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51US AZ: OPED: Why Legal Pot Supersedes Its ProhibitionThu, 11 Aug 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Holyoak, J. P. Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:08/12/2016

Last summer, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol set out to place an initiative on the presidential election ballot that would end the failed policy of marijuana prohibition in Arizona. Now that it is poised to qualify, our campaign begins in earnest.

Over the next few months, we will inform voters about the many benefits of replacing the criminal market with a tightly controlled legal market.

We will detail the public-safety benefits of moving marijuana production and sales out of basements and back alleys and into secured facilities. We will describe the public-health benefits of replacing illegal dealers with licensed stores that test and label products, ask customers for ID, and only sell to adults.

[continues 496 words]

52 US AZ: Column: The Real MadnessThu, 11 Aug 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Meyers, Nick Area:Arizona Lines:95 Added:08/11/2016

How did MJ get on same schedule as heroin?

For nearly a century officials have touted the dangers of marijuana. Many of us can dip into the memory banks to find attempts of officers visiting our classrooms to enlighten us on how drugs would ruin our lives.

The common narrative was that we'd get arrested and go to jail as they conveniently overlooked the fact that the only danger came from the legal system rather than the plant itself.

Predictably and perhaps ironically, the DARE program didn't deter as many young minds from experimenting with marijuana as it intended. According to a Pew Research poll, nearly half of Americans have tried marijuana at least once.

[continues 547 words]

53 US AZ: Column: Spice Is Not So NiceThu, 04 Aug 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Meyers, Nick Area:Arizona Lines:92 Added:08/04/2016

The Legal Synthetic 'Weed' That Kills

As any republican with truly conservative beliefs will tell you, government intervention leads to negative consequences. In the case of prohibition, it leads to black markets that, without the option of regulation, create more harmful scenarios than their potentially legal analogues.

There is perhaps no greater example of this in our current events than that of marijuana prohibition and the consequent market for a dangerous synthetic called "spice."

It's the same argument the right often uses to keep their fingers tightly wrapped around the triggers of their beloved assault rifles: "If you make it illegal, then only criminals will have them leaving law-abiding Americans in a dangerous situation."

[continues 508 words]

54US AZ: Column: On Marijuana Legalization, It's Locke Vs.Wed, 03 Aug 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Robb, Robert Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:08/03/2016

At root, the debate about legalizing marijuana is a philosophical one dating to the Enlightenment. It pits the individual natural rights philosophy of John Locke (16321704) against the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Locke believed that individuals had an innate right to liberty, which was the building block of civil society. Individuals entered into a social contract to form governments and give them power. But power to protect their liberty against the predations of others.

From the Lockean perspective in the modern era, getting high by ingesting weed isn't predatory behavior against anyone else. So, government has no right to deprive a person of liberty for using marijuana.

[continues 591 words]

55 US AZ: Column: Keeping It BriefThu, 28 Jul 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Parfitt, Sarah Area:Arizona Lines:115 Added:07/28/2016

From Marijuana Strains to Blows on Big Pharma

Best Trains for productivity

We often hear about marijuan being great for increasing appetite, sex drive, and helping us sleep better. These things are amazing, but sometimes what is really need is a kick to make us more active and get more done. Here are a few marijuana strains that help people become more active and get more done during the day.

Jack Herer

This sativa is unique, as it combines a strong body high with a cerebral high. This means you can feel great and comfortable sitting at your desk, or going for that morning jog you've been meaning to take, while also producing a ton of great ideas. Your mind will be moving a mile a minute as you work, all while you maintain a relaxed demeanor. It also does wonders for boosting creativity.

[continues 574 words]

56US AZ: Column: No Surprise WHO's Funding Arizona's Legal-PotMon, 25 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Roberts, Laurie Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/25/2016

It seems the grass-roots campaign to legalize weed in Arizona is more grass than roots.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has raised $2.2 million - nearly four times the $638,000 raised by opponents.

The vast majority of that was put up by either the national pot lobby or medical-marijuana dispensaries, which stand to corner the lucrative market should voters legalize recreational marijuana.

Yet just last month, the campaign chairman talked of its "broad coalition of contributors."

