide the petition by Sensible BC obtained more than 200,000 signatures calling for a referendum and in the local ridings of Boundary-Similkameen and Penticton it surpassed the necessary threshold.

"Considering how things have to happen here in B.C. and the numbers we needed, we did pretty well," said Osoyoos campaigner Heather Pinske, a 27-year-old mother who gathered signatures from people on the street.

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4 CN BC: Editorial: Sensible Solution?Mon, 09 Dec 2013
Source:Prince George Citizen (CN BC) Author:Williams, Arthur Area:British Columbia Lines:84 Added:12/11/2013

Today is the deadline for Sensible B.C. to present its petition to decriminalize marijuana use to Elections B.C. According to media reports, organizers believe the petition will fall well short of the approximately 400,000 signatures needed to trigger a referendum on the issue.

Campaign director Dana Larsen told the Huffington Post the difficult process, fear of repercussions for signing and lack of organization in some ridings is to blame. In 2010 former premier William Vander Zalm and the organizers of the anti-HST petition showed the petition process, created in 1995, can succeed with sufficient organization and public support.

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5 CN BC: Marijuana Petition Falls ShortFri, 06 Dec 2013
Source:Morning Star, The (CN BC) Author:Smith, Jennifer Area:British Columbia Lines:58 Added:12/11/2013

B.C's marijuana referendum has failed to spark sufficient interest locally.

As the Dec. 5 deadline approached, Sensible BC organizers for Vernon-Monashee had a strong representation but fell short of the 10 per cent goal.

"We did not hit our target here in Vernon," said Boyd Goble, local organizer. "We have sent in more then 3,000 (short of our goal of 4,200) and now we wait till after the ninth to see how the rest of the province did."

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6 CN BC: Coast Makes Pot Petition QuotaFri, 06 Dec 2013
Source:Coast Reporter (CN BC) Author:Wood, Christine Area:British Columbia Lines:95 Added:12/11/2013

The Coast made their quota, but whether the rest of the province will get 10 per cent of constituents to sign a petition to decriminalize marijuana possession is yet to be seen.

Sensible B.C. has until Dec. 9 to get enough signatures from British Columbians to push for a referendum on the issue; however, some communities are far from reaching the 10 per cent target needed to trigger a referendum.

"The Lower Mainland, for example, generally is a real challenge, just by virtue of the number of people," said local Sensible B.C. campaign organizer Paul Renaud.

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7 CN BC: Petition To Decriminalize Cannabis Likely To Go Up InFri, 29 Nov 2013
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Wood, Andrea Area:British Columbia Lines:90 Added:12/03/2013

There is just one week to go in SensibleBC's crusade to decriminalize pot possession in British Columbia and the group has significantly ramped up campaign efforts, nearly tripling its volunteers and shifting strategies in the final push.

But success is likely out of reach.

The marijuana advocacy group has collected somewhere between 175,000 and 200,000 signatures since the campaign began on Sept. 9, director and spokesman Dana Larsen says. That's still a considerable distance from what's needed to force a referendum on a draft bill called the Sensible Policing Act: roughly 320,000 signatures, represented by 10 per cent of registered voters in each of the province's 85 electoral districts.

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8 CN BC: Grocer, Sensible B.C. Petitioners At OddsTue, 26 Nov 2013
Source:Trail Daily Times (CN BC) Author:Rossi, Val Area:British Columbia Lines:98 Added:11/29/2013

Ferraro Foods is offering an apology to customers and canvassers who may have felt uncomfortable following an incident in front of its store on Saturday.

Petitioners for the Sensible BC campaign were near the store collecting signatures for its petition for the Sensible Policing Act to decriminalize marijuana possession.

Ferraro Foods asked the canvassers to move off of its property when customers made complaints about the canvassing.

A video on Sensible BC's Facebook page and YouTube captures storeowner Danny Ferraro saying "we're asking everybody to ignore them" while he greets customers, in some instances standing between the customers and a canvasser.

