Pubdate: Tue, 20 Oct 1998
Source: Calgary Sun (Canada)
Copyright: 1998, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Mike D'amour, Calgary Sun


Advocate Wants Club To Distribute Marijuana In City

Moments after he was sentenced yesterday for trafficking pot on the
courthouse steps, Grant Krieger said he's planning to broaden his
distribution operations.

"I'm starting a Compassion Club," said Krieger, who was fined more
than $500 for trying to give pot -- in front of reporters and cops --
to a fellow multiple sclerosis sufferer in June 1997.

Krieger said he would pattern the local club on a Vancouver-based
group of the same name, which cultivates and distributes pot to the
terminally ill and other chronic pain sufferers.

"I have enough people to get this started in about a week," he

During sentencing for possession for the purpose of trafficking,
provincial court Judge Robert Davie called Krieger's actions a
"publicity stunt."

"I'm satisfied he was motivated by his belief in marijuana as a
pain-killer," Davie said. "But that does not justify breaking the law."

Krieger told the court he no longer walks with crutches or a cane
because of the beneficial effects of pot, but Davie stopped him,
saying he wouldn't debate the issue of marijuana for medicinal purposes.

"That's better left to the medical community and Parliament," he said,
noting the charges against Krieger were for trafficking marijuana, not
possessing or smoking it.

Davie told Krieger selling grass usually warrants jail, even for
first-time offenders, unless there's "exceptional"

"I'm convinced these are exceptional circumstances," the judge

"(Krieger) didn't incite violence or public disorder and I'm satisfied
he was trying to draw public attention to an issue," he said before
fining Krieger $550 for the approximately 15 grams of pot he had when

If Krieger doesn't pay by Jan. 31 1999, he will spend 11 days in

Krieger said he may choose jail as a way to further his protest.
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Checked-by: Patrick Henry