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101 US IL: Edu: Retired Professor Leads Discussion on PsychedelicThu, 22 Jan 2009
Source:Northern Star (IL Edu) Author:Soszynski, Nicole Area:Illinois Lines:59 Added:01/25/2009

The Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) held a discussion group Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center about the difference between psychedelic and psychoactive medicine and their uses.

Tom Roberts, a retired professor of education of psychology, led a small group of people on a question-and-answer-based discussion on the medical uses, different types and the foundation of psychedelic drugs. This is a four-week program for the winter term.

"A psychedelic drug magnifies or amplifies whatever is going on in the subconscience or conscience mind," Roberts said. "It can also stimulate mystical experiences."

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102 CN YK: Controversial Legal Hallucinogen 'Safe'Fri, 23 Jan 2009
Source:Yukon News (CN YK) Author:Hopper, Tristin Area:Yukon Territory Lines:170 Added:01/24/2009

Salvia divonorum, commonly known as salvia, thanks to its powerful psychedelic punch and its availability in legitimate retailers, has made a huge jump into Canada's recreational drug scene, particularly among youth.

"It's a very intense hallucinogenic experience that is thankfully short-lived-usually 15 minutes, some people report five minutes and the longest would be half an hour," said Wende Wood, a psychiatric pharmacist with the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

Native to Mexico, the drug was originally used by the Mazatec culture for spiritual journeys.

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103 US OH: Edu: Psychedelic Salvia Banned In OhioWed, 07 Jan 2009
Source:Post, The (Ohio U, OH Edu) Author:McNamara, Meghan Area:Ohio Lines:38 Added:01/08/2009

Gov. Ted Strickland signed a law yesterday that will add the hallucinogen Salvia divinorum to Ohio's controlled substance list.

The law, which takes effect in 90 days, classifies salvia as a Schedule I controlled substance alongside drugs like marijuana. Ohio joins at least nine other states to ban the use, possession or distribution of salvia.

State Senator Jimmy Stewart, R-20, said the law will be enacted in the same way as previous additions to the Schedule I controlled substance list.

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104 US TX: 'Doc' Anderson to Take His Effort to Ban Hallucinogenic Drug Plant to Dr.Tue, 11 Nov 2008
Source:Waco Tribune-Herald (TX) Author:Woods, Tim Area:Texas Lines:64 Added:11/12/2008

State Rep. Charles "Doc" Anderson, R-Waco, is to appear on the "Dr. Phil" show today after he filed legislation Monday that would ban the increasingly popular hallucinogenic drug Salvia.

Anderson, who is on the show to discuss the drug's effects on young people and their families, has been pushing to have Salvia placed on a list of controlled substances for more than a year and a half.

Also known as "Diviner's Sage" and "Magic Mint," the active ingredient in Salvia, Salvinorin-A, which is found on the leaves of the herb Salvia divinorum, produces a psychedelic high that lasts anywhere from minutes to hours after it is smoked.

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105 UK: LSD Cured My HeadacheTue, 07 Oct 2008
Source:Independent (UK) Author:Frood, Arran Area:United Kingdom Lines:230 Added:10/10/2008

Cluster Headaches Cause Such Severe Pain That Some Sufferers Are Driven to Suicide. Now One Man Believes He's Found a Surprising Cure

This is the story of a man known online as Flash - a man driven to the brink of suicide by the debilitating effects of cluster headaches. After years of ineffectual treatments, Flash stumbled on what he declared was a new treatment, as controversial as it was, he claimed, effective: hallucinogenic drugs.

Flash was ridiculed by the cluster headache community for his "miracle cure". But when a survey of fellow sufferers who self-medicated with hallucinogens was published in the mainstream journal Neurology, the results gave weight to his claims. The Harvard Medical School scientists who conducted the survey have now applied for a preliminary clinical trial on the subject.

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106 CN ON: LSD-Like Drug Legal In CanadaSun, 14 Sep 2008
Source:Ottawa Sun (CN ON) Author:Kilching, Marc Area:Ontario Lines:58 Added:09/15/2008

TORONTO -- The first time Ryan Fentie smoked salvia, he was overwhelmed by the sudden, intense feelings that swept over him.

A huge hole opened in the ground before him, vines snaked out of the pit and encircled his feet and he felt himself become a part of them.

"I had no idea what the drug was doing to me," Fentie recalled. "It feels like you entered another world."

His high came from a powerful hallucinogenic drug that can be bought - -- legally -- at convenience stores and head shops across Toronto.

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107 US: Web: Is Doctor-Prescribed LSD and 'Shrooms on the Way?Wed, 10 Sep 2008
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Frood, Arran Area:United States Lines:152 Added:09/11/2008

It might sound far-fetched, but just a decade ago it seemed unlikely that the prohibited and mildly hallucinogenic drug cannabis would become a mainstream pain-killing medicine. But it is happening: Cannabis pain-killing pills and sprays are being developed to help people with multiple sclerosis, cancer and Aids.

