Schneider, Mary Beth 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US IN: Candidates, Ex-user Want 'Spice' Herb IllegalThu, 12 Aug 2010
Source:Indianapolis Star (IN) Author:Schneider, Mary Beth Area:Indiana Lines:Excerpt Added:08/15/2010

Derek McQueen pulled down the collar of his T-shirt, exposing two ugly scars on his neck.

Those, the 21-year-old Greenfield man said, are the souvenirs of the one terrible night when he stabbed himself in a paranoid delusion sparked when he smoked "spice" -- the herb laced with synthetic chemicals that make it more powerful than marijuana.

Spice is legal in Indiana, but McQueen joined a state representative Wednesday to argue that it's time for the state to join at least eight others in outlawing it.

[continues 730 words]

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