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9 CN BC: Pot Petition In PerilThu, 21 Nov 2013
Source:Surrey Leader (CN BC) Author:Nagel, Jeff Area:British Columbia Lines:73 Added:11/23/2013

Short of Signatures As Deadline Looms

Dana Larsen isn't conceding defeat yet, but the head of the Sensible BC campaign to reform marijuana policing is already talking about another petition drive if the one now underway fails.

Canvassers have less than three weeks left before the Dec. 9 deadline to submit the petition bearing the signatures of 10 per cent of eligible voters in every B.C. riding.

They have around 150,000 signatures counted as of Nov. 19, or about half the number needed and far short of their target of 450,000 to provide a buffer against disqualified signatures.

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10 CN BC: Town Council Asked To Support A 'Sensible BC'Wed, 13 Nov 2013
Source:Oliver Chronicle (CN BC) Author:Doherty, Lyonel Area:British Columbia Lines:129 Added:11/18/2013

Having BC's marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to beer and wine is an intriguing idea to some members of Oliver town council.

A couple of councillors expressed interest in signing the "Sensible BC" petition after listening to a recent presentation by Heather Pinske.

She said the ultimate goal is to regulate the cannabis industry by proposing legislation called the Sensible Policing Act.

The first aspect is to redirect police resources away from being "wasted on simple possession of cannabis," said Pinske, who lives in Osoyoos.

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11 CN BC: Edu: Sensible B.C. Nears Dec. 5 Signature DeadlineThu, 14 Nov 2013
Source:Voice, The (CN BC Edu) Author:Jones, Amy Area:British Columbia Lines:81 Added:11/14/2013

Langara science student set up last week at 49th and Cambie collecting signatures for the B.C. marijuana referendum

Sensible BC is under pressure with only three weeks left to double the number of signatures they've gathered to get a marijuana referendum. With the Dec. 5 deadline of the 90-day campaign looming closer, only about 150,000 of the necessary 400,000 signatures have been collected so far.

Sensible BC has been canvassing across the province since early September to get a referendum to pass the Sensible Policing Act, which would decriminalize minimal marijuana possession in B.C.

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12 CN BC: Local Sensible B.C. Canvassers Hit The StreetsThu, 14 Nov 2013
Source:Merritt Herald (CN BC) Author:Potestio, Michael Area:British Columbia Lines:98 Added:11/14/2013

Local canvassers for the Sensible BC campaign to decriminalize possession of marijuana have been pounding the pavement as the deadline to collect signatures looms.

As of Nov. 8, the local Sensible BC campaign had collected about 900 signatures from people in Merritt. There are 35 registered canvassers looking for people to sign the petition in the area.

As of Nov. 13, canvassers in Fraser-Nicola had collected about 1,200 signatures. According to Elections BC, there were 22,187 registered voters in Fraser-Nicola in May of this year.

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13 CN BC: Sensible B.C. Gaining MomentumTue, 12 Nov 2013
Source:Whistler Question (CN BC) Author:Shuley, Vince Area:British Columbia Lines:86 Added:11/12/2013

Final Weeks of Campaign Still Need Canvassers and Signatures

Sensible BC's Dec. 5 deadline is rapidly approaching and the number of signatures collected this month in the West Vancouver-Sea to Sky riding - as well as the rest of the province - has been very encouraging for the campaign's organizers.

"There's been tremendous momentum," said Mark Vaughan, lead organizer for the riding.

"It took a while to get information out there to get enough canvassers. A lot of people signed up early then they were out of town or were unable to be contacted for numerous reasons. There was a lot of chasing down non-existent leads early on. Now, as we get more events happening, more people are aware and every day I'm getting a list of 70 to 80 new canvassers in B.C. We'll probably see more signatures in this last month than we've seen to date."

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14 CN BC: Local Canvassers Collect Signatures For Marijuana ReferendumWed, 30 Oct 2013
Source:Osoyoos Times (CN BC) Author:McGuire, Richard Area:British Columbia Lines:101 Added:10/30/2013

The winds were blustering and several times signs and a small table blew over. But that didn't stop a small group of determined volunteers from standing on Main Street Sunday to promote a petition calling for the end of marijuana prohibition in B.C.

