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151 US CA: Column: DUIs, Marijuana And Protections For PatientsThu, 15 May 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:05/16/2014

Ngaio discusses a California cannabis user's rights

I really enjoy reading SN&R and your column every time I come to Sacramento. I'm a truck driver and I live down south. I really enjoy smoking marijuana. I used to when I was younger, but ever since I started truck driving, I'm scared to even take a puff. I know the laws against truck drivers and marijuana are very strict and I could lose my license. I believe I could get my medical-marijuana card, seeing as I have this really bad leg pain. It's my nerves, and they told me I need an MRI, but would my medical-marijuana card interfere with my right to keep on trucking? Or would I lose my license?

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152 US CA: Column: Don't Grow Your Own?Thu, 01 May 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:69 Added:05/02/2014

Sacramento County just banned outdoor marijuana cultivation. I have a garden; what's going to happen next?

- -The Rev. Greenthumb

Last week, Sacramento County Supervisor (and marijuana hater) Roberta MacGlashan introduced two ordinances to ban marijuana growing in the unincorporated area of the county. The outdoor measure passed unanimously, and the indoor ban was tabled so that supervisors could discuss regulations.

This is a shame. Here is a little message for the prohibitionists: Prohibition does not work. People have been growing marijuana in California for decades. According to the representative from the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department at the board meeting, it is virtually impossible to even take someone to trial for a medical-marijuana garden, let alone to get a conviction. Proposition 215 allows for medical-marijuana patients to grow their own medicine (Prop. 215 doesn't actually legalize marijuana, it allows a patient to make an "affirmative defense" so that there are no criminal penalties). They could try to send the case to the feds, but unless the garden is way more than 100 plants, the feds aren't interested. So now, you have an ordinance that has no teeth. There could be civil penalties, but really this law is mostly unenforceable.

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153 US CA: Column: 420 To The FutureThu, 24 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:70 Added:04/25/2014

What Will the Marijuana World Look Like in 25 Years?

- -SN&R

Staring into my crystal bong, I see the future spread out gloriously in front of me.

By 2017, weed should be legal in all of the Western states. I am including Alaska and Hawaii in the West. Canna-tourism will be booming, with all kinds of festivals and competitions, and I expect a farm or two to open its doors to visitors. Maybe guests will even be able to take part in the harvesting and the trimming (would you call that a "doob ranch"?).

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154 US CA: Sacramento Heroin Addiction On The Rise, AffordableThu, 24 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Kempa, Dave Area:California Lines:111 Added:04/25/2014

Expansion of Medi-Cal Helps Addicts Afford to Quit

Heroin accounts for 17 percent of Sacramentans seeking treatment at county clinics.

Kurt Wagner was 12-years clean when his life began to unravel. He lost his job, his wife left and the money ran out. Homeless and alone, the uninsured Wagner had to pay $300 a month for methadone treatment. When he could no longer afford it, it was only a matter of time before he fell off the wagon.

"I couldn't keep up with the payments, so they feetoxed me," said the 58-year-old Wagner. He explains while seated outside CRC Health Group in south Sacramento this past Thursday that "feetox" refers to the process methadone clinics undertake for patients who run out of money. They wean them off treatment over two to three weeks to minimize the inevitable shock of withdrawal.

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155 US CA: Column: E-CannabisThu, 17 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:63 Added:04/21/2014

I recently quit smoking tobacco in favor of e-cigs. I also rediscovered my love for weed. I have purchased the e-cig cartridges filled with hash oil from the dispensaries. I am wondering if there is a way to safely thin hash oil for use in a standard e-cig cartridge.

- -Mark

First, congrats on getting off of the tobacco leaf. Well done. Second, are you trying to mix the hash oil with the nicotine juice, like a sort of e-spliff? Or are you looking for a hash pen? If you are trying to mix, good luck. I have no idea if that is even possible. If you are looking for a refillable vapor pen, there are plenty on the market. Dab OTG ( makes a nice one. Most of the vapor pens sold by medical-cannabis dispensaries have disposable cartridges. I like the convenience, but I feel like marijuana users could be more sensitive to the whole "zero-waste" vibe. I am sure you will be able to find a pen that suits your needs. Have a good one, and welcome back to weed.