Now some scientists and psychotherapists think more powerful psychoactive drugs like psilocybin, found in 'magic mushrooms', could have a future as medicinal agents for a number of conditions.

In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved, but not funded, a pilot study aiming to see if the euphoria and insight of a mild psychedelic 'trip' can ease the physical and emotional pain experienced by thousands of terminal cancer patients each year.

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108 US: Hallucinogen's Popularity May Thwart Medical UseTue, 09 Sep 2008
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Sack, Kevin Area:United States Lines:218 Added:09/09/2008

DALLAS -- With a friend videotaping, 27-year-old Christopher Lenzini of Dallas took a hit of Salvia divinorum, regarded as the world's most potent hallucinogenic herb, and soon began to imagine, he said, that he was in a boat with little green men. Mr. Lenzini quickly collapsed to the floor and dissolved into convulsive laughter.

When he posted the video on YouTube this summer, friends could not get enough. "It's just funny to see a friend act like a total idiot," he said, "so everybody loved it."

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109 Clinical Trials Test Potential of Hallucinogenic Drugs to HelpTue, 12 Aug 2008
Source:Guardian, The (UK) Author:Randerson, James        Lines:159 Added:08/12/2008

First Test of 'Psychedelic Psychotherapy' Since 70s

Researchers Hope Effects Will Improve Quality of Life

Scientists are exploring the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD to treat a range of ailments from depression to cluster headaches and obsessive compulsive disorder.

The first clinical trial using LSD since the 1970s began in Switzerland in June. It aims to use "psychedelic psychotherapy" to help patients with terminal illnesses come to terms with their imminent mortality and so improve their quality of life.

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110 US TX: Watauga Teen Says He Didn't Put LSD In Police CookiesThu, 10 Jul 2008
Source:Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX) Author:Ramirez, Domingo Area:Texas Lines:139 Added:07/11/2008

A Watauga teen accused of delivering drug-tainted cookies to the Lake Worth police department told investigators he did not put drugs in the cookies but that friends may have been using marijuana while he baked them, police said Wednesday.

Christian Phillips, 18, was delivering the cookies as part of his court-ordered community service for a previous arrest, officials said. He was arraigned Wednesday on a charge of tampering with a consumer product, a second-degree felony.

Police said Phillips was arrested Tuesday when a field test on the cookies he delivered in Lake Worth indicated the presence of LSD, a hallucinogenic drug. Blue Mound police said cookies delivered to them Monday field-tested positive for marijuana.

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111 US ID: PUB LTE: Real Dangers of LSDWed, 02 Jul 2008
Source:Idaho Mountain Express (ID) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Idaho Lines:45 Added:07/02/2008

Columnist Dick Dorworth dances around the true reason LSD was outlawed. Authorities were more than a little fearful of being exposed for the lying frauds they are. They knew for a fact that an LSD trip could undermine years of propaganda and opinion molding. Back in the 1960s when LSD was still legal, trippers saw Washington bigwigs thumping for the Vietnam War and instantly and without exception responded, "They're lying!" LSD enabled trippers to "see" the lies flashing out of McNamara et al like overamped strobe lights.

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112US CA: Alton Kelley, Psychedelic Poster Creator, DiesWed, 04 Jun 2008
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Author:Selvin, Joel Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:06/04/2008

Alton Kelley, one of the founding members of the '60s San Francisco rock scene, died Sunday at his home in Petaluma after a long illness. He was 67.

Mr. Kelley will be remembered as the creator (with his artistic partner, Stanley Mouse) of hundreds of classic psychedelic rock posters, such as the famed "skull and roses" poster for a Grateful Dead show at the Avalon Ballroom. Mr. Kelley and Mouse created 26 posters for just the first year of the Avalon's operation.

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113 US CA: Alton Kelley, 67; Artist Created Psychedelic PostersWed, 04 Jun 2008
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA) Author:Rourke, Mary Area:California Lines:100 Added:06/04/2008

Alton Kelley, a San Francisco graphic artist whose psychedelic posters and album covers captured the mood and music of the Grateful Dead, the Steve Miller Band, Journey and other top rock 'n' roll groups of the '60s and '70s, has died. He was 67.

Kelley died Sunday at his home in Petaluma, Calif., according to publicist Jennifer Gross. The cause was complications from osteoporosis.

With his creative partner Stanley Mouse, Kelley helped launch a poster art revolution in the mid-1960s, turning out vividly colored works for concerts at the Avalon Ballroom and Fillmore Auditorium, where Jimi Hendrix, Big Brother and the Holding Company, and Quicksilver Messenger Service were among the headliners.