[continues 397 words]

57 US AZ: PUB LTE: Foes of Legalized Marijuana Either MisreadingFri, 22 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Nelson, Jean Area:Arizona Lines:38 Added:07/22/2016

The Leibsohn/Polk Op-Ed column ("Recreational marijuana? The price is too high") states in part that under the initiative to legalize marijuana "showing up for work impaired by marijuana would be shielded from discipline until the commission of an act of negligence or malpractice" and "any driver with a blood alcohol content over 0.08 percent is legally drunk. The Arizona law would prohibit a THC limit from ever being set."

The petition text published on the initiative website states, "This chapter does not require an employer to allow or accommodate the possession or consumption of marijuana or marijuana products in the workplace and does not affect the ability of employers to ... enforce workplace policies restricting the consumption of marijuana ... by employees."

[continues 72 words]

58 US AZ: PUB LTE: Ending the Drug War Would Help BridgeThu, 21 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Morris, Richard W. Area:Arizona Lines:33 Added:07/22/2016

After all the police shootings, only the Libertarian Party provided a viable solution:

"If we truly want to reduce situations in which police are pitted against the people they are sworn to protect, we would end the war on drugs. The constant escalation of prohibitionist policies have increasingly pitted police and citizens against each other for decades and are largely responsible for the militarization of police forces across America.

"Ending the violence means ending the policies that lead to black and gray markets, the highest incarceration rate in the world, and reduced economic opportunities in the formal labor market for huge swaths of Americans. Ending the violence means ending the war on drugs.

"Ending the drug war will do more to heal the divide between police and citizens than any other measure. It is the best way to save lives: both those of innocent police officers and innocent citizens."

- - Dr. Richard W. Morris, Phoenix


59 US AZ: Column: Tom Doesn't Think the Recreational MarijuanaThu, 21 Jul 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Danehy, Tom Area:Arizona Lines:112 Added:07/21/2016

Three things that are dead-solid-perfect guaranteed to be Dead On Arrival:

The book "The Wit and Wisdom of Melania Trump"

Arizona's marijuana legalization initiative that appears to have been written by a committee of stoners while binge-watching a Cheech and Chong Film Festival.

My personal choices involving drugs and alcohol have not changed, nor will they ever. I will go my entire life without ever having tasted alcohol or using any drugs. But please know that I sincerely believe that my choices don't make me better than anybody else; they just make me different. And maybe more boring.

[continues 826 words]

60 US AZ: Column: Marijuana Like Alcohol?Thu, 21 Jul 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Meyers, Nick Area:Arizona Lines:130 Added:07/21/2016

Opponents of a ballot initiative that seeks to ask voters to legalize recreational marijuana for adults filed a lawsuit on July 11 to keep the measure off the November ballot, citing that the would-be law misleads voters in its petition summaries concerning how many of Arizona's laws it would affect.

The lawsuit mainly takes issue with a number of Arizona laws that would be affected with its passage, stating "the Initiative's operative provisions embrace far too many subjects than allowed for a single ballot initiative."

[continues 794 words]

61 US AZ: Judge to Hear Challenge of Ariz. Marijuana LegalizationWed, 20 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) Author:Fischer, Howard Area:Arizona Lines:86 Added:07/20/2016

PHOENIX - A judge will hear arguments Aug. 12 over whether Arizonans will be allowed to vote on whether they want to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

At a hearing Tuesday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Jo Lynn Gentry gave backers of the initiative two weeks to respond to charges by foes that the wording of the measure is legally flawed and cannot be placed on the November ballot. Attorney Brett Johnson, who represents challengers, contends the proposal is basically a fraud on voters.

[continues 484 words]

62US AZ: Judge to Hear Challenge to Statewide Initiative forWed, 20 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Christie, Bob Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/20/2016

An attorney defending from a court challenge an Arizona citizen's initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana is calling the attempt to keep the proposal off the ballot a "Hail Mary" effort by opponents of legal pot.

Attorney Kory Langhofer said Tuesday that the lawsuit filed by 13 individuals and groups including Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery and Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk is likely to fail because opponents are on thin legal ground.

"I'm very bullish on this lawsuit," Langhofer said. "The bottom line here is the opponents of this initiative have to make a Hail Mary pass to keep it off the ballot because voters are pretty likely to support this initiative if they ever get a chance to express that."

[continues 537 words]

63 US AZ: LTE: Revenue, Yes, but Legalized Pot Would Generate aWed, 20 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Kritzberg, Bob Area:Arizona Lines:36 Added:07/20/2016

Why must it always come down to money? It is obvious from much that has been printed regarding the legalization of marijuana in Arizona that the negative effects of pot far outweigh any benefits.

People can clamor that it will decrease crimes related to drug trafficking, etc. and perhaps that is so to a degree, but what about the effects its use will have on our teenagers and others? You can bet they will be using it in greater amounts than they do now with many untoward side effects.

[continues 123 words]

64 US AZ: Editorial: Kids' Access to Prescription Meds Should BeTue, 19 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ)          Area:Arizona Lines:59 Added:07/19/2016

Same Rule Applies to Medical Marijuana Products As Well

According to a May report on the Today Show, there has been a spike in children going to the emergency room after consuming edible products containing marijuana, and the show noted that doctors and police alike want to raise awareness that children can be hurt by accidentally consuming such products.

This is a concern in any state that has legalized medical marijuana, including Arizona. Marijuana-infused food products, or edibles, provide an option to patients who can't or don't want to smoke their prescribed marijuana. Such products can come in a variety of shapes and sizes - brownies, cookies, candies, gummy candies and more.

[continues 254 words]

65US AZ: OPED: Recreational Marijuana: The Price Is Way Too HighMon, 18 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Leibsohn, Seth Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/18/2016

If insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results, no word better describes the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Arizona.

Colorado and Washington, the first states to do this, have seen increases in teen use of marijuana, traffic fatalities, and emergency room visits (including of toddlers) - all tied to marijuana. In Denver, home of most of the pot shops, more than one in three 11th- and 12th-graders are now regular marijuana users, an increase of 20.5 percent from two years ago, according to the latest Colorado youth survey.

[continues 463 words]

66 US AZ: LTE: Legalization A Slap In Face To OfficersMon, 18 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) Author:Hilsabeck, Butch Area:Arizona Lines:44 Added:07/18/2016

In response to July 8th editorial in the Yuma Sun, about the panel finding major revenue potential in marijuana. "Slap in the face." Major concern with the legalization of marijuana in any format, medical or recreational, is that we are a border town.

We here in the Yuma area are very proud of our Border Patrol officers, and law enforcement officers.

They are on their toes when it comes to protecting us from illegal people trying to beat the system by, "jumping the wall."

[continues 148 words]

67 US AZ: PUB LTE: Foes of Legalized Marijuana Do Disservice toThu, 14 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Acree, Bill Area:Arizona Lines:25 Added:07/14/2016

The usual suspects can't wait to subvert the people's right. Sheila Polk and her cohorts, including our own Maricopa County attorney, are going to court spending whose money to stop the will of the people. They claim the pro (legalized marijuana) ads are misleading when we haven't heard one true statement from any of them.

Fear, lies and no stats to back them up is all they have. They really are playing into the hands of the cartels. Ever wonder why the cartel doesn't smuggle beer and whiskey? They are on the wrong side of this issue and do a disservice to honest discussion.

Bill Acree - Phoenix


68 US AZ: Column: Free Kyle CatlinThu, 14 Jul 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Taracena, Maria Ines Area:Arizona Lines:88 Added:07/14/2016

Parents of Medical Marijuana Patient, Caregiver in Prison Are Not Giving Up Until Their Son Is Free

Suson Catlin has been letters to the Governor's Office hoping someone out there will help get her 27-year-old son, Kyle, out of prison-where he's been since mid-January over nonviolent marijuana felony charges. Unsurprisingly, she hasn't received a response. But as I imagine most mothers would, Suson is willing to exhaust all options. Hope dies last.

The night of June 23, Suson got a phone call from Kyle, saying he had been charged with assault after another inmate in the Marana Community Correctional Facility jumped him and split his lip open. In response to the altercation, which Kyle repeatedly told his parents he didn't do anything but take the punches, Kyle was placed in "protective custody," also known as "the hole," or solitary confinement. The inmate who assaulted Kyle was placed in solitary first, so he and friends threatened to kill Kyle for being "a snitch."

[continues 556 words]

69US AZ: Column: Ballot, Not Court, Is Right Avenue forWed, 13 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Roberts, Laurie Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/14/2016

Opponents of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in Arizona have filed a lawsuit, hoping to keep the proposal off the November ballot. Put another way, opponents of legalizing weed don't trust Arizona voters to do the right thing.

So their play is to run to court to make sure you never get that chance.

Whether you support legalizing marijuana or not, consider yourself slapped smack in the face.

In Arizona, we have a constitutional right to make laws by voter initiative. Or, to veto laws by referendum as is being attempted now in an effort to stop our leaders from opening the floodgates to even more dark money in this state. The people who founded this state made sure of it.

[continues 355 words]

70US AZ: How Marijuana Ruling May Apply To SearchesWed, 13 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Kiefer, Michael Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/14/2016

Rulings Say Police May Pursue Source of Odor

With a pair of opinions published Monday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that police can still use the odor of marijuana as probable cause to search a car or a premises, despite medical-marijuana laws.

In both cases, one from Tucson and the other from Maricopa County, defendants tried to claim that since the passage of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA) in 2010, law-enforcement officers could no longer assume that a crime was committed based on the mere odor of marijuana.

[continues 538 words]

71US AZ: Bad For Business?Wed, 13 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Sanchez, Yvonne Wingett Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/14/2016

To get a job at Woodworkers Source, potential employees must pass a drug test.

There's a good reason for that, said Keith Stephens, owner of the Scottsdale-based lumber-supply business: "Many, many businesses, including mine, have a certain element of risk. In my case it's driving a forklift loaded with heavy material and being in the shop with chop saws," said Stephens, 72, of Paradise Valley.

If Arizona voters legalize marijuana for recreational use through a ballot measure poised to appear on the November ballot, Stephens worries it would become more difficult to find qualified workers.

[continues 1266 words]

72US AZ: Marijuana Foes Seek To Prevent VoteTue, 12 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Sanchez, Yvonne Wingett Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/12/2016

Opponents of the campaign to legalize recreational marijuana in Arizona filed a lawsuit Monday, asking a judge to bar the initiative from the November ballot.

The lawsuit comes as elections officials are verifying whether the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. The lawsuit was brought by 13 individuals and groups, including Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Republican Rep. Paul Boyer, a Tempe school board member and others.

[continues 225 words]

73 US AZ: Ariz. Court: Pot Smell Enough To Ok SearchTue, 12 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) Author:Fischer, Howard Area:Arizona Lines:81 Added:07/12/2016

PHOENIX - Got marijuana? Not legally? Might want to keep the smell down.

A pair of new court rulings Monday allows the police to pursue a search of your place or your vehicle solely based on the odor.

Attorneys for both men who were convicted based on such searches argued that the 2010 voter-approved law which allows some people with certain medical conditions to legally possess or use marijuana means that the smell alone is no longer evidence that a crime is occurring. The fact that neither of them was a medical marijuana cardholder, the lawyers said, is irrelevant.

[continues 447 words]

74 US AZ: Anti-Marijuana Campaign Files Suit Vs. LegalizationTue, 12 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) Author:Fischer, Howard Area:Arizona Lines:100 Added:07/12/2016

PHOENIX - Foes of legalizing marijuana for recreational use in Arizona are trying to block voters from getting their say on the measure.

In a lawsuit filed Monday, challengers say the 38-page initiative is legally flawed, to the point where it would be illegal to put the question on the November ballot.

It specifically says the legally required initiative summary fails to tell those who signed the petitions all the different things that the measure, if approved, would do. And that, according to the lawsuit, means it is "so misleading voters as to cause a fraud on the electorate."

[continues 573 words]

75US AZ: Column: Why I'm Against the Initiative to LegalizeMon, 11 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Roberts, Laurie Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/11/2016

I Oppose the Proposal to Legalize Marijuana in Arizona and Suddenly I'm An Advocate for Tossing Potheads in Prison. WHO Knew? "Laurie Roberts Believes That Arresting 12,000 Marijuana Users in Arizona Every Year Somehow Stops Kids From Getting It," Writes Peter B. Wilson of Phoenix, in a Letter Published Thursday About My Recent Column on the Proposition That'll Be on the November Ballot.

Actually, Laurie Roberts Believes That Arresting People for Using Marijuana Is a Waste of Time and Resources.

[continues 421 words]

76 US AZ: Editorial: Panel Finds Major Revenue Potential inFri, 08 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ)          Area:Arizona Lines:62 Added:07/08/2016

Idea Is Controversial, but Could Help Solve State's Financial Woes

Could recreational marijuana solve the state of Arizona's revenue challenges?

A report by the staff of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee has found that if Arizona legalized recreational marijuana, Arizonans would buy nearly $500 million of pot a year by 2020. That in turn would generate nearly $82 million in taxes once the program is fully implemented, Capitol Media Services reports.

Of that, $27.8 million would go to general aid to education, with an identical amount available to help schools fund full-day kindergarten programs, Capitol Media Services reports.

[continues 304 words]

77US AZ: Pot-Legalization Measure Likely to Qualify for BallotFri, 01 Jul 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Sanchez, Yvonne Wingett Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:07/01/2016

The campaign to legalize marijuana for recreational use submitted 258,582 signatures to secretary-of-state officials Thursday in an effort to qualify for Arizona's November ballot.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol needs 150,642 valid signatures from registered voters to qualify, and they have likely submitted enough signatures to account for any that may be thrown out. The measure almost certainly will make the ballot, and the proposal is pitting powerful business and social interests against legalization supporters, including medical-marijuana dispensaries and marijuana users.

[continues 419 words]

78 US AZ: Legal Pot Campaign Facing QuestionsFri, 01 Jul 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) Author:Fischer, Howard Area:Arizona Lines:105 Added:07/01/2016

Levels of Impairment Not Defined

PHOENIX - The campaign to allow recreational use of marijuana is on amid questions of whether the measure would allow people to legally drive while under the influence of the drug.

Supporters on Thursday submitted what they said were petitions with 258,582 signatures seeking to change the law. That is more than 100,000 more than the secretary of state's office needs to declare valid to put the issue on the November ballot.

But amid the nearly 10,000-word proposal is language saying that individuals cannot be penalized solely because they test positive for not just marijuana metabolites that are left over weeks after using the drug, but the actual "components of marijuana." And that would include tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC), the psychoactive element of the drug.

[continues 580 words]

79 US AZ: Report: Legal Marijuana Could Bring $82m for ArizonaThu, 30 Jun 2016
Source:Sun, The (Yuma, AZ) Author:Fischer, Howard Area:Arizona Lines:92 Added:06/30/2016

PHOENIX -- Arizonans would buy nearly $500 million worth of marijuana a year by 2020 if voters agree in November to allow its use here for recreational purposes, according to a new report.

The study by the staff of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee figures legalization would generate nearly $82 million in taxes when the program is fully implemented. That includes $74 million based on a tax rate of 15 percent of retail costs, with the balance coming from things like licensing dealers and growers.

[continues 556 words]

80 US AZ: Column: MMJ NotesThu, 30 Jun 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Kingston, Dan Area:Arizona Lines:86 Added:06/30/2016

Keep Up With the Global and Local Medical Marijuana News

A new measure has been approved by the U.S. Senate Committee that would allow banking institutions to offer financial services to marijuana businesses. State-legalized marijuana businesses will soon be able to operate as a traditional business with a traditional banking system. Thus far, banking services have not been available to a majority of marijuana businesses due to marijuana's illegal federal status.

[continues 490 words]

81US AZ: Marijuana Campaign Message: Buy American, Not MexicanTue, 28 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Sanchez, Yvonne Wingett Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/28/2016

Marijuana supporters are launching a new "Buy American" theme in their campaign to legalize the drug for recreational use in Arizona.

On Tuesday, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol plans to unveil a billboard in Tempe lauding how Arizonans would be able to "Buy American and Support Schools, Not Cartels," if voters approve their legalization proposal in 2016.

A retired U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent who investigated Mexican drug cartels will speak at a 10 a.m. news conference at the Tempe Marketplace shopping center.

[continues 346 words]

82US AZ: Column: Maybe Legal Pot Not So SmartWed, 22 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Valdez, Linda Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/22/2016

I used to support full marijuana legalization. I have nagging doubts these days. Arizona's medical marijuana law is a farce that's disproportionately used by young men who claim more pain than their years would justify in order to gain a steady supply of high.

Chronic pain is the ailment of choice for 80 percent of Arizona "patients" with medical marijuana cards, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services. Sure. Some of them may be legitimate. But 80 percent?

[continues 609 words]

83US AZ: OPED: Legalize Marijuana for Taxes? It's No Pot of GoldWed, 22 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Tighe, Patrick Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/22/2016

A store displays two identical TVs: One costs $575, the other is on sale for $533. Which do you choose?

I know this is a dumb question. However, this is the precise choice some Arizona residents will face if citizens pass the Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act - the state initiative seeking to decriminalize marijuana for recreational purposes.

Proponents arguing that Arizonans should vote for this initiative dangle before voters the prospect that marijuana, once "regulated like alcohol," will bring in massive tax revenues: between $40 million and $113 million, as reported by The Arizona Republic, if the act goes into effect. But these estimates fail to account for the undercutting effect of Arizona's medical-marijuana market on the sale of recreational marijuana.

[continues 1150 words]

84US AZ: Woman Sues Over Search At BorderThu, 16 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Gonzalez, Daniel Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/17/2016

In October 2014, Ashley Cervantes crossed from Nogales, Arizona, to Nogales, Sonora, to have breakfast at one of her favorite restaurants.

But on the way back home, the U.S. citizen was confronted at a port of entry by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers who accused her of carrying drugs.

Over the next seven hours while in custody of CBP officers, she was handcuffed to a chair, checked by drug-sniffing dogs, asked to squat so a female investigator could visually inspect her, and then taken to Holy Cross Hospital, where a male physician probed her vagina and anus for drugs as part of an unwarranted body-cavity search, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court on June 8.

[continues 713 words]

85 US AZ: Column: This Bud's For YouThu, 16 Jun 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Doe, Mary Jane Area:Arizona Lines:81 Added:06/16/2016

Bloom Dispensary Offers Smokin' Deals for First-Time Customers and Quality Bud

The Bloom medical marijuana dispensary, which has outlets across the state, has a local operation on Oracle Road across from the Tucson Mall. It's easy to find and offers plenty of parking.

Upon entering Bloom, I was immediately impressed. The waiting area was very open, clean and comfortable. There was a large TV in the lobby where, at the time, South Park was playing. Maybe it is my love of South Park that helped to create this feeling, but I believe that it just added to the comfortable vibe.

[continues 499 words]

86US AZ: OPED: Pot Prohibitionists Use Scare TacticsTue, 14 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Martinez, Sonia Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/14/2016

I was disappointed to read last month's column from usually sensible and forward-thinking Laurie Roberts ("$113 million for legalizing pot? Sorry, I'm not sold").

She dismissed the $113 million in tax revenue this state could benefit from if voters pass the proposed initiative to regulate marijuana this November. What's holding her and many opponents back? Misinformation, a lack of information, and politics. In other words: "reefer madness."

As a parent and law professional, I am concerned that the conversation on marijuana is more about political gains and less about the safety of our communities and children. Clearly, Roberts and the local prohibition advocates are held up by anti-marijuana sentiments, but Arizona voters should look past their scare tactics by getting the proper and right information they need to make an informed and intelligent decision.

[continues 466 words]

87 US AZ: PUB LTE: A Hazy Look at Fatalities That Are Pot-RelatedSun, 12 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Peterson, Chris Area:Arizona Lines:37 Added:06/14/2016

The My Turn writer's article concerning marijauna (June 6) was unfortunately a bit dishonest, coming from a supposedly scientific background.

The impression left is that marijauna is causing more traffic deaths in, for example, Colorado, since more people involved in accidents are testing positive for marijauna. It would therefore be honest for the writer to point out that the metabolites of marijauna can be detected in the blood of a person for at least several days after use, up to several weeks.

[continues 113 words]

88 US AZ: PUB LTE: A Distillation of What Marijuana LegalizationWed, 08 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Hart, Tony Area:Arizona Lines:33 Added:06/09/2016

Todd Griffith, Sheila Polk, Mark Brnovich: Before preaching to me about the evils of marijuana, please put down your beer, vodka martini or glass of chardonnay. Pick up a mirror and look at the reflection you see. That is the face of a hypocrite.

And once you've done that, look again at the name of the group that is behind the ballot measure being advanced for the legalization of marijuana: The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol. That's it.

[continues 99 words]

89US AZ: Column: Legalizing Marijuana Is Easy, but It's NotThu, 09 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Diaz, Elvia Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/09/2016

Legalizing recreational marijuana is just hard to swallow - or inhale - - politically and personally.

For some, the issue may come down to moral values. For others, it's a matter of compromise for the greater good of society. And to many others, it's about a justice system that unfairly targets marijuana users, especially minorities.

As the debate over taxing and regulating the sale of cannabis gains steam in Arizona, I framed some questions to help me shape my stance - - and perhaps yours as well.

[continues 698 words]

90US AZ: OPED: Legal Pot Means More Crashes, DeathsMon, 06 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Griffith, Todd A. Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/06/2016

In my profession, I have seen too much death, injury and damage caused by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Marijuana is the most prevalent drug causing impairment after alcohol. It contributes substantially to DUI carnage even though statistics indicate only about 8 percent of the population regularly uses marijuana.

This can only mean that Arizona will also face major increases in death and injury from marijuana DUI crashes if marijuana becomes a legal recreational drug here.

[continues 453 words]

91US AZ: Column: Legal Marijuana In Arizona Would Mean MoreSun, 05 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Griffith, Todd A. Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/06/2016

Scientist: Why would Arizona voters approve an initiative that protects drivers stoned on marijuana, even if they cause crashes and deaths?

In my profession, I have seen too much death, injury and damage caused by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.

Marijuana is the most prevalent drug causing impairment after alcohol. It contributes substantially to DUI carnage, even though statistics indicate only about 8 percent of the population regularly uses marijuana.

This can only mean that Arizona will also face major increases in death and injury from marijuana DUI crashes if marijuana becomes a legal recreational drug here.

[continues 516 words]

92US AZ: Column: Legalizing Marijuana Is Easy But Not Really TheSun, 05 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Diaz, Elvia Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/06/2016

Legalizing recreational marijuana is just hard to swallow - or inhale - - politically and personally.

For some of you, the issue may come down to moral values. For others, it's a matter of compromise for the greater good of society. And to many others, it's about a justice system that unfairly targets marijuana users, especially minorities.

As the debate over taxing and regulating the sale of cannabis gains steam in Arizona, I framed some questions to help me shape my stance - -- and perhaps yours as well.

[continues 881 words]

93US AZ: Proposal For Tempe Marijuana Dispensary Near ASU HeadedWed, 01 Jun 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Coppola, Chris Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:06/02/2016

A dispute over whether a medical-marijuana facility can locate across from Arizona State University property in Tempe is headed toward a showdown in Maricopa County Superior Court.

The dispensary, Healing Healthcare Inc., claims city officials wrongly invoked an ordinance that prevents dispensaries from locating within 500 feet of residential zoning districts when it sought to open in a building across from ASU's Karsten Golf Course, on McClintock Drive just south of Rio Salado Parkway.

The Karsten Golf Course is zoned as an agricultural area but it is included in the residential district category and could be rezoned for houses or apartments, the city said.

[continues 693 words]

94 US AZ: LTE: We Haven't Nixed Drunken Driving and Here ComesTue, 31 May 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Mieras, Phil Area:Arizona Lines:37 Added:05/31/2016

Almost every day we hear news of drunken drivers causing accidents and killing or maiming other drivers and families. Why is this tolerated?

We give them a slap on the wrist and let them go to do it over and over again. We need to demand that our laws be changed so that on the second offense their vehicle is forfeited to the state and is sold and the money used toward enforcement and budget etc.

If the vehicle is taken then there is a little more incentive not to drink and drive. If the vehicle is borrowed it should still be forfeited in the same way. Not many will loan cars to drunks and word will spread fast. Give them a bike to get around on.

[continues 72 words]

95US AZ: Phoenix VA Hospital Stops Medical Pot PresentationFri, 27 May 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ)          Area:Arizona Lines:Excerpt Added:05/28/2016

A doctor is upset after the Veterans Affairs hospital in Phoenix blocked her from giving a lecture about marijuana's effect on veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Dr. Sue Sisley has been conducting a study on PTSD and medical marijuana this summer. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved her work, the Phoenix VA Medical Center told Sisley she couldn't give a presentation there.

"The notion that the Phoenix VA hospital refuses to allow that information to be shared with their medical staff is really shameful," Sisley told KTAR-FM (92.3).

[continues 155 words]

96 US AZ: Column: My Favorite DispensaryThu, 26 May 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Doe, Mary Jane Area:Arizona Lines:79 Added:05/26/2016

Whether You Are Looking for a Location With Easy Access or Just High Quality Product at a Good Price, the Green Halo Doesn't Disappoint.

My first experience at a dispensary was based on location.

When I received my green card in the mail, I asked my phone to locate the closest dispensary. The Green Halo came up and was less than five miles away.

Located near the I-10 at 7710 S. Wilmot Road, The Green Halo offers easy access even if it is not close to you.

[continues 478 words]

97 US AZ: Public Defender, Apd At Odds Over Undercover Drug StingsMon, 23 May 2016
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Boetel, Ryan Area:Arizona Lines:140 Added:05/23/2016

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - An Albuquerque police narcotics operation in which undercover detectives haggled with transient drug addicts in some cases accepting the clothes off their backs in exchange for drugs, then arresting them is raising broader questions about the agency's approach to drug crimes, especially when using stings.

APD says a court order allowing them to sell drugs on the streets, then arrest people is a valuable tool that lowers crime, while the public defender's office contends that police are targeting the poor and that the tactic has done nothing to battle drug crime in the city. The district attorney said the value of the operations is minimal.

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98 US AZ: Column: Keep The Celebrity Cannabis Products ComingThu, 05 May 2016
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Doe, Mary Jane Area:Arizona Lines:90 Added:05/05/2016

Celebrity endorsements are common. We see and hear them daily. It is part of our culture and does bring some benefits to the consumer.

Whoopi Goldberg recently announced the launch of her company. Whoopi & Maya hopes reduce menstrual pain and cramps. The new line will sell in California. Their website advertises their four initial products. "Even Queen Victoria found relief once a month with her favorite THC infused tincture," the website states.

Is this an example of someone using their money and stature to help others find the help they did or someone using their name to make a buck? Probably the former. Goldberg has written and spoken about the benefits of marijuana for years, but there will be those looking to do the latter.

[continues 451 words]

99 US AZ: PUB LTE: If Marijuana Affects the Way We Drive, ThenSun, 01 May 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Hartland, Steve Area:Arizona Lines:27 Added:05/01/2016

Re: April 27 letter about potential harm of using of marijuana while driving. Having just returned from Washington state, where marijuana is legal, I can assure the writer he would never know it is legal based on driving habits.

In fact, Washington drivers are FAR more considerate than Arizona drivers, and if that is due to widespread use of marijuana, then maybe we should just put it in the water here. It was nice to be able to drive for a few days without nearly getting killed by a red-light runner.

Steve Hartland

- - Scottsdale


100 US AZ: LTE: Pot Legalization Will Only Lead to More DrivingWed, 27 Apr 2016
Source:Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ) Author:Stern, Taylor Area:Arizona Lines:25 Added:04/27/2016

When it comes to the concept of legalizing marijuana, I am on the side that this should not happen.

It is likely to end up just as much of a problem as alcohol and phones are with driving. Sure, there would be laws restricting that, but people will still do it, thus creating another form of "intoxication" for all the drivers who wish to use it. There are many other downsides to its legalization, and this is just one of them.

Taylor Stern

- - Phoenix


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