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156 US CA: Mad, Man: It's 4/20 This Week-but Some Legal MarijuanaThu, 17 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Downs, David Area:California Lines:91 Added:04/18/2014

Even where weed is legal-like Colorado and Washington and the 21 states that have embraced medical cannabis-marijuana businesses face unfair speech restriction

Even though polls show that most Americans support the legalization of marijuana, corporate America continues to censor pot-related speech.

Legal reformers are banned from issue-advocacy advertising; major websites such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo prohibit the listing of legal marijuana businesses; and normal folks face even tougher reprisals for speaking out at work, at school or in the community.

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157 US CA: Column: Classified TalkThu, 10 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:74 Added:04/10/2014

Ngaio Breaks Down How the Federal Government Could Reschedule Marijuana Without Going to Congress

Can the Department of Justice reschedule marijuana, or do you need an act of Congress?

- -Medical Mary

According to the Controlled Substances Act, the U.S. Attorney General has the power to "remove any drug or other substance from the schedules if he finds that the drug or other substance does not meet the requirements for inclusion in any schedule."

The Drug Enforcement Administration has marijuana classified as a Schedule I drug, and according to them, "Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence." Classifying weed as a Schedule I drug is hogwash. We all know that marijuana has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years. We also know that marijuana is less addictive than alcohol, nicotine or caffeine. There is no reason for marijuana to be classified in the same category as heroin, methaqualone (or quaalude, for all the old-timers out there), LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy) and peyote. I would even make an argument for MDMA and peyote being removed from the schedule as well, but that's a discussion for a different column.

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158 US CA: PUB LTE: Feinstein On Cartel Payroll?Thu, 03 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Sharpe, Robert Area:California Lines:37 Added:04/03/2014

Re "Hello, legalization" by Ngaio Bealum (SN&R The 420, March 27):

Like all good drug warriors, Sen. Dianne Feinstein has a habit of using the drug war's collateral damage to justify throwing good money after bad public policy. Statistically, the vast majority of marijuana consumers do not move on to harder drugs. Those who do can thank Sen. Feinstein and her fellow drug warriors. Federal marijuana prohibition keeps violent drug cartels in business. When cartels control marijuana distribution, consumers are exposed to illegal cocaine, meth and heroin.

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159 US CA: Column: Will Proposition 215 Doctor Recommendations ForThu, 03 Apr 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:04/03/2014

I am writing to ask about the 215 card. I have a back/spinal condition, which puts me in a lot of pain. I would like to try the CBD buds, having heard that it helps and doesn't get you high. The concern I have is that I am applying for fellowship and state jobs. Would my name be put on a list where employers and anyone who does a background check would be able to see that I have a 215 card? I am competing with hundreds of others and do not want to jeopardize my chances. I have heard that no urine test is administered, however, I am worried of the background check.

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160 US CA: Column: On Marijuana Legalization in California andThu, 27 Mar 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:78 Added:03/28/2014

Ngaio Says Politicians Need to Get Over the Failed War on Drugs

What is wrong with Sen. Dianne Feinstein?

- -Worried in Woodland

Right? She recently spoke out against marijuana legalization (again!) in an interview with the Associated Press, spouting nonsense like, "The risk of people using marijuana and driving is very substantial," and "I saw a lot of where people began with marijuana and went on to hard drugs." As if.

First of all, states with medical-marijuana laws have seen a decrease in traffic accidents. Second, the whole marijuana-is-a-gateway-to-hard-drugs trope has been disproved again and again.

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161 US CA: Column: Reverse CourseThu, 20 Mar 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:65 Added:03/21/2014

Now that weed is legal is Colorado, will they let people out of jail?

- -X. Khan

Not so much, but a little. Just last week, the Colorado Court of Appeals said people whose cases were under appeal when Amendment 64 took effect in December 2012 are eligible to have their convictions reversed. So, if you got arrested in Colorado for possessing less than an ounce of marijuana sometime in 2012, you could appeal your sentence. Although, if you had less than an ounce, you are probably out of jail by now.

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162 US CA: Column: What's Up With Gov. Jerry Brown's Comments OnThu, 13 Mar 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:63 Added:03/13/2014

What's up with Gov. Jerry Brown smack talking marijuana last week?

- -Not Sutter

I have no idea. In a recent TV interview, Gov. Brown had this to say about legalizing marijuana: "The problem with anything, a certain amount is OK. But there is a tendency to go to extremes. And all of a sudden, if there's advertising and legitimacy, how many people can get stoned and still have a great state or a great nation?"

