Pubdate: 18 Aug, 1999 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 1999 The New York Times Company Contact: Forum: Author: Maureen Dowd WHITE NOISE WASHINGTON -- During the 1988 Democratic primary, after Al Gore and Bruce Babbitt volunteered that they had smoked marijuana in the 60's, an earnest Richard Gephardt bounded up to the press in Des Moines to announce that he had done absolutely no drugs whatsoever, ever. After a moment of bemused silence, one reporter piped up sardonically, "Why not?" We want our Presidents to be sentient, but not too sentient. Loose, but not a goose. It's time for the yuppie brain-twister again, this time about W. and cocaine. If a candidate is from the generation of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, how much should he be held accountable for a past of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? In an era of political strip-searching, how much do we really want to see? In 1992 Bill Clinton's supporters accused the press of going too far in pursuing the particulars of the candidate's restless libido, saying it was in the past and it did not matter. As it turned out, it wasn't in the past and it did matter. Now those same supporters are goading the media to dig into George W. Bush's past. "Sure it's a legitimate question," said the Senate minority leader, Tom Daschle, when asked if W. should answer the question about cocaine. Mr. Bush has resolutely ducked the issue, saying he won't play the game of rumor-mongering, even though he has "learned from my mistakes." Democrats want payback. And Republicans have been throwing stones from glass houses for so long, they can no longer recognize hypocrisy. Newt Gingrich's affair with a young Capitol Hill aide was an open secret in Washington all during impeachment, and all through his pompous lectures about America's cultural and moral decline. At the heart of W.'s campaign is the notion that voters made a mistake when they turned out his father for a hedonistic Bill Clinton. The Bushes, the subtext goes, will uphold the moral authority of the White House. Last year, before he was a candidate, W. told of how troubling the Oval Office sex scandal was for young people and volunteered that he had been faithful to his wife, Laura. "In my case," he said, fidelity is an important prerequisite for the Presidency. But that puts W. in a bind: He stresses some personal history as relevant to his election, even as he dismisses other personal history as rudely beside the point. It's hard to believe he would be so coy about cocaine if he could just say, in a simple declarative sentence, that he had never tried it. W.'s Clintonesque evasiveness contrasts starkly with the simple No's of the 11 other Presidential candidates asked. On CNN's "Evans, Novak, Hunt & Shields" show last weekend, Rowland Evans asked Mr. Bush to say "flatly if these rumors are or are not true." "The game of trying to force me to prove a negative and to chase down unsubstantiated, ugly rumors has got to end," Mr. Bush replied, adding: "What people need to know about me is that when I swear in, I will swear in to not only uphold the laws of the land, I will swear to uphold the dignity in the office, of the office to which I had been elected, so help me God." So now W. is trying to say that the only behavior that's relevant is what happens after you're sworn in as President. Fine -- except that he's already boasted that fidelity is relevant before you're sworn in. The cocaine issue is trickier than the marijuana issue because, as Jesse Jackson points out, there is a disparity between the way rich kids and big shots and suburbanites get treated when they are caught with cocaine, and the way poor people are treated when they get caught with crack. And as Time notes this week: "If Bush did try cocaine, how does that square with his support of Texas legislation putting those caught with less than a gram of the drug in jail?" The fuss over a controlled substance is, of course, distracting from the deeper question of the other kind of substance. W. is the kind of guy who doesn't want to know more than he has to know -- the President of the fraternity who thought it was not cool to study too much or work as hard as the geeks in the library. He seems to have good instincts, and he knows how to get good advice. But does that qualify him to lead the country? That's the substance abuse we should worry about. - --- MAP posted-by: Thunder