The streets of Osoyoos were quiet on a chilly Sunday afternoon, but pedestrians and motorists stopped periodically to sign the Sensible BC Marijuana Referendum petition.

Standing by the road and holding up a banner was Heather Pinske, a 27-year-old mother of a young toddler, who is the unofficial lead canvasser in Osoyoos.

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15 CN BC: Pot Campaign Bus Stops In RidingWed, 23 Oct 2013
Source:Powell River Peak (CN BC) Author:Walz, Laura Area:British Columbia Lines:69 Added:10/27/2013

Sensible BC Has Over Half the Signatures It Needs in Powell River-Sunshine Coast

Sensible BC's CannaBus stopped over in Powell River last week during a tour of Vancouver Island to collect signatures for its marijuana referendum campaign.

The bus was in Powell River on Thursday evening, October 17, and the following morning. Then it boarded a ferry for the Lower Sunshine Coast, for stops in Sechelt and Gibsons before it went back to the Lower Mainland.

The group wants to pass the Sensible Policing Act, which would stop police from searching or arresting people for marijuana possession. If volunteers gather enough signatures, it would trigger a referendum in September 2014.

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16 CN BC: PUB LTE: Marijuana Arrests Make No SenseThu, 24 Oct 2013
Source:Creston Valley Advance (CN BC) Author:Couch, Herb Area:British Columbia Lines:45 Added:10/27/2013

To the Editor:

(Re: "This is the Life: Taking the high road with marijuana laws")

Lorne Eckersley stated, "Crown Counsel adamantly refuses to prosecute charges on small amounts of marijuana possession because a) the courts are already backed up and b) judges have long since stopped attempting to use fines and jail sentences to stop what is essentially a tidal wave of victimless crime."

However, it is a myth that you can't get arrested for pot possession in B.C. For example, the rate of criminal charges for marijuana possession in Creston has risen dramatically in recent years. In 2003, there were two pot possession charges in Creston (rural). In 2011, there were 23 pot possession charges in Creston (rural).

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17 CN BC: Ridge Pot Petitioners Still OptimisticFri, 18 Oct 2013
Source:Maple Ridge News (CN BC) Author:Nagel, Jeff Area:British Columbia Lines:91 Added:10/23/2013

Sensible BC Campaign Short of Sign-Up Target

Pot reformers have fallen short of their sign-up target for the first third of their campaign to force a provincial referendum on marijuana enforcement.

Sensible B.C. spokesman Dana Larsen said the campaign had 65,000 signatures as of Oct. 9 - 15,000 less than its aim of 80,000 by the 30-day mark of the 90-day petition drive.

"We're a little bit behind the target we set," Larsen said, adding getting canvassers officially registered has proven more onerous than expected.

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18 CN BC: Pot Petition Gathers SteamWed, 16 Oct 2013
Source:Nelson Star (CN BC) Author:Nagel, Jeff Area:British Columbia Lines:77 Added:10/21/2013

While pot reformers have fallen short of their sign-up target for the first third of their campaign to force a provincial referendum on marijuana enforcement, they are ahead of schedule in Nelson-Creston where over 2,200 signatures have been secured out of 2,826 needed.

Sensible BC spokesman Dana Larsen said the campaign had 65,000 signatures as of Oct. 9 - 15,000 less than their aim of 80,000 by the 30-day mark of the 90-day petition drive.

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19 CN BC: PUB LTE: Time To Adopt More Sensible Pot Laws In BCThu, 17 Oct 2013
Source:Alberni Valley News (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:59 Added:10/21/2013

To the Editor,

Re: Marijuana 'reeferendum' misguided, BC Views, Oct. 10.

Mr. Fletcher's recent column misrepresented the Sensible BC campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible BC is to have BC's marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal.

The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all carefully designed to be within provincial jurisdiction.

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20 CN BC: Local Pot Reformers Aiming HighWed, 16 Oct 2013
Source:Terrace Standard (CN BC) Author:Killen, Anna Area:British Columbia Lines:97 Added:10/21/2013

LOCAL organizers pushing for a provincial pot referendum are aiming high, with a goal of collecting the signatures of 15 per cent of registered voters instead of the mandated 10 per cent in order to put pot decriminalization on the ballot.