Dude. Really? What happened? Where did "Governor Moonbeam" go? Is this the same guy that dated Linda Ronstadt? I have a message for you, Mr. Governor: All of the people that want to smoke weed already do. And California is still a great state.

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163 US CA: Column: In The ClubThu, 27 Feb 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:68 Added:02/28/2014

Will California's anti-smoking laws impede the opportunity for business growth after legalization? My question stems from the idea that there could be Dutch-style coffee shops and smoking lounges, or some such other California incarnation of a social establishment catering to patrons of the green. What are the known legal obstacles for would-be proprietors of a business where marijuana is (openly) consumed on-site?

- -The Bulldog

Using deduction, I surmise that you (or perhaps a "friend" of yours) are interested in opening an Amsterdam-style cannabis club. I applaud your sentiments. I myself would love to visit.

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164 US CA: Column: Banking CannabisThu, 20 Feb 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:81 Added:02/21/2014

How does one get involved in the legalization lobby? Are Marijuana Policy Project and National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws the only options, or are there groups?

- -T.H. Cee

I applaud you for wanting to get involved. There are so many organizations working for weed that it's almost funny. Sometimes I think it's like the scene in Monty Python's Life of Brian: There's the Judean People's Front, The People's Front of Judea, and on and on.

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165 US CA: Marijuana Advocates Debate Whether To Legalize CannabisThu, 20 Feb 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Rodriguez, Steph Area:California Lines:121 Added:02/21/2014

Two Different Initiatives Already Vying for This November's Ballot

Marijuana activists mostly agree that the plant should be legalized-but there's an ongoing debate over whether to target the 2014 or 2016 ballot.

Many advocates for the legalization of marijuana have focused on this November's ballot, but a greater debate also has sparked: whether or not proponents instead should zero in on the 2016 presidential election, when some say legalization has a stronger shot.

Two initiatives already approved by the secretary of state's office for signature-gathering-the California Cannabis Hemp Initiative and the recent Marijuana Control, Legalization and Revenue Act-aim to land on the 2014 ballot. If passed by voters, they would legalize the plant in many forms.

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166 US CA: Column: Dominoes FallingThu, 13 Feb 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:68 Added:02/14/2014

Hello, sir. Has the tipping point been reached?

- -Admiral Stoneyham

Salutations, Admiral. I would say the tipping point is fast approaching. Not just in the United States, but all over the world.

Jose "Pepe" Mujica, president of Uruguay, has just been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize because he legalized marijuana. Over in France, not only has the health ministry just allowed Sativex (a marijuana-based oral spray) to be used to treat people with multiple sclerosis, but French Sen. Esther Benbassa also has proposed that France legalize marijuana completely. Her proposal probably won't get much traction yet, but I tell you this: If France legalizes weed, they could quickly become the best spot for outdoor in the world. Think of the dirt!

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167 US CA: Column: Who Will Win Super Bowl 420?Thu, 30 Jan 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:69 Added:01/31/2014

So, who is your pick to win the big "Bowl"?

- -Frank the Dank

I predict marijuana will win. And it won't even be close. The Internet is already abuzz (you heard me) with excitement over the fact that this year's Super Bowl contenders (the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos) come from Washington and Colorado. And, of course, weed is legal in Washington and Colorado. Proof once again that marijuana is good for the economy-think of all the T-shirts.

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168 US CA: Column: Out To The UniverseThu, 23 Jan 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:01/24/2014

What happened to Jose Gutierrez from the Oaksterdam case?

- -A Different Jose

Good news. Jose was found guilty of assault on a federal officer after being arrested at the Drug Enforcement Administration's raid on Oaksterdam University in 2012. The charges carried a potential term of eight years, but the feds really only wanted him to do about a year. Gutierrez's lawyers (E.D. Lerman and J. Tony Serra) argued for no jail time, stating that the beating he received at the hands of the feds during his arrest was punishment enough. Judge William B. Shubb seemed to agree with his lawyers, stating that Gutierrez "was dealt with severely, and injured more than the injury he inflicted." The judge also said he didn't think straight probation would be sufficient and that house arrest wasn't appropriate, either, because "sitting at home is no punishment."

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169 US CA: Column: Tips For Good Stoner EtiquetteThu, 16 Jan 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:01/19/2014

Hello. I am new to the whole weed-smoking thing, and I wonder if you could offer me any tips on stoner etiquette. Please and thank you.

- -Ned Newbdoobie

Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of weed! Be aware: The cannabis-etiquette rabbit hole is full of traps and inconsistencies, as well as local customs and arcane superstitions.

