Pubdate: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 Date: 07/03/1999 Source: Baltimore Sun (MD) Author: Patrick Froehlich Note: Original: "Drug addiction fuels murderous trend" is a misleading title, which gives the impression that drug addiction itself causes violence. In fact, nearly all drug-related murders can be attributed to the underground economy based around their sale. The black market for illegal drugs operates in the same manner as any other black market. People cannot buy illegal drugs with checks or credit cards, so large amounts of cash are involved. Drug dealers are prime targets for rip-off artists. Since legal authorities can't be called in, drug disputes must be settled with violence. This endangers users, dealers and others who just happen to be in the area when shots start going off. The illegal drug trade requires three things to exist: a supply of drugs, a demand for drugs and laws prohibiting their sale and possession. Removing any one of these would cause the black market to disappear. Many years of drug prohibition have failed to eliminate them or even reduce demand or supply. It's long past time for our leaders to quit pretending they can eliminate the drug market and start regulating it. Patrick Froehlich, Richmond, Va.