Pubdate: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 Source: Star-Ledger (NJ) Copyright: 1999 Star-Ledger Contact: 1 Star-Ledger Plaza, Newark, N.J., 07102-1200 Website: Forum: Author: Lois Erwin FORTUNATE SON The question is not just whether George W. Bush used illegal drugs when he was younger. The question is whether he sees the hypocrisy of his hard-line stance against today's youthful offenders. If a like-minded person had been governor when Bush was a "youthful offender" and if he didn't have a powerful father to smooth the way for him, he might well have a record today and be ineligible for office. Instead, Bush was allowed his admitted "youthful irresponsibility" and permitted to set his past aside and become governor of Texas. The young people he commits to jail terms under his "zero tolerance" policy for drug use will have records that will follow them all their lives. Not only will they be ineligible to hold office, they could very well find themselves ineligible to be police officers, security guards or any other job from which a record excludes them. Does Bush not recognize that his "zero tolerance" will prevent these youthful offenders from profiting from their mistakes as he profited from his? Is he mean-spirited, trying to score points with his Texas constituents or is he just a hypocrite? Lois Erwin, Waldwick - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D