Some general rules (pirate voice): "The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules."

Pass the dutchie to the left-hand side. Yes, it's a song. The first joint or bowl or whatever should go to the left. If the circle is big enough and the weed is plentiful, someone may send another bowl or blunt counterclockwise-and it's always funny when someone gets passed both joints at the same time. That person, of course, should attempt to smoke both joints at once.

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170 US CA: Column: A Good ProblemThu, 09 Jan 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:63 Added:01/10/2014

I live in Nevada County and was wondering if you could help. I started my own outdoor-grow operation last year with my father's prescription. It was late in the season, and I had very little experience, so needless to say, the yield was quite small. It was enough, however, to manufacture the edibles that my father uses as medication.

This year, with my increased knowledge and preparation, as well as the addition of my own prescription, our crop gave us quite a bounty. In fact, just the trim is enough to keep us medicated for a couple of years. We have about 3 pounds of organic, high-quality bud that we don't really need. I was hoping you might have some advice on how to go about selling it in a safe, legal manner. I'm new to this whole process, and I'm not sure how to approach dispensaries, or if they'll even be interested in 3 pounds, which is a lot for my family, but probably not for a dispensary.

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171 US CA: Column: All Aboard The Weed WagonThu, 02 Jan 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:01/03/2014

Happy New Year! What was your favorite weed news from 2013?

- -Sammy Softball

Happy New Year to you, too! 2013 has been a great year for weed. In December 2012, I listed three good things, three bad things and three just OK things in the cannabis community that year. This year, I am just going to list the good things. And away we go:

Science and weed had a great year. There were studies showing that grass can help with Crohn's disease, HIV, skin cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, heart attacks, epilepsy and strokes. And a new study was just released showing that marijuana strains high in cannabidiol, a nonpsychotropic cannabinoid, can help with the symptoms of psychosis, according to a review published in the November issue of the Neuropsychopharmacology journal.

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172 US CA: Column: Don't Go Directly To JailThu, 26 Dec 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:12/26/2013

Do people still go to jail for weed?

- -Nate

Yep. Constantly. All the time. You can even go to jail for weed when you don't have any weed.

William David Bush of Sebastopol, Calif., was sentenced to four years in jail for allegedly selling marijuana in October. He was originally pulled over for speeding, and it turned out he was driving on a suspended license. The cops searched his car because they said it smelled like pot, and they found $47,000 in cash and written details of transactions.

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173 US CA: Column: Step Your Game UpThu, 19 Dec 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:68 Added:12/19/2013

When do you see more dispensaries opening in the Sacramento area, if ever? Are they going to come back at all, even if we as a state get it legalized? I live in Rocklin, and it's hard to get my meds, except for going underground to get it.

-Rocklin roll

Good luck. Not only does the city of Rocklin have a zoning ban on medical-marijuana dispensaries (Rocklin Municipal Code 17.64.030 states, "The following uses are prohibited in all zones, and no conditional use permit shall be issued therefor: A. Kennel; B. Junkyard; C. Refuse disposal site; D. Medical marijuana dispensary"), Rocklin also has a ban on outdoor growing. Its indoor rules aren't bad, so maybe you could set up a grow room if you have the time and the money. Your best bet is to find a good delivery service. And to vote for new lawmakers that will allow medical marijuana in your town.

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174 US CA: Column: This Is Your Brain On CannabisThu, 12 Dec 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:75 Added:12/13/2013

I heard something the other day about marijuana and strokes. Can you enlighten me?

- -Jack

Eh. We know that marijuana can cause an increase in blood pressure. There are a few studies that claim that this increase can lead to a stroke. I found one from 1991, but the researcher clearly had a bias against cannabis. The most recent study from early 2013 may show an increased risk of stroke, but all of the stroke victims with cannabis in their systems were also cigarette users, and we all know that tobacco definitely increases the chances of stroke.

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175 US CA: Law and Reorder: Why Next June's Sacramento DistrictThu, 12 Dec 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Miller, Nick Area:California Lines:398 Added:12/13/2013

Voters Will Elect the First New DA in Two Decades

Maggy Krell, California's current deputy attorney general, has garnered big-time Democratic support for her district-attorney run.

Next June, Sacramento will possibly elect its first new district attorney in two decades. Choosing a DA isn't "sexy," like voting for a mayor. But the DA's impact arguably can be as far-reaching. And the current DA race is about more than just deciding who's tough enough to put the most bad guys behind bars. This is especially true today, because the world of criminal justice is experiencing a radical sea change.