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114 CN ON: OPED: The Lost Promise of LSDWed, 07 May 2008
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Author:Littlefield, Connie Area:Ontario Lines:142 Added:05/07/2008

Prohibition of Albert Hofmann's 'problem child' failed to get it off the street -- and succeeded in killing legitimate research into its powerful potential to help people

Albert Hofmann, who died last week at the age of 102, lived just long enough to see scientific research into the therapeutic value of LSD get started up again. For the first time since the 1960s, the tremendous potential of this powerful tool is being examined scientifically for therapeutic use.

Millions of people have experienced transcendence through LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). The creative energy unleashed by Mr. Hofmann's chemical catalyst has had a tremendous impact on our world.

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115 A Psychedelic 'Problem Child' Comes Full CircleSun, 04 May 2008
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Carey, Benedict        Lines:134 Added:05/04/2008

ON the afternoon of Jan. 11, Albert Hofmann, the chemist who discovered LSD, had about a dozen friends and family up to his glass-walled home in the mountains near Basel, Switzerland, for a party. It was his 102nd birthday and, in an important sense, also a homecoming.

Dr. Hofmann, who died last week, spent the latter part of his life consulting with scientists around the world who wanted to bring his "problem child," as he called the drug, back into the lab to study as a therapeutic agent. Not long before his last birthday, he learned that health officials in his native Switzerland had approved what will be the first known medical trial of LSD anywhere in more than 35 years -- to test whether the drug can help relieve distress at end of life.

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116 Switzerland: Albert Hofmann, LSD Inventor, DiesThu, 01 May 2008
Source:Daily Telegraph (UK) Author:McKie, Andrew Area:Switzerland Lines:49 Added:05/04/2008

Albert Hofmann, the Swiss scientist who invented the LSD and became the first person in the world to experience a full-blown acid trip, has died. He was 102.

He was working as a chemist in Basel, when he synthesised lysergic acid diethylamide. On April 19, 1943, he took the substance before cycling home.

That day has become known among aficionados as "Bicycle Day" as it was while he was riding home that he experienced the most intense symptoms brought on by the drug.

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117 Switzerland: Albert Hofmann, 102; Swiss Chemist Discovered LSDWed, 30 Apr 2008
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA) Author:Maugh, Thomas H. Area:Switzerland Lines:217 Added:05/03/2008

His Accidental Experience of 'An Extremely Stimulated Imagination' Caused by the Drug Led to a Lifetime of Experiments and Initiated the Psychedelic Generation.

Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD and thereby gave the psychedelic generation the pharmaceutical vehicle to turn on, tune in and drop out, has died. He was 102.

Hofmann died Tuesday morning at his home in Basel, Switzerland, of a heart attack, according to Rick Doblin, the head of MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Assn. for Psychedelic Studies.

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118 UK: Trip Of A Lifetime: How LSD Rocked The WorldThu, 01 May 2008
Source:Independent (UK)          Area:United Kingdom Lines:333 Added:05/02/2008

It's the psychedelic drug that inspired Hendrix and The Beatles - and shaped the music, art and literature of a generation. As the world bids farewell to the bicycling Swiss chemist who created LSD, John Walsh explores his mind-altering legacy

It was known as acid, blotter acid, window pane, dots, tickets and mellow yellow. It was sold on the street in capsules and tablets but most often in liquid form, usually absorbed on to a piece of blotting paper divided into several squares: one drop, or "dot", per square. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or C20H25N30 to give it its snappy chemical formula, derived from lysergic acid, and it introduced you to a world of cosmic harmony and all-embracing love, or a black schizoid hell of paranoia and screaming demons.

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119 US KS: Kansas Bill Criminalizes Hallucinogenic HerbMon, 28 Apr 2008
Source:Wichita Eagle (KS)          Area:Kansas Lines:58 Added:05/01/2008

TOPEKA - Kansas is now one of nine states in the country that have criminalized the illicit use of salvia divinorum, a hallucinogenic herb.

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has signed legislation banning the possession, use or sale of the drug, which has long been legal in the U.S. and used in shamanistic rituals in southern Mexico.

About 20 other states are considering making the drug illegal as well.

Landscapers often use the broad leaf for ground cover. Smoking or chewing a concentrated extract of the plant produces hallucinations, a perception of overlapping realities, dizziness and impaired speech, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.

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120 Switzerland: Albert Hofmann, the Father of LSD, Dies at 102Wed, 30 Apr 2008
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Smith, Craig S. Area:Switzerland Lines:142 Added:04/30/2008

PARIS -- Albert Hofmann, the mystical Swiss chemist who gave the world LSD, the most powerful psychotropic substance known, died Tuesday at his hilltop home near Basel, Switzerland. He was 102.

The cause was a heart attack, said Rick Doblin, founder and president of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, a California-based group that in 2005 republished Dr. Hofmann's 1979 book "LSD: My Problem Child."

Dr. Hofmann first synthesized the compound lysergic acid diethylamide in 1938 but did not discover its psychopharmacological effects until five years later, when he accidentally ingested the substance that became known to the 1960s counterculture as acid.

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