Pubdate: Wed, 03 Feb 1999
Source: Associated Press
Copyright: 1999 Associated Press


PHOENIX (AP)   Three current inspectors and one former inspector for the
Immigration and Naturalization Service have been indicted on bribery
charges, federal officials announced Tuesday.

Three of the indicted are accused of allowing vehicles believed to have
been transporting cocaine to pass through the Nogales port of entry in
exchange for  cash. The fourth is alleged to have taken money to approve
immigration  documents.

The indictments, along with five others of alleged drug smugglers, were the
result of a special investigation of public corruption by the Southwest
Border  Task Force of the Nogales port of entry.

"Corruption will not be tolerated and this case is an example of the
success that cooperative law enforcement can have," said U.S. Attorney Jose
de Jesus Rivera said.

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MAP posted-by: Joel W. Johnson