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176 US CA: PUB LTE: Sacto DA's Office Needs ChangeThu, 05 Dec 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Duree, John Area:California Lines:46 Added:12/07/2013

Re "Word of the law" by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R News, November 21):

Thanks for the interview with Todd Leras, candidate for Sacramento district attorney.

I am a certified specialist in criminal law and a former prosecutor. I have worked in our criminal-justice system for over 30 years. Sacramento desperately needs a change from Jan Scully's rigid and conservative practices toward the more reasonable and flexible approach offered by Leras.

I represent many individuals charged with marijuana offenses that are related to state medical-marijuana laws. The Sacramento DA's office, under the Scully-Anne Marie Schubert administration, routinely presents a grudging and aggressive approach to dealing with such cases, as if they saw no difference between medical producers and foreign cartels. They have taken positions in court that-if the court actually adopted those positions-would eliminate dispensaries completely. Fortunately, our courts have put a check on the district attorney's aggressive views.

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177 US CA: Column: Hempy Holidaze!Thu, 05 Dec 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:76 Added:12/06/2013

What's up with the raids in Denver? I thought weed was legal in Colorado?

- -Jeff

Right? It would seem that the folks running these particular clubs aren't doing as good of a job as they could be doing. According to published reports, Hector Diaz, one of the owners of the raided clubs, has ties to Colombian cartels and was also sending legally grown medical cannabis out of state. John Ingold from The Denver Post has an excellent article about the raids at

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178 US CA: Column: Happy DanksgivingThu, 28 Nov 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:76 Added:12/03/2013

Ngaio Explores Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner With Marijuana

Is it possible to make an entire Thanksgiving dinner using cannabis-infused foods?

- -The Weedish Chef

Of course. The active ingredients in weed are fat soluble, so if you have some pot-infused butter or oil, you could add some weed to almost any dish on the table. But if every dish is loaded with pot, all of your guests will probably be asleep even before they eat the turkey. It's probably best to just make one or two pot-infused dishes. Or you could make cannabis-infused gravy. Mmm. Gravy.

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179 US CA: PUB LTE: Only Thing Stopping Pot Is Voter SuppressionThu, 28 Nov 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:White, Stan Area:California Lines:28 Added:12/02/2013

Re "Weed is winning" by Ngaio Bealum (SN&R The 420, November 14):

Since marijuana has been batting almost a thousand at the election booths, about the only way remaining to stop the plant from becoming relegalized, medically or otherwise, is to completely stop citizens from voting on the issues. That's exactly what Attorney General Pam Bondi, law-enforcement agencies and their unions, along with fellow prohibitionists, are attempting to do in Florida: keep citizens from even voting on it. One of their fears is that if allowing sick citizens to use cannabis gets to the ballot, the prohibition farce is over.

Stan White



180 US CA: SN&R's Interview With Former Federal Prosecutor ToddThu, 21 Nov 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:vonKaenel, Jeff Area:California Lines:202 Added:11/23/2013

The District-Attorney Candidate on Crowded Prisons, Rehab and the War on Drugs

Todd Leras spent the past five years as one of tens of thousands of attorneys in the Department of Justice. Based out of Sacramento, the recently announced district-attorney candidate has prosecuted cases involving mortgage fraud, drug trafficking, sex crimes and even white-collar embezzlement. SN&R spoke with the candidate to discuss what's working and what needs to change when it comes to law and order in Sacramento.

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181 US CA: Column: Justification Of LegalizationThu, 21 Nov 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:11/21/2013

I have heard the benefits of legalization of marijuana, and I would like to ask: What about the cons? Among the reasons cited for legalization is the revenue the states will get from taxing reefer, but the Colorado Futures Center wrote a report claiming that the state may actually lose money by legalizing marijuana, due to the societal harm it will cause ("law enforcement, public health and human services").

Another reason people say marijuana needs to be legal is that people get arrested for possession too often, but even that is a myth, as according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, only seven-tenths of a percent of people in jail are there for only marijuana possession, and many of them plea bargained their way down to just possession. In fact, according to the White House, the risk of arrest for just possession of a joint is one "arrest for every 12,000 joints."

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182 US CA: Column: Marijuana Is Winning All Its ElectionsThu, 14 Nov 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:11/15/2013

I heard marijuana was on the ballot in a few elections last week. How did it go?

- -Weedwonk

Weed is winning. And it's not even close. The city of Portland, Maine, just legalized possession (up to 2.5 ounces) and use of marijuana for adults 21 and older. Weed got 67 percent of the vote. Over in Michigan, three cities (Jackson, Ferndale, Lansing) all passed initiatives allowing possession and transfer of up to 1 ounce on private property. All the initiatives got more than 60 percent of the vote.

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183 US CA: Column: What's The Best Weed to Smoke Before aThu, 07 Nov 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:76 Added:11/08/2013

Also: Ngaio explains Washington state's plan to get rid of medical cannabis

I am a Sacramento Kings fan who likes to get high before games. Can you recommend some purple strains of pot I can toast my team with?

- -Toquille O'Neal

Go Kings! I would say stick to the classics. Grand Daddy Purple, Mendocino Purps, Grape Ape and Purple Kush (if you can find it) would all be good choices.

Let's talk about "purple" strains for a moment. While some cannabis strains are naturally purple (Black Domina comes to mind), and some plants will turn purple if allowed to flower in a colder climate, most of the time, the word "purple" refers to the flavor. Yes, good-old synesthesia strikes again. The purple taste reminds me of that old-school lavender-flavored gum you can sometimes find at a corner store. It's delicious.

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184 US CA: Column: Anxiety! Does Marijuana Ease It or Make ItThu, 31 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:72 Added:11/02/2013

Also: Ngaio Answers Whether Out-Of-Staters Can Buy Marijuana in Colorado.

I am contemplating using marijuana for my chronic back pain. The medications my doctors have prescribed over the years are taking their toll and are not working anymore. My problem is: When I've smoked pot in the past, I got terrible anxiety, and now I am afraid to go forward with trying to get a card. I've done some research, and it appears there are different strains of marijuana that are particularly useful for pain. However, I'm very reluctant. Any advice on where to get a card, and if I do get one, what type of marijuana should I be looking to alleviate pain? I've also heard that some dispensaries mix up their pot, and when you think you are buying one strain, you get another. That would be no bueno. Any advice is appreciated.

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185 US CA: PUB LTE: Marijuana Rescues AlcoholicsThu, 24 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Sharpe, Robert Area:California Lines:41 Added:10/26/2013

Re "Weed over booze" by Ngaio Bealum (SN&R The 420, October 17):

Many marijuana smokers have turned their lives around by putting down the bottle and picking up the marijuana pipe. These former alcoholics no longer wake up with debilitating hangovers. They are no longer at risk of overdose death.

Because they have chosen a safer alternative to alcohol, they now lead productive lives. Yes, some marijuana users have substance-abuse problems stemming from traumatic life experiences. The last thing they need is Big Brother testing their bodily fluids and threatening jail time.

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186 US CA: Column: What's The Best Kind of Marijuana: Bud, HashThu, 24 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:68 Added:10/26/2013

Ngaio Chooses His Favorite

Hey there, Ngaio. I'm a huge fan of your work. Keep it up. What do you think is better for smoking in general: bud, hash, kief or dabs? Thanks for taking time out of your day for reading my question.

- -Edgar

Thank you for taking time out of your day to ask me a question. I like bud the most. Kief, hash and dabs are all pretty much the same. Kief is what you get when you collect the trichomes (all those little crystals on the bud, they are full of THC) from the pot plant. Compress that kief until the crystals pop and form a glob, and you have hash. Use some sort of solvent, like butane or carbon dioxide, to blast and freeze those crystals, and you get hash oil, also called "dabs."

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187 US CA: Greenwashing The War On PotThu, 24 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Downs, David Area:California Lines:400 Added:10/24/2013

Feds and the Media Say Cannabis Kills Forests, Rivers and Animals. Is Prohibition Really to Blame?

The Photo Looks Like Something Out of a Horror Film:

A long, thin animal lays dissected on a white table. Metal tools pull the animal's skin back to reveal its jellied, maroon-colored insides-all soupy, slick and lumpy. It's the remains of a Pacific fisher, an 8-pound member of the weasel family that's now hovering near extinction, thanks in part to illegal marijuana farming in the vast forests of California.

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188 US CA: Sacramento Eases Marijuana Laws-But Cracks Down onThu, 17 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Hosseini, Raheem F. Area:California Lines:115 Added:10/18/2013

Dispensary Rules Change-and More Changes Likely on Horizon

Colorado and Washington are settling comfortably into their new normals on the marijuana-legalization front, with the feds backing off and Seattle cops even offering helpful tips on responsible pot consumption. (Do eat Doritos. Don't drive while high.)

But here in California's state capital, fitful prohibition laws keep the Schedule I narcotic off the tax rolls and in the homes of suspected criminals.

During the first week of October, Sacramento County sheriff's officials seized north of 250 marijuana plants from multiple homes, while city police violated two probationers after locating weed and handguns in their residences.

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189 US CA: Column: How Marijuana Can Help You Drink Less AlcoholThu, 17 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:10/17/2013

I gotta give you an update, man. Weed has worked wonders for my girlfriend (she's been diagnosed with bipolar II disorder). We've stuck to pure indica, and it relaxes and calms her. She was developing a pretty severe drinking problem before, and now, she'll just have a few puffs instead, and be happy for the evening. Thank you so much man, it really, really helped us.

- -Jay

Don't thank me. Thank cannabis. But seriously, I am glad it's working out for you guys. Keep in mind that I am not a medical professional, and your girlfriend should keep her doctor informed.

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190 US CA: Column: Why Weed Activism MattersThu, 10 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:73 Added:10/11/2013

Hi, Ngaio. Read your note on "Any good festivals coming up?" (SN&R The 420, September 26), and thanks for the info. Is there a listing of the yearly events up someplace on the Internet? Don't mind traveling, but need to schedule. Thanks.

- -Don and Millie

I wish. For some reason, stoners can't seem to get it together enough to have just one spot on the Web with a comprehensive event listing. You have to visit all the websites of all the various organizations. It's a bit of a hassle. Maybe we should start a website.

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191 US CA: Column: Are Medical-Marijuana Stocks A Good Investment?Thu, 03 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:70 Added:10/05/2013

I keep seeing ads for medical-marijuana stocks. Do you think these are a good investment?

- -Uncle Pennybags

What's the old riddle? How do you make a small fortune in the stock market? Start with a large fortune.

These stocks are bad news. They call it the "pump and dump." It's not a booty-call technique: It's a scam.

This is what happens: Some fly-by-nighter will start a stock on the micro-cap or penny stock market. The stock is cheap, but it doesn't back a real company. It then sends out a bunch of press releases and Internet ads touting this "incredible opportunity" (the pump). The suckers, er clients, then line up to buy these stocks. The price of the stock goes up, and the person behind the stock then sells all of their shares (the dump), leaving investors with worthless paper.

[continues 366 words]

192 US CA: Should Adult Students Be Allowed To Use Medical MarijuanaThu, 03 Oct 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Drabble, Cody Area:California Lines:122 Added:10/03/2013

Legal pot and 21st-century student life collide in Sacramento

When Jason Miller gets ready for his political-science classes at Sacramento City College, he skips Starbucks and opts for a marijuana vaporizer.

"Some people get coffee before school to calm their nerves and get ready for class," Miller said, "but I smoke a little bit before I go to school. Then I'm in the right state of mind."

Miller, like many college students in California, has a Proposition 215 card to legally purchase medical cannabis from one of several dispensaries around Sacramento. A doctor gave him a medical-cannabis recommendation to manage his anxiety condition.

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193 US CA: Column: On How To Avoid Munchies While Using MarijuanaThu, 26 Sep 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:09/30/2013

I've just started using cannabis for a spinal problem I've developed, and it's at least as effective as ibuprofen for my pain. The only problem is it makes me so hungry that I end up eating everything and anything in the house that's not tied down. Last evening, I smoked around 6 p.m., and then at 8 p.m. I ate pizza, ice cream, a hamburger, two Snickers bars-and the daily newspaper. Just kidding about the paper, but I would have tried it if I hadn't had any food in the fridge. I can't afford to gain any more weight, so is there any way to turn off this intense need for food after smoking? (By the way, I'm Hawaiian, and in the Hawaiian language the word for "marijuana" is paka lolo.)

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194 US CA: Column: California Lawmakers Fail Marijuana By NotThu, 19 Sep 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:71 Added:09/20/2013

I heard there was a last-minute effort to fix medical marijuana at the Capitol last week?

- -Medical Matt

Alas, Assembly Bill 604 is dead for now. It's a shame. The feds have practically given weed the green light, provided that states enact strong regulation. That's why Colorado and Washington are proceeding. A.B. 604 would have put medical marijuana under the auspices of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control board, plus a few other things to create a comprehensive, statewide medical-marijuana policy. The Legislature tried to get it passed just before the session ended, but the bill couldn't get to the floor for a vote. Insert "stoners do everything at the last minute" joke here.

[continues 377 words]

195 US CA: PUB LTE: Feds Need To Fix Marijuana For GoodThu, 12 Sep 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Lahann, Mary Ann Area:California Lines:28 Added:09/14/2013

Re "Feds, lawsuits and legalization" by Ngaio Bealum (The 420, September 5):

The announcement by Attorney General Eric Holder regarding the Department of Justice's stand on Washington and Colorado's marijuana laws is good news. However, as long as marijuana remains a Schedule I drug, the feds can continue to shut down recreational-or medicinal-marijuana sources and arrest citizens for possession and use. The Controlled Substances Act must be modified. We must insist that our elected representatives concentrate their efforts on removing marijuana from Schedule I status.

Mary Ann Lahann



196 US CA: Column: The NFL Should Allow Players to Use MarijuanaThu, 12 Sep 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA)          Area:California Lines:65 Added:09/14/2013

I read somewhere that marijuana helps with brain injuries. With all the concussions in the NFL, when are professional football players gonna be allowed to use weed?

- -Jerry Nice

Right? It makes sense to me. But maybe the NFL hasn't paid any attention to the various studies showing that cannabis isn't just an effective neuroprotectant, it also helps to grow healthy brain cells.

Perhaps it hasn't read anything from Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, the person who discovered the THC molecule. He co-authored a paper in 2002 ( 2002_mechoulam_1.pdf) showing how weed protects the brain during injury. Or maybe it has never heard of Dr. Xia Zhang from Saskatoon? Zhang published a study in 2005 showing that weed helped the hippocampus create new brain cells (

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197 US CA: Column: What Does It Mean Now That The FederalThu, 05 Sep 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:66 Added:09/07/2013

So, the feds aren't going after Colorado and Washington. Now what?

- -Jeff

First, the good news: On August 29, Attorney General Eric Holder made a phone call to the governors of Colorado and Washington and told them that the Department of Justice would allow the states to follow the will of the people and regulate the legal, recreational use of marijuana for adults.

This is awesome news-but let's not get too excited.

Remember when the "Ogden memo" came out shortly after President Barack Obama was elected, and everyone started acting like weed was suddenly legal? And then, two years later, the "Cole memo" came out, and the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of Justice started shutting down cannabis clubs in California?

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198 US CA: Column: Does Cannabis Help Bipolar Disorder?Thu, 29 Aug 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:67 Added:08/31/2013

Can I ask you what you know about marijuana and bipolar disorder? The Internet and doctors say it doesn't help, but they also push that you take your prescription meds heavily. It seems like I would be trading one thing for another. I'm just curious, as my girlfriend is bipolar II and had a wonderful experience with smoking last week, and wants to smoke more.

- -Jay

Thank you for your question. The quick answer: Anecdotal evidence says weed may indeed help with bipolar disorder, but there are no studies to back up that claim.

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199 US CA: LTE: Weed In West SacThu, 22 Aug 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Hamlin, Jack Area:California Lines:28 Added:08/24/2013

Re "What's up with West Sacramento's outdoor medical-marijuana garden ban?" by Ngaio Bealum (SN&R The 420, August 8):

Ngaio Bealum states, "[C]ities shouldn't be able to ban a small medical garden." I won't even go into the subject of how most "gardens"-at least in my neck of the woods-have nothing to do with medicine or with being small. I also find it a curious statement, given California is skirting federal law. I guess Ngaio and his buds (pun intended) are lucky the feds don't say, "States shouldn't be able to ignore federal law regardless of what the citizens of those states want." That argument can cut both ways, my friend. Enjoy your weed!

Jack Hamlin

via email


200 US CA: Column: Why You Can't Grow Marijuana In Elk GroveThu, 22 Aug 2013
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:78 Added:08/24/2013

Plus, advice on marijuana-gardening books

I live in Elk Grove. I've developed a condition called spondylosis. It's 24 hours a day of sharp back pain. I've been buying Headband indica to use for the pain, and it's working perfectly. It's allowed me to get off [nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs].

My question is this: What is Elk Grove's official position on growing weed right now? I'm tired of paying 20 bucks a gram when I should be able to grow it myself, according to state law.

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