Pubdate: Mon, 3 May 1999
Source: Survey Of German Language Newspapers For 3 May 99
Courtesy: Harald Lerch  Pat Dolan NEWS IN BRIEF

The Swiss 'Neue Zuercher Zeitung' ( published a
detailed discussion of three suggested variations for the alteration
of the drug laws.

The national advisory council for health and social affairs (SGK)
gives three detailed variations of the projected decriminalisation of
cannabis for personal use. In one, allowance is made for the
decriminalisation of all drugs for personal use. The other two
restrict the reduced penalties to cannabis consumption. The council
would like to coordinate its suggestions with the complete revision of
the drug laws (BetmG) planned by the national committee. Otherwise, it
is prepared to participate actively itself in  the legislation.

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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake