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101 US CA: Column: Pipes And OrgansThu, 19 Feb 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:66 Added:02/20/2015

Hey, I hear the California Legislature is all fired up about marijuana regulations. What have you heard?

- -Wanda

"Fired up" may be too strong a phrase. Most of the legislation that has been introduced is mostly the same as last year. I don't think that anything is going to happen on the regulation front for a while.

However, the Medical Cannabis Organ Transplant Act (AB 258, introduced by Assemblyman Marc Levine) is an important bill that would allow medical cannabis patients to receive organ transplants. As it stands now, people have been denied transplants solely because they use medical cannabis. Because marijuana is still listed as a DEA Schedule I drug (no acceptable medical use), many hospitals classify any cannabis use as "substance abuse" and will deny transplants even if a doctor has recommended cannabis as a medicine. More than one person has died after being removed from the transplant list because they used cannabis.

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102 US CA: Column: The ABCs Of THCThu, 12 Feb 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:69 Added:02/12/2015

High, Ngaio. I am confused as to what all is in my marijuana. What is the difference between CBD and THC and all that other stuff? Thank you.

- -Sassy Bubbles

It would be my pleasure. There are more than 400 different compounds in the cannabis plant. The ones we know the most about are: tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and terpenes.

THC is the chemical that gets you stoned. It works by binding to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain. That's right, your body is designed to enjoy weed. I'm exaggerating a little, but the human body does produce its own cannabinoids. It's true. Look it up. But I digress. To continue: THC causes your body to release dopamine, which creates a mild euphoria. THC also messes with your hippocampus, which is why your short term memory gets a little fuzzy. THC can also cause the munchies, and in large doses can create hallucinations.

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103 US CA: PUB LTE: Legalization The Herer WayThu, 05 Feb 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Moore, Patrick Area:California Lines:33 Added:02/05/2015

Re "Up in smoke" by David Downs (SN&R News, January 29):

Or they could just get behind the finest cannabis-legalization initiative in the world and make this simple for everyone. Jack Herer wrote The Emperor Wears No Clothes and followed that with a brilliant legalization initiative titled the California Cannabis Hemp Initiative (#CCHI2016), which ensures fair and equal access to the "new trillion-dollar crop" focusing on protecting existing medical laws and enabling personal and industrial uses to become the bedrock of a new economy. Hemp can save the planet, but only if we have widespread and fair access to it. We're talking about hemp fuel, fiber, plastics, food and medicine- a real game changer, while they just keep trying to control, dominate, tax and regulate weed sales. Californians aren't stupid and we won't settle for less than we deserve. As Herer said, "If you can't grow it, it ain't legal!"

Patrick Moore

Los Angeles


104 US CA: Column: Inevitable GrowthThu, 05 Feb 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:02/05/2015

Hey can I get an update on what's been happening in the Wide Wide World of Weed?

- -Jeff

Yes, you can! So much has happened in the last week. It's been incredible. And away we go.

In legalization news, Jamaica is proceeding with plans to decriminalize and regulate marijuana. This is incredible news. Everyone thinks of Jamaica as a bastion of ganja freedom, but weed has been illegal there seemingly forever. The bill to decriminalize, which also contains language to permit the growing and selling of marijuana, has passed the cabinet and went to the Jamaican Senate last week.

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105 US CA: Will a Divided Marijuana Community JeopardizeThu, 29 Jan 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Downs, David Area:California Lines:131 Added:01/29/2015

California Marijuana Legalization in 2016 Looks Anything but Certain

California marijuana legalization in 2016 looks anything but certain after a major January meeting where leading activists showed how divided they remain. The possibility of ending nearly a century of cannabis prohibition within the next 650 or so days has increased factionalism within the reform movement.

In a small hotel banquet room on the waterfront of Oakland's Jack London Square, luminaries of pot-law reform rehashed grievances and honed new disputes over future initiative language, as well as campaign funding and control.

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106 US CA: Column: A High For Down LowThu, 29 Jan 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:01/29/2015

What's this I hear about a cannabis-infused sex lube? Does it work?

- -Delores Poussey

Yes. It exists. The most popular brand, called Foria, is a mix of coconut oil and cannabis. All of the reviews I have seen have been positive, with most users reporting pleasant, tingly sensations in their nether regions. Sounds like fun to me. I am a fan of mixing weed and sex. Who doesn't like to do the smokey-pokey? It's a bit pricey (the small bottle will set you back about 44 bones), but whatever floats your man-in-the-boat. Have fun.

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107 US CA: Column: Traveling StinksThu, 22 Jan 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:75 Added:01/23/2015

Hey, I heard you've been on the road again.

Any news?

- -Juan DeRer

Yup. I was just in Atlanta, Georgia. The marijuana scene is very different than what we have on the West Coast. First of all, any possession of marijuana can be charged as a felony.

My friends out there tell me that the Atlanta cops generally won't sweat you over a small amount, although you never know how it may go. To minimize risk, most people carry joints.

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108 US CA: Column: Dealing With Dank's StankThu, 15 Jan 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:62 Added:01/15/2015

Hi, Ngaio. Can you ask the people who smoke pot regularly to take a shower or hang an air freshener around their neck? One of the downsides of the changing attitudes about pot is having to smell it daily, regardless of whether you want to or not. It may be the smell of freedom for some but it's really not making any friends among those who are on the fence about weed's acceptance. I also think it hurts the credibility of the entire weed scene. Prohibition wasn't ended by people who reeked of booze.

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109 US CA: Column: Fighting Off The CapitalistsThu, 08 Jan 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:01/09/2015

Hello. I am all for legalizing marijuana, but I worry about gigantic corporations trying to monopolize the marijuana industry. What can I do?

- -Khan Cerned

You can relax a little. Big Marijuana may be on the horizon, but it is not here yet. The capitalists and the corporations are definitely looking to get in on the marijuana legalization movement. I take that back. The capitalists don't really care about the legalization movement, they just want to be there when marijuana is legalized so they can jump in and take the money. They will try to make it so that when the marijuana laws are changed, the costs to open a cannabis-based business (licensing fees, insurance requirements, etc.) will be so expensive that all the mom-and-pop growers will be unable to go start their own businesses.

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110 US CA: Column: Taking Stock Of This Year's HarvestThu, 01 Jan 2015
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:66 Added:01/02/2015

Hempy New Year! Can we get one of those end of the year recap things that people do around this time?

- -Luke Enbach

Heck yes, you can. And away we go:

Low: Local politicians trying to hold on to prohibitionist policies. I'm looking at you, Fresno and Placer and Sacramento counties. No dispensaries allowed, and patients aren't allowed to grow their own meds? For shame. Placer gets a small pass because they do allow some growing, but still. Try to get it together, you guys.

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111 US CA: Column: Pot Progress Takes DiligenceThu, 25 Dec 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:69 Added:12/26/2014

OK, so this federal budget thing passed and I am confused. Is medical marijuana legal or not?

- -Paul Ahseewonk

Marijuana is still illegal under federal law. However, the new budget contains an amendment written by Dana Rohrabacher, R-Orange County, and Sam Farr, D-Central Coast, that prohibits federal agents from raiding medical cannabis facilities in states that have medical cannabis laws. By the way, 32 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws allowing the use of medical cannabis, so this is kind of a big deal. Not only that, the new budget also strengthens protections for hemp farmers. And, like I mentioned last week, the Department of Justice has said that Native American tribes can grow and sell cannabis on tribal land. All in all, Obama has been a really good president when it comes to marijuana. I didn't like him all that much in 2011, when it seemed like damn near all the clubs in California were getting raided and shut down, but his policy work since then, and especially during his second term, has been excellent.

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112 US CA: Column: Shopping For A Green ChristmasThu, 18 Dec 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:66 Added:12/19/2014

As usual I am late on my holiday shopping. Any ideas?

- -P. Rocrastinator

I find a hug is always an appropriate gift. OK, not always, but don't worry, friend. There is still plenty of time to find the perfect gift for your cannabis-loving compatriots. Vaporizers are all the rage these days. I like the PAX ( for cannabis flowers and the Zen Pen ( for oils. Also, there's a company called cannabox (, and while they won't send you any actual cannabis (yet), they will send you a box filled with all kinds of cool things for the discerning pot smoker. Think of them as a "loot crate" for weed nerds instead of gamers. Or you could just buy people some cannabis-infused products like soap or massage oil. Those are always nice. I hope you have a hempy holiday season.

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113 US CA: Column: Fresno's A No-Go For Those Who GrowThu, 11 Dec 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:65 Added:12/12/2014

Hey, I hear Fresno is going to repeal their growing ban. What have you heard?

- -Ray Zin

Hey yourself. The Fresno County Board of supervisors had a meeting last week to discuss changing their ridiculous and overbearing ban on outdoor cultivation. The way the law stands now, no one can grow any cannabis at all and those that do are subject to a fine of $1,000 per plant, plus interest. If growers would like to appeal the fines, they have to appear in front of the Board of Supervisors. As it turns out, dang near everyone would like to appeal their fines, especially landlords from out of town, seeing as there is no grace period allowed for removing plants, and the BoS is having a hard time keeping up. So they had a meeting, and surprise surprise, nothing changed. It is still illegal to grow medical cannabis, indoors or outdoors, in Fresno County. This sort of zero-tolerance policy toward medical marijuana seems to be contagious. Some supervisors in El Dorado County are looking to repeal their current growing ordinance and replace it with a total ban on cannabis growing. Last week, they decided to form a committee to look into the best way to change the law.

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114 US CA: Column: The Future Is GreenThu, 04 Dec 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:66 Added:12/04/2014

With the coming decriminalization and legalization of marijuana in so many states, do you believe there will be new advances in marijuana science and culture? Weed farmers markets? New devices for getting high? GMO weed?

- -Dollface Rae

Thank you for your questions. Speaking of coming legislation, Georgia state Senator Curt Thompson just introduced two bills in the General Assembly: One to legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and over, and one to legalize medical cannabis for people suffering from a wide variety of conditions. I hope it passes, because I am sure someone will create a strain called Georgia Peach. Also, getting stoned at Stone Mountain would become a life goal.

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115 US CA: Column: Giving Thanks For DankThu, 27 Nov 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:11/29/2014

Ngaio Bealum is a Sacramento comedian, activist and marijuana expert. Email him questions at Advertisement

Happy Danksgiving! What are you thankful for?

- -Topher Key

I am glad you asked! There are so many things to be thankful for this year. The most obvious are the marijuana legalization initiatives that passed in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C. Dude. I am so happy for them. This legalization thing is becoming a pretty big deal. And keep in mind, cannabis law reform isn't just about the right to possess or grow pot. These new laws keep people out of jail and make it harder for law-enforcement officers to profile and harass ordinary citizens. Now, thanks to the good people that actually took the time to vote, we get to carry weed and we get prison law reform. Give thanks. The jobs and the money generated by the new legal cannabis industry will be nice, too.

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116 US CA: Column: As Pot Picks Up, Cali Slows DownThu, 20 Nov 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:11/21/2014

Hey, thanks for the national update last week. How did marijuana do in California?

- -Willie Wonky Jr.

Well Willie, weed wasn't warmly welcomed, if that's what you are asking. Pretty much all of the county initiatives that would have eased restrictions on medical cannabis failed. Measure S in Nevada County didn't pass. Measure O in Lake County was a no go. Shasta County's Measure A, which bans all outdoor growing in unincorporated areas, passed. In Butte County, Measure A passed, Measure B failed-Measure A allows medical marijuana cultivation, but is way more prohibitive than Measure B would have been. The cities of Encinitas and La Mesa (down near San Diego) tried to pass measures that would allow for medical cannabis dispensaries. Couldn't do it. Santa Cruz succeeded in passing a small sales tax on medical marijuana. Santa Ana had two initiatives for regulating medical cannabis on the ballot. The more restrictive one was the winner.

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117 US CA: Column: America Proves Its Love For MarijuanaThu, 13 Nov 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:66 Added:11/14/2014

Hey Ngaio. Is weed still winning?

- -Hank Hermit

Are you kidding? All weed do is win! Last week, Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C., all voted to legalize marijuana for adults. Florida came very close to passing a medical-marijuana law with 58 percent of the vote. You would think that would be enough, but Constitutional amendments in Florida need 60 percent to pass. I still count it as a moral victory.

First, I would like to congratulate and thank all of the activists that spent years and countless hours to get the Oregon law passed. Anthony Johnson, Lee Berger, Paul Stanford, Madeline Martinez, Anna Diaz, Russ Belville, and the hundreds of other activists, you all kick ass. Well done.

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118 US CA: Column: Setting The Schedule Straight On Marijuana?Thu, 06 Nov 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:77 Added:11/06/2014

I hear a judge in Sacramento may reschedule cannabis.

- -Bud Mann

Uh, well, not exactly.

Last week, in an evidentiary hearing, U.S. District Court Judge Kimberly J. Mueller, presiding over the case of U.S. v. Schweder, heard testimony in the matter of about whether or not cannabis should even be a Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs, as determined by the DEA, are "drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence." The list of Schedule I drugs is very short: heroin, ecstasy, methaqualone (Quaaludes, for all you '70s holdouts and The Wolf of Wall Street fans), LSD, marijuana and peyote.

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119 US CA: Column: Vote With Ngaio: On Marijuana and Next Week'sThu, 30 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:10/30/2014

Do you have a stance on Proposition 47 and, if it passes, how do you think it will impact marijuana in the state? Also, have any voting advice for marijuana-related issues?

- -Reggie Stardvotar

I am glad you asked. Of course I do. Voting is the most important thing you can do as an activist and as an American. Never let anyone tell you that voting doesn't work. We got medical marijuana through the vote. Voters legalized the recreational use of cannabis in Washington and Oregon because people showed up to vote. If elections didn't matter, the GOP wouldn't be trying to pass all these bullshit-ass voter ID laws. Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote! I cannot stress this enough.

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120 US CA: Column: All The TrimmingsThu, 23 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:64 Added:10/23/2014

How much money can you make harvesting marijuana during this time of year? My friend says there's work for me up north but I wanted to know what you think.

- -Mike Grant-Labor

Yes. You can make good money. But the money is not particularly easy to get. It requires long hours and hard work, like being on an Alaskan fishing boat, except you probably won't be thrown overboard or washed out to sea.

The going rate for trimming a pound of cannabis is about $200. A newbie can do maybe a pound in a 12-hour day. And that's with decent pot. If the bud is larfy or small or riddled with mold, it may take longer. People with more experience can do maybe two pounds. I know someone who can do three pounds in a day, but she grew up on the mountain and is a bit of a legend. Plus, trimming can be boring as hell. You basically sit in a cabin and trim until your muscles cramp up, then you switch hands and trim some more. Perhaps if you are with some cool folks, there may be good conversation and decent food. But really, you just sit and trim and trim and sit. It can be a bit meditative if you have the right mindset, but mostly it's like working an assembly line.

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121 US CA: Column: Cannabis and Nerve Pain: Does It Work?Thu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:68 Added:10/16/2014

Also, What's Up With Law Enforcement Attacking Grows in Mendocino?

My primary doctor told me that marijuana would probably relieve my peripheral neuropathy pain. I looked at all the ads in the SN&R issue. Problem is that I can't tell who is the most reputable doctor I should go to for an evaluation. Can you suggest someone who really looks at my medical information and steers me to the right dispensary. I am 88 years old and haven't used since the old "love in" days. Today's scene is a mystery to me, so please help this old man with your knowledge and sage advice.

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122 US CA: Column: California's Proposition 47 Will Reduce Many Felony ConvictionsThu, 09 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:vonKaenel, Jeff Area:California Lines:76 Added:10/10/2014

It's About Forgiveness

The sermon was on forgiveness. First United Methodist Church minister Don Lee told us that Jesus asked us to forgive our sinning brother "not just seven times, but 70 times seven times." Then, Lee started preaching about some really big forgiveness numbers. Numbers of biblical proportions: Proposition 47, The Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act, on the November ballot.

Prop. 47 would change felony convictions for petty property crimes and nonviolent drug possessions to simple misdemeanors, in most cases. It would do this retroactively. Hundreds of thousands of Californians would be able to update their criminal records, reducing their felony convictions to misdemeanors. This reclassification would remove many employment and housing barriers for convicted felons.

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123 US CA: Column: H20 And 420Thu, 02 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:58 Added:10/06/2014

It's harvest time-but is the drought going to affect the flowers? Will that impact the price of flowers at the dispensaries?

- -Amy Wilson

Short answer: not really. Like you said, it's harvest time. There is so much cannabis in the mountains right now, it's kinda stupid. The biggest effect that the drought has had on the outdoor-marijuana industry is that more than a few unscrupulous folks feel like it's OK to steal water. They just busted a kid in Winton (near Yosemite, in Madera County) for siphoning 1.5 million gallons of water for his 100-plant garden. The 19-year-old male faces fines of $25,000 for the plants, and $18,000 for stealing the water. The cops also destroyed the plants, which is kinda fucked up, because the boy is gonna need the money to pay his fines. I feel like the authorities should have made him harvest it, sell it-and then taken his money.

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124 US CA: PUB LTE: Great Gary Webb Piece!Thu, 02 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Stokes, Susan Area:California Lines:35 Added:10/06/2014

Re "Return of the messenger" by Melinda Welsh (SN&R Feature Story, September 25):

I really enjoyed this story by Melinda Welsh. Not only did she focus on the movie Kill the Messenger and the series "Dark Alliance," but she dug deeper into the "Dark Alliance" aftermath. Melinda even got a few quotes from Jerry Ceppos, the San Jose Mercury News editor at the time that the story broke, who is "barely aware of the film coming out." Really, Jerry? And you are "proud" that you were willing to take a dive on the story through a letter to the readers? Yes, it was the course of least resistance, as was proven by the national media's reaction. I like this quote from Gary in a 2003 interview when he was discussing the presence of "Dark Alliance" on the internet, because it simplifies the outcome of the series: "We did this on purpose, to make it very hard to knock down, to make it very difficult for people to say that this didn't happen, but they said it didn't happen anyway." Thoroughly enjoyed this story, Melinda.

Susan Stokes

El Dorado Hills


125 US CA: Return Of The MessengerThu, 25 Sep 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Welsh, Melinda Area:California Lines:499 Added:09/26/2014

How Jeremy Renner's New Film Kill the Messenger Will Vindicate Sacramento Investigative Journalist Gary Webb

Nearly two decades after the reporter exposed a connection between the CIA and crack cocaine in America, Hollywood chimes in with a major movie

This one has all the ingredients of a dreamed-up Hollywood blockbuster: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist uncovers a big story involving drugs, the CIA and a guerrilla army. Despite threats and intimidation, he writes an explosive expose and catches national attention. But the fates shift. Our reporter's story is torn apart by the country's leading media; he is betrayed by his own newspaper. Though the big story turns out to be true, the writer commits suicide and becomes a cautionary tale.

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126 US CA: Column: How To Legalize Marijuana The Right WayThu, 25 Sep 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:65 Added:09/26/2014

I saw your cover story last week. How was your trip? Do you think Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C., will legalize weed this year?

- -Beck Tuskool

It was great! Except for a little trouble. (I came down with The Quinsy. Look it up. All hail antibiotics!) I had a great time at the West Coast hemp fests. I even got to meet David Grisman again. Cool beans.

I also got to talk to a bunch of people on the West Coast about current conditions. When I was in Portland for the International Cannabis Business Conference, I talked to one of my homies that has been an activist for more than 10 years and worked on the 2012 Oregon legalization campaign. I can't tell you his name, because he just got a job working for someone in Salem, but he is a good friend and a trusted source. Our conversation wasn't even about specific policy, anyway.

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127 US CA: Adventures In Legal-Weed LandThu, 18 Sep 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:334 Added:09/20/2014

Our Writer Goes to Washington to Explore Marijuana Legalization

SN&R's resident cannabis expert goes to Washington-the state-and dishes on the marijuana-legalization experiment up north

Carl Sagan once said, "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." I have a similar observation about marijuana activists: If you ask them how to make a pie, they will tell you how to grow a tree. Most of their stories are full of tangents, sidebars and digressions. It's not that they ramble and are unfocused, but that they feel you need to have the whole story so you can form your own ideas. I will try not to ramble too much, but I have been a pot activist for more than 20 years, so rambling is kinda my thing.

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128 US CA: Column: Should I Open A Medical-Cannabis Dispensary?Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:09/04/2014

Plus: Don't miss the 15th-ish Occasional Cannabis Comedy Festival on September 15 at Harlow's

I want to open a cannabis dispensary. What should I do?

- -Ann Trapenoor

Good luck. There are so many dispensaries already. I mean, it's not like 2009, when you couldn't swing a dead blunt without hitting a cannabis dispensary. But there are still plenty of spots in the cities that allow them.

What do you know about running a business? How good is your lawyer? Are you prepared to go to jail? Jail doesn't happen nearly as often as it used to, but it is still a possibility. Maybe you should take a class. Oaksterdam University in Oakland still teaches classes, and I know 420 College does seminars in the Sacramento area. I sat in on a 420 College class a few months ago and found it very informative.

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129 US CA: Column: On Race, Arrests, Marijuana and 'The New JimThu, 28 Aug 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:08/29/2014

In Sacramento, Black People Are Arrested 5.7 Times More Often Than White People

Are marijuana arrests really a racial thing?

- -Mike Green

Good question. This can be a tricky subject. Let's start with some numbers: According to a report from the Drug Policy Alliance ("Arresting Blacks for Marijuana in California", white people use marijuana at a higher rate than blacks, but black people are consistently arrested for marijuana possession at a higher rate than white people.

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130 US CA: Column: Study UpThu, 21 Aug 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:08/22/2014

High, Ngaio. I heard that marijuana can help with post-traumatic stress disorder. Is that true?

- -Sy N. Tist

Hmm, while it is still very difficult to study medical marijuana in the USA, the scientists over in Israel are kicking ass and takin' names. OK, more like smoking grass and studying the results, but you get the gist.

A study published in the medical journal Clinical Drug Investigation last June showed that an oral ingestion of THC (they gave 10 patients 5 mg twice a day) may help people suffering from PTSD. The patients reported less anxiety, better sleep and fewer nightmares. Yes, I know 10 patients isn't a big sample size, but if we add these results to what we already know about cannabis, this study is another step in the right direction.

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131 US CA: Column: SN&R's Pot Columnist Explains Senate Bill 1262Thu, 14 Aug 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:08/18/2014

Can you explain why people are so upset about the bill that would create top-down regulations for California's medical-marijuana industry?

- -Dude

Seriously, Dude, I'm not sure. It's not great, but people are losing their minds. Let's take a look.

Senate Bill 1262 would create a comprehensive statewide set of regulations for the growing and dispensing of medical marijuana. This bill has gone through multiple changes and was recently amended last week.

As it currently stands, S.B. 1262 would create a "Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation" under the aegis of the Department of Consumer Affairs. This bureau would then be in charge of regulating all the growers and sellers in California. Prospective growers or dispensary owners would pay up to $8,000 for a license and be subject to inspection. The bill allows for medical patients to grow small amounts, but the days of the huge home grow or the giant collective garden would be over.

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132 US CA: Column: The Fest SeasonThu, 07 Aug 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:08/08/2014

Hey, I am trying to figure out my travel plans for this summer. Any ideas?

- -Norm Madic

I can probably think of a few things. Late August marks the beginning of hemp-fest season, and the hemp fests this year should be epic. There's the Seattle Hempfest, a.k.a. the world's largest "protestival." Last year, more than 200,000 people showed up to party for pot, and this year should be an even larger turnout. Expect the recreational-cannabis dispensaries to run out of weed early (August 15-17,

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133 US CA: Higher AuthorityThu, 07 Aug 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Downs, David Area:California Lines:78 Added:08/07/2014

Will Anyone Agree on How to Regulate California's Medical-Cannabis Industry?

Grab your medicated popcorn. August is going to be an action-packed month in California pot politics.

A bill to regulate the state's vast $1.8 billion medical-cannabis industry is speeding through Sacramento on a tight, end-of-August deadline.

But it has been difficult to keep up with the numerous changes to Senate Bill 1262-which is all the more disconcerting, according to cannabis advocates, because law-enforcement lobbyists are in the driver's seat.

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134 US CA: Column: Addicted To Pot?Thu, 31 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:07/31/2014

I smoke pot every day. Am I addicted?

- -Robert

How would I know? How much pot do you smoke every day? More than a joint or two? How is your personal life? Are you relatively "successful"? Do you behave like a responsible adult?

"Addiction" is a strong word. Is the person who has a drink or two every day after work an addict? What about the person that can't get out of bed until he or she has coffee? People who jog every day?

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135 US CA: Column: Should There Be Marijuana Farmers Markets?Thu, 24 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:07/26/2014

I hear Los Angeles has a farmers market for marijuana. How cool is that?

- -Mr. Hella Green Jeans

Way cool. Too bad the city of Los Angeles is trying to shut the market down.

A recap: This past Fourth of July weekend, West Coast Collective held a medical-marijuana farmers market in a warehouse behind its dispensary. It worked just like any other farmers market: The growers set up tables to display their wares, and patients got a chance to meet with and purchase from the people growing their medicine. The market was a success (a huge crowd with many patients saying they really appreciate the vibe and the low prices), so they held another one the following week.

[continues 412 words]

136 US CA: PUB LTE: End Failed War On MarijuanaThu, 24 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Sharpe, Robert Area:California Lines:36 Added:07/25/2014

Re "Cannabis lessons" (SN&R Editorial, July 17):

Regarding your thoughtful July 17 Editorial, California needs to catch up with Colorado and Washington. California already has de facto legalization, but some California legislators want to restrict medical-marijuana access. This would be a backward move. Marijuana prohibition provides no societal benefit whatsoever. If the goal of marijuana prohibition is to subsidize violent drug cartels, prohibition is a grand success. The drug war distorts supply-and-demand dynamics so that big money grows on little trees.

[continues 95 words]

137 US CA: LTE: Crack In Article?Thu, 17 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Urman, David Area:California Lines:36 Added:07/21/2014

Re "Crack (law) is wack" by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R News, July 3):

Raheem F. Hosseini's article on reforms proposing to end the disparity in sentencing laws for crack cocaine, as opposed to cocaine in powder form, is interesting reading. Yet in some respects, the article's claims seem questionable, based on the information provided within the article itself.

With respect to mandatory-minimum sentences for possession with intent to sell, the article cites three to five years for crack, vs. two to four years for powder. These are the only figures given comparing prison terms for crack vs. powder, and they do show a disparity, but hardly the "exponentially longer prison terms" claimed earlier on.

Hosseini is a good reporter who has contributed many intelligent, perceptive, well-written articles to SN&R. This one could perhaps have been thought out a bit more clearly.

David Urman



138 US CA: Editorial: Lessons California Can Learn FromThu, 17 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA)          Area:California Lines:38 Added:07/18/2014

Earlier this month, Washington state residents joined those in Colorado in enjoying the legal recreational use of marijuana.

It's been six months since Coloradans have been able to buy pot in retail stores, and some preliminary results are in as far as tax revenues and the effect legalization has had on crime rates. Both are favorable. News reports reveal Colorado has collected $11 million in marijuana sales taxes so far and expects that number to grow to around $200 million over the next four years. In addition, violent-crime rates have dropped 10 percent over last year in Denver.

[continues 137 words]

139 US CA: Column: Where Is That CBD?Thu, 17 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:72 Added:07/18/2014

I am looking for a dispensary somewhere in Sacramento or close by that might have marijuana that is high CBD and very low THC. I know you can find it in Colorado, however, I am hoping it is possible to find it locally.