Sensible BC launched its campaign with the end goal of decriminalizing marijuana on Sept. 9. Under Elections BC's Recall and Initiative Act petitioners need to collect signatures from 10 per cent of the registered voters in every provincial district over a three month period.

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21 CN BC: PUB LTE: More Sensible Marijuana Laws Sought: LarsenWed, 16 Oct 2013
Source:Victoria News (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:57 Added:10/17/2013

Re: B.C. marijuana referendum misguided (BC Views, Oct.9)

Tom Fletcher's recent editorial misrepresented the Sensible B.C. campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible B.C. is to have B.C.'s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal. The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all carefully designed to be within provincial jurisdiction.

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22 CN BC: PUB LTE: Taking Sensible Steps On PotWed, 16 Oct 2013
Source:Peninsula News Review (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:64 Added:10/17/2013

Mr. Fletcher's recent editorial misrepresented the Sensible B.C. campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible B.C. is to have B.C.'s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal. The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all carefully designed to be within provincial jurisdiction.

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23 CN BC: PUB LTE: More Sensible Marijuana Laws Sought: LarsenWed, 16 Oct 2013
Source:Saanich News (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:57 Added:10/17/2013

Re: B.C. marijuana referendum misguided (BC Views, Oct.9)

Tom Fletcher's recent editorial misrepresented the Sensible B.C. campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible B.C. is to have B.C.'s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal. The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all carefully designed to be within provincial jurisdiction.

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24 CN BC: PUB LTE: Sensible Laws NeededWed, 16 Oct 2013
Source:Sooke News Mirror (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:69 Added:10/17/2013

In response to Tom Fletcher's editorial in your most recent edition. "B.C. marijuana referendum misguided" Sooke News Mirror, Oct. 9, 2013, page 6.

Mr. Fletcher's recent editorial misrepresented the Sensible BC campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible BC is to have B.C.'s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal.

[continues 317 words]

25 CN BC: PUB LTE: Sensible Steps To Police Drug UseThu, 17 Oct 2013
Source:Peace Arch News (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:55 Added:10/17/2013


Re: B.C. marijuana referendum misguided, Oct. 8.

Tom Fletcher's recent column misrepresented the Sensible BC campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible BC is to have B.C.'s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal.

The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all carefully designed to be within provincial jurisdiction.

[continues 227 words]

26 CN BC: PUB LTE: Time For Sensible Marijuana Laws In B.C.Fri, 11 Oct 2013
Source:Maple Ridge News (CN BC) Author:Larsen, Dana Area:British Columbia Lines:70 Added:10/15/2013

Re: B.C. marijuana referendum misguided (B.C. Views, Oct. 9)

Tom Fletcher's recent editorial misrepresented the Sensible B.C. campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible B.C. is to have B.C.'s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine.

Our proposed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal.

The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all carefully designed to be within provincial jurisdiction.

[continues 258 words]

27 CN BC: Marijuana Petition Off TargetTue, 15 Oct 2013
Source:Surrey Leader (CN BC) Author:Nagel, Jeff Area:British Columbia Lines:80 Added:10/15/2013

But Sensible BC Predicts Slow Sign-Up Start Will Accelerate

Pot reformers have fallen short of their sign-up target for the first third of their campaign to force a provincial referendum on marijuana enforcement.

Sensible BC spokesman Dana Larsen said the campaign had 65,000 signatures as of Oct. 9 - 15,000 less than their aim of 80,000 by the 30-day mark of the 90-day petition drive.

"We're a little bit behind the target we set," Larsen said, adding getting canvassers officially registered has proven more onerous than expected.

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28 CN BC: PUB LTE: A 'Sensible' Reply To LetterSun, 06 Oct 2013
Source:Morning Star, The (CN BC) Author:Levey, Mark Area:British Columbia Lines:77 Added:10/08/2013

I must respond to the letter to the editor from Donald John (Sept. 29/13) on the topic of Sensible B.C.

First of all, it is patently obvious that Mr. John has not read up on what Sensible B.C. proposes - nowhere do they say that they want to legalize marijuana.

What they do say is that they would like, "an amendment to the B.C. Police Act, which redirects all police in the province from using any police resources, including member time, on investigations, searches, seizures, citations, arrests or detentions related solely to simple possession of cannabis."

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29 CN BC: Column: Taking The High RoadThu, 03 Oct 2013
Source:Creston Valley Advance (CN BC) Author:Eckersley, Lorne Area:British Columbia Lines:100 Added:10/07/2013

For all the interest it seems to have generated in news media, the campaign to ultimately decriminalize marijuana use, possession and sales in the province is highly unlikely to gain public support, at least in sufficient numbers to force a referendum on the issue.

Among the plans of Sensible BC, the organization proposes provincial legislation it calls the Sensible Policing Act. It would involve "stopping arrests for marijuana possession, and focusing police resources on fighting real crime," according to organizer Dana Larsen.

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30 CN BC: Sensible B.C. Starts To Amass Signatures On The CoastFri, 04 Oct 2013
Source:Coast Reporter (CN BC) Author:Wood, Christine Area:British Columbia Lines:73 Added:10/04/2013

Coasters are starting to sign petitions calling for the decriminalization of pot possession, but many more names are needed before the 12-week campaign to amass enough signatures ends on Dec. 5.

Sensible B.C. is trying to push the provincial government to change the policing act, making it illegal for police to use any resources to bust people for personal marijuana possession.

The group has created the "Sensible Policing Act," which would allow adults to possess cannabis in B.C., but the new Act can only be passed by referendum.

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31 CN BC: Coasters Eager To Canvass For Cannabis DecriminalizationFri, 30 Aug 2013
Source:Coast Reporter (CN BC) Author:Wood, Christine Area:British Columbia Lines:69 Added:09/04/2013

Finding Coasters to canvass for signatures to decriminalize pot possession wasn't difficult for pot activist Dana Larsen, who stopped in Sechelt Aug. 27.

Larsen is on a tour across the province with Sensible BC to sign up people willing to collect the signatures needed to send the Sensible Policing Act to referendum next year. On the Coast he found the 25 canvassers he was looking for in just a few hours.

"We've hit our target but we're always willing to take more," Larsen said, noting, "this is one of the districts that will be ready early on in the campaign."

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32 CN BC: Column: Toward A Sensible Cannabis PolicyThu, 29 Aug 2013
Source:Chief, The (CN BC) Author:Martiquet, Paul Area:British Columbia Lines:64 Added:09/02/2013

For many years, the default approach to marijuana has been prohibition. That this has not worked well is beyond doubt and the time has come to find a better approach. The answer, according to the group Sensible B.C., is to decriminalize simple possession and redirect policing budgets to more effective pursuits.

The reasons for decriminalizing pot possession are simple. First are the cost savings as we spend less to prosecute people for simple possession. In B.C., the number of possession charges has more than doubled since 2005 - we should spend scarce budget dollars more effectively. Public safety would be improved if police officers and resources were focussed on real crime instead of charging people with possession.

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33 CN BC: Editorial: Marijuana - Time To Change The Law?Thu, 29 Aug 2013
Source:Free Press, The (CN ON) Author:Treharne, Angela Area:British Columbia Lines:68 Added:08/29/2013

News that the RCMP busted a small Fernie grow op last week stirred up mixed responses among readers. Some readers feel that cracking down on these small grow ops is a total waste of police time and taxpayers money, but others say these people are criminals as bad as any others and should be taken down.

Short of looking the other way, the police still have no option but to charge casual marijuana users with simple possession. It's a criminal activity, even if the grow op is not involved in trafficking. That means costly paperwork for the cops, yet more strain on the overtaxed justice system and criminal convictions and records that can adversely affect citizenship, jobs and travel. It's also hugely inefficient. Barely half of drug-related cases result in convictions.

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34 CN BC: Pot Activist Signing Up VolunteersTue, 27 Aug 2013
Source:Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC) Author:Yu, Karl Area:British Columbia Lines:65 Added:08/27/2013

With canvassing set to start for a marijuana decriminalization referendum, the man spearheading the effort was in Nanaimo soliciting volunteers Thursday.

Beginning Sept. 9, the campaign will have 90 days to gather about 400,000 signatures and Dana Larsen, director of the Sensible BC campaign for a marijuana referendum, said it is more than just getting people to sign a petition.

"We're going to need a couple thousand canvassers all around the province to make this succeed," Larsen said. "It's a very complicated enterprise. We need to collect signatures from 10 per cent of the registered voters in every one of B.C.'s 85 electoral districts. There's a different form for each district - they have to sign the right form.

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35CN BC: Pot Activist Gearing Up For Provincial PetitionSun, 25 Aug 2013
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Smart, Amy Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:08/26/2013

When marijuana activist Dana Larsen gathered a small group of Victoria volunteers on Saturday, having them register as canvassers was a big part of his fight for marijuana decriminalization.

The Sensible B.C. director must gather signatures from 10 per cent of the province's voting population by Dec. 5, if he hopes to get a referendum on marijuana decriminalization on the ballot. And only registered canvassers can collect the names.

"The hard part is just getting these half a million signatures that we need in a very short time, it's a huge logistical challenge," he said. "But I'm very confident that if we can get it on the ballot, the referendum will pass."

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36 CN BC: Fight To Decriminalize Marijuana Comes To South DeltaFri, 23 Aug 2013
Source:South Delta Leader (Delta, CN BC) Author:Salzmann, Kristine Area:British Columbia Lines:62 Added:08/25/2013

The movement to decriminalize marijuana possession is underfoot - and up high. Two billboards promoting the Sensible BC campaign are now running on Highway 99 by the Massey Tunnel, with a third on Highway 91 by the Alex Fraser Bridge.

The billboards ask those driving by to join the Sensible BC marijuana referendum campaign and direct them to the group's website (

The movement aims to collect enough signatures to launch a referendum on how pot possession is policed in B.C. The group must gather signatures from 10 per cent of registered voters in each of the province's electoral districts within a 90 day period, which starts in little over two weeks on Sept. 9.

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37CN BC: Sensible B.C. Looks For Canvassers In Region ForThu, 22 Aug 2013
Source:Alberni Valley Times (CN BC) Author:Bertrand, Julie Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:08/23/2013

Sensible B.C. director and marijuana activist Dana Larsen will be in Port Alberni this Friday to meet up with supporters and find campaign volunteers.

Larsen is touring Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast to rally up support for his Sensible Policing Act, which would decriminalize marijuana by stopping B.C. police from doing searches or making arrests for simple possession.

His proposed legislation has been accepted by Elections B.C., and Larsen will have 90 days to collect signatures this fall for a future referendum on his Sensible Policy Act.

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38CN BC: Pot Advocates Hope New Billboards Create A BuzzTue, 20 Aug 2013
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Saltman, Jennifer Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:08/21/2013

Three billboards have gone up next to Lower Mainland highways to raise awareness of and recruit volunteers for Sensible B.C.'s initiative petition to change how marijuana possession and use is policed in B.C.

One billboard is beside Highway 91 at the Alex Fraser Bridge and two are beside Highway 99 at the Massey Tunnel.

Marijuana activist Dana Larsen, who is the founder and director of Sensible B.C., has prepared a draft piece of legislation called the Sensible Policing Act, which would prohibit the use of police resources to enforce current laws regarding simple possession and use of marijuana by adults.

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39 CN BC: Column: Prohibition, An Idea Whose Time Has ComeThu, 15 Aug 2013
Source:Parksville Qualicum Beach News (CN BC) Author:Horner, Neil Area:British Columbia Lines:96 Added:08/19/2013

Believe me, if I thought for a second that prohibition worked I would be the first to call for an outright ban, enforced by the full weight of the law.

I would campaign for zero tolerance and mandatory minimum sentences. I would contribute money to the cause and even stand on a street corner with a tambourine and a bullhorn if that's what it took to get legislation passed.

Unfortunately, prohibition doesn't work and so I'm afraid we're going to have our ears bleed to the shrill squawk of the bagpipes for the foreseeable future.

