Pubdate: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 Date: 01/06/1999 Source: Evening News (UK) Author: E. A. Clarke Related: Letter refers to The UK's Anti-drugs Coordinator, Keith Hellawell, has come up with a proposal that is nothing more than a programme of brain-washing our children at school. TEACHERS will be told to stop describing drugs as "soft" or "recreational", he announced (Evening News, January 2.) "A drug is a drug", said Mr Hellawell. This is an insult to teachers who, fortunately, will not be "told" anything, least of all when it is to spread wrong information. It is also an insult to children who want to be educated, not brain-washed. The so-called Drug Czar has no solution to the drugs problem. Now he wants to distort the truth about the relative dangers of all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco which kill the most, and cannabis which kills none, and teach the children that drugs are all the same. This form of propaganda may be acceptable in a Totalitarian regime but hardly in a democracy. Sincerely, E. A. Clarke Mount Pleasant Norwich