- -Nanette

Pretty much everyone carries a good high-CBD strain these days.

Cannabidiol-or CBD for short-is a chemical found in cannabis that has shown promise as a treatment for many different ailments. CBD isn't psychoactive like THC-or tetrahydrocannabinol for long-is. In fact, CBD almost went extinct, because growers were aiming for higher and higher THC levels in their plants, and no one realized how good CBD is as a medicine. But once the scientists realized that CBD is a good thing, the growers figured out a way to get their CBD percentages up to medicinal levels. Some strains that are known for having high CBD content are Harlequin, Cannatonic and Charlotte's Web. Just call the clubs in your area and ask them if they have any high-CBD strains. I am sure they will be able to help you.

[continues 365 words]

140 US CA: Column: What's In A Name?Thu, 10 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:63 Added:07/12/2014

I'm a middle-aged professional woman who started using cannabis a couple of years ago due to illness. I don't get the crazy names for the medication. Chernobyl? Romulan Grapefruit? Sour Diesel? Are the names referring to the type of high you'll experience? Why don't they refer to the healing effect? "Sleep Well"? "Pain Be Gone"? "Stress Relief"?

- -Nancy

I am glad that cannabis is working for you. As to the names of pot strains: whee! It can be a little confusing. Most names refer either to flavor, effect or geographic origin. Blueberry, Lemon Skunk, Diesel are all flavor names. Trainwreck, 9 Pound Hammer, Headband, Chernobyl: effects. Mendo Purps, Durban Poison, Acapulco Gold: geography. Sometimes names get combined. NYC Diesel is location and flavor. Alaskan Thunderfuck is location and effect. Strawberry Cough is flavor and effect. I could go on.

[continues 321 words]

141 US CA: Column: What Does 7/10 And Marijuana Mean?Thu, 03 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:07/06/2014

Because "OIL" Upside Down and Backward Is "710," Duh.

Hey 7/10 is coming up. Any ideas on how to celebrate?

- -The Tin Man

Woo-hoo! It's 7/10! For those that don't know, 710 is like 420 for dabheads (dabbers? Oilyboids? Errl Flynns?). Dabs are hits of hash oil, as in: A little dab'll do ya.

Why 710? Because "OIL" upside down and backward is "710," duh.

I say we should also have a party on 11/30 (4/20 plus 7/10) and do dabs and doobs at the same time. Party on.

[continues 415 words]

142 US CA: Crack Law Is Wack: California Lawmakers Inch CloserThu, 03 Jul 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Hosseini, Raheem F. Area:California Lines:115 Added:07/06/2014

Legislature Poised to Hear Reform Bill in August

On Wednesday, the state Assembly Appropriations Committee gaveled through the California Fair Sentencing Act of 2014 on a 12-to-3 margin (with two abstentions). Aided by a bullish review from the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office, the bill will hit the full floor in August.

The act, Senate Bill 1010, aims to reverse a drug policy that for years incarcerated people of color for exponentially longer prison terms than white individuals for violating essentially the same law: possession of cocaine for sale.

[continues 693 words]

143 US CA: Column: Weed World CupThu, 26 Jun 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:06/27/2014

What weed would you recommend for World Cup fans?

- -Fee Fah

The World Cup is a thrilling international event, so I would suggest strains related to the particular countries in each match. For instance, in Algeria vs. Russia, you could try a nice Mediterranean-style hashish or kief, alongside some sort of Russian ruderalis-derived plant like Lowryder. When Ghana plays Portugal, go for one of those old-school African landrace strains like Malawi Gold or Durban Poison (yes, I know Ghana isn't anywhere near Malawi or South Africa. Work with me on this). When the Netherlands has a match, smoke some Dutch Treat or maybe some Amnesia Haze, which is a supertasty strain from the legendary Dutch grower Soma Seeds. When USA plays, you have a veritable cornucopia of options, including Trainwreck, Chemdawg and Willie Nelson. The possibilities are endless. It will be great when cannabis is legal all over the world and we can have a Weed World Cup to go with the futbol World Cup.

[continues 293 words]

144 US CA: Column: On Medical Marijuana And RecyclingThu, 19 Jun 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:06/20/2014

What to Do With All Those Doobie Tubes, Baggies and Glass Jars From Dispensaries

High, Ngaio. I am a regular medical-cannabis user, and I visit collectives all over the state. My question is this: What should I do with all the baggies and bottles and cannabis packaging materials I have accumulated over the years? They are taking up more and more space in my house.

- -John Q. Manybags

Good question. Lord knows I have a serious collection of bottles and doob tubes and little Mylar bags and whatnot all over my house. I usually try to regift the doob tubes and bottles. The baggies are something else altogether. A few years ago, the folks at OrganiCann in Santa Rosa introduced a compostable baggie. I think that's a great concept, but I don't think too many people have picked up on that idea. Up in South Lake Tahoe, the folks at Tahoe Wellness Cooperative use glass jars, and it has a program where patients get a $1 discount for every jar they return.

[continues 359 words]

145 US CA: Column: On Marijuana Food Poisoning And Maureen Dowd'sThu, 12 Jun 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:06/15/2014

Ngaio Looks at Cannabis-Food Safety

In the May 29 issue, you wrote that there are "no known instances of someone getting food poisoning" from edible cannabis. I read Maureen Dowd's column last week in The New York Times, about her experience overdosing on a chocolate-marijuana bar. I also read stories in The Washington Post and other papers about adults, and even kids, going to the hospital because of overly strong edibles. Maybe you have to correct your statement?

[continues 384 words]

146 US CA: Column: Fight The Marijuana Ban In Fresno CountyThu, 05 Jun 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:65 Added:06/07/2014

I visit Fresno often for work, and people tell me that groups are challenging the ban [on growing marijuana] down there. Do you know anything?

- -Ray Zen

The medical-marijuana community in Fresno, led by the Fresno Cannabis Association (, are attacking the ban on two fronts. First, it is suing to overturn the ban because the city of Fresno did not file an environmental impact report before implementing the ban.

The group kind of has a point, but I am not sure how successful this lawsuit will be because the California Environmental Quality Act reviews and EIR lawsuits are becoming seen as nuisance lawsuits usually used by radicals and NIMBYs when the law doesn't go their way. But maybe the FCA can get a preliminary injunction and tie this thing up in court for a few years while the lawyers hammer out a deal.

[continues 365 words]

147 US CA: Column: Bake 'Em If You Got 'EmThu, 29 May 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:05/31/2014

Where are edibles made? I'm asking specifically about chocolate bars, cookies, brownies, et al. that are sold at medical-cannabis dispensaries. Are they made in commercially licensed kitchens? Do local health departments approve? What's the law? What assurances do we have that medical-cannabis food products are prepared with attention to food-safety standards?

- -Alkali Hank

Good question. Most edibles are made in someone's home, although Bhang Chocolate bars are made in a commercial kitchen. Many makers of edibles don't produce enough product to justify renting a commercial spot, and many commercial kitchens refuse to rent to medical-edible makers because of cannaphobia.

[continues 370 words]

148 US CA: Column: Regulators, MountThu, 22 May 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:72 Added:05/23/2014

Everyone says that California needs to do a better job regulating marijuana. What's going on at the Capitol?

- -J.A. Bill

Senate Bill 1262 and Assembly Bill 1894 are both making their way through the various committees and whatnot as we speak. Let's take a look:

A.B. 1894, sponsored by Tom Ammiano (I love him; we used to do comedy together way back in the day), would place the medical-cannabis industry under the auspices of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and allow cities to impose a tax of up to 5 percent on top of state sales tax. A.B. 1894 also places a few more regulations on doctors.

[continues 379 words]

149 US CA: LTE: Pot And Oxy The Same?Thu, 22 May 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:H., Mari Area:California Lines:33 Added:05/23/2014

Re "Mom and marijuana" by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R Essay, May 15):

While I am not opposed to cancer sufferers and others' medical use of marijuana, two statements made by the author himself encapsulated my reasons for applauding Sacramento Board of Supervisor's Roberta MacGlashan's stand. "[M]y brother scored some edibles from a dispensary worker" (obvious his mom didn't have a medical-marijuana card, but was still able to obtain medical-grade pot), and "nibbling tiny morsels at bedtime and sharing her supply with curious relatives and neighbors." The sharing (again, people with no medical card). Pot is a drug! There is no difference between people sharing their pharmaceutical-grade pot and sharing their oxycodone. If a driver hits you under the influence of pot or alcohol the effect is the same! If end users were more responsible, the government wouldn't have to do it for them.



150 US CA: OPED: Mom And MarijuanaThu, 15 May 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Hosseini, Raheem F. Area:California Lines:61 Added:05/17/2014

Supervisor MacGlashan's Proposed Ban Would Affect Patient Access

My mother recently discovered the joys of marijuana.

Diagnosed 18 years ago with multiple myeloma, a cancer that chews up bone marrow, she forsook every Western remedy directed at her by doctors-chemotherapy, radiation, steroids-and instead charted a stridently holistic path that embraced raw foods, yoga and way too many enemas.

Nearly two decades later, the jury is still out. She isn't cured, but she isn't dead, either. Which is itself a victory, say myeloma specialists.

[continues 327 words]

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