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40 CN BC: Pot Petition Coming To ChilliwackThu, 15 Aug 2013
Source:Chilliwack Progress (CN BC) Author:Konevski, Alina Area:British Columbia Lines:69 Added:08/16/2013

A group of Chilliwack residents are preparing for a massive street campaign to gather signatures in support of marijuana decriminalization.

"I personally think we're just misinformed...I don't think it (marijuana's) being illegal is justified," said local volunteer coordinator Ceara Sinead Doyle.

About 40 Chilliwack volunteers have so far signed on to a provincial campaign to gather 400,000 signatures, representing 10 per cent of B.C. voters. This would trigger a provincial referendum in 2014 to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.

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41CN BC: Pot Boosters Continue With New CampaignTue, 13 Aug 2013
Source:Nanaimo Daily News (CN BC) Author:Bellaart, Darrell Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:08/14/2013

Nanaimo recruiters have less than a month to sign up 200 volunteers in a quest to decriminalize the simple possession of marijuana.

As Washington State prepares to move toward a state-controlled marijuana distribution system, pro-cannabis organizers from the group Sensible BC have taken a cue from the recent, successful campaign to kill the HST through B.C. referendum laws.

Nanaimo organizers want to find 250 canvassers before the official campaign begins, but have only about 45, just less than a month from the Sept. 9 start of the province wide campaign.

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42 CN BC: Sensible BC Gets Green Light From Elections BCSun, 11 Aug 2013
Source:Rocky Mountain Goat News, The (CN BC) Author:Marshall, Korie Area:British Columbia Lines:65 Added:08/13/2013

Elections BC has recently confirmed that the Sensible Policing Act is suitable legislation under the Recall and Initiative Act, and could be taken to a public vote. Now Dana Larsen, Director of Sensible BC and proponent of the Sensible Policing Act, has asked Mayor and Council of Valemount to consider endorsing the Sensible Policing Act, and consider bringing it forward to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) for their endorsement.

The Sensible Policing Act is a legislative proposal to effectively decriminalize cannabis possession in British Columbia, and to work towards legalization.

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43 CN BC: Pot Referendum Hits TownThu, 08 Aug 2013
Source:Chief, The (CN BC) Author:Barrett, Brandon Area:British Columbia Lines:72 Added:08/11/2013

Sensible BC Director Seeks to Decriminalize Cannabis

Former NDP candidate and current director of Sensible BC Dana Larsen wants to legalize marijuana use in Canada and he wants Sea to Sky residents' help to do so.

Sensible BC is a Vancouver-based group that formed last year with the aim of working towards the decriminalization of simple cannabis possession in the province and a final goal of full legalization across the country. Larsen is now embarking on a whirlwind tour of B.C., visiting 32 towns in 12 days - including stops in Whistler, Pemberton and Squamish - to promote his campaign for a marijuana referendum.

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44 CN BC: Marijuana Referendum Tour Comes Through WhistlerThu, 08 Aug 2013
Source:Whistler Question (CN BC) Author:Barrett, Brandon Area:British Columbia Lines:119 Added:08/09/2013

Sensible BC Director Seeks Support for Legislation Effectively Decriminalizing Simple Possession

Former NDP candidate and current director of Sensible BC Dana Larsen wants to legalize marijuana use in Canada and he wants Sea to Sky residents' help to do so.

Sensible BC is a Vancouver-based group that formed last year with the aim of working towards the decriminalization of simple cannabis possession in the province and a final goal of full legalization across the country. Larsen is now embarking on a whirlwind tour of B.C., visiting 32 towns in 12 days - including stops in Whistler, Pemberton and Squamish - to promote his campaign for a marijuana referendum.

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45 CN BC: Pot Petition Passes In PrincipleWed, 24 Jul 2013
Source:Powell River Peak (CN BC) Author:Bolster, Chris Area:British Columbia Lines:67 Added:07/28/2013

Organizers Push for September Start

Come this fall Powell River residents will likely find themselves answering the door to a canvasser and being asked to sign a petition to decriminalize pot. Sensible BC director Dana Larsen is currently touring around the province drumming up support for the marijuana referendum campaign.

"Our work is to build momentum, get people excited about the campaign and to register several thousand British Columbians as signature gathers," said Larsen.

Elections BC has given approval in principle for a proposed law which would effectively decriminalize marijuana possession in the province. The proposed law, called the Sensible Policing Act, would direct the attorney general, who sets policing priorities in the province, to not put any resources into enforcing federal laws pertaining to marijuana possession for adults. It would also call on Ottawa to allow BC to begin legally taxing and regulating cannabis much like alcohol and tobacco.

[continues 252 words]

46CN BC: Pot Petitioners Face Tough TaskThu, 25 Jul 2013
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:McIntyre, Gordon Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:07/28/2013

Group Needs 40,000 Signatures Across B.C. Just to Spark Referendum

Being given the go-ahead to gather signatures for a pot referendum was like the starter's gun going off.

Now, Sensible B.C. faces something akin to one of those days-long, 200-kilometre desert foot races.

"Incredibly daunting, that's a good word," Dana Larsen, director of the group that's pushing for a referendum on pot possession, said Wednesday. "There's no guarantee we'll have success ... but I'm more confident than I was when we started this process over a year ago."

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47CN BC: Editorial: Voters Are Way Ahead Of Politicians On PotThu, 25 Jul 2013
Source:Province, The (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:07/28/2013

Sensible B.C. - a group pushing for the legalization of marijuana - wants to use B.C.'s referendum legislation to force a vote on the decriminalization of pot in B.C. In September, it will begin its campaign, hoping to collect signatures of the required 10 per cent of voters in all 85 ridings to force a vote.

The group wants to amend the B.C. Police Act with a "Sensible Policing Act" that will bar police officers from investigating simple possession of marijuana. The second part of the proposed act calls on Ottawa to "repeal cannabis prohibition" and to give the B.C. government the right to tax and regulate pot.

[continues 121 words]

48 CN BC: Sensible B.C. Campaign Aims To Stop Police Busts For PossessionThu, 25 Jul 2013
Source:Georgia Straight, The (CN BC) Author:Smith, Charlie Area:British Columbia Lines:121 Added:07/26/2013

AS HE MUNCHES on a beef sandwich in a cluttered eighth-floor office near Victory Square, Dana Larsen hardly seems the type to have a monumental impact on policing. But don't let his casual attire deceive you. As the financial agent of the Sensible B.C. campaign to stop police from busting people for marijuana possession, Larsen is spearheading a revolution on behalf of pot smokers. And he's hoping that the initiative he's sponsoring to amend the Police Act will have as much success as a similar campaign to eliminate the harmonized sales tax.

[continues 885 words]

49 CN BC: Petition Campaign Won't Necessarily Mean A VoteFri, 26 Jul 2013
Source:Burnaby Now, The (CN BC) Author:Dobie, Cayley Area:British Columbia Lines:56 Added:07/26/2013

As Sensible B.C.'s petition campaign to decriminalize marijuana continues to dominate media coverage, Elections B.C. is looking to clarify a reoccurring inaccuracy.

If the petition - to be released on Sept. 9 - gathers enough signatures within a 90-day time frame, it won't necessarily result in a referendum, according to Elections B.C. "Initiative (votes) and referendums are two very different things. Initiative petitions are legislations governed by the Recall and Initiative Act," said Don Main, communications manager for Elections B.C. "Any registered voter can apply for an initiative petition to propose a new law or to propose changes to an existing law."

[continues 236 words]

50 CN MB: OPED: Petition Will Give B.C. Opportunity ToThu, 18 Jul 2013
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)          Area:Manitoba Lines:84 Added:07/22/2013

Decriminalizing marijuana is the equivalent of opening the barn door wider after the horses all ran away to let out the last horse that decided to stay behind.

As anyone in law enforcement will admit when they're out of uniform, the Canadian public made its decision about marijuana use decades ago and the law hasn't caught up yet. Many adults simply ignore the law and indulge in a puff or two at their personal discretion. More importantly, these adults and even the ones who don't smoke up from time to time don't see this activity as breaking the law.

[continues 559 words]

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