Pubdate: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 Source: Centre Daily Times (PA) Contact: Authors: Jay Ferguson, Redford Givens, Joel Carlson, Kirk Nechamkin, Cindy Campbell, Clifford A. Schaffer, Joseph Filko READERS RESPOND TO JOSEPH FILKO'S COLUMN Editor's note: The following cluster of letters all respond to Joesph Filko's Aug. 16 "My View" column. These are all of the letters received by the close of business on Friday. - --------------------------------------------------------------------- As a protester against the War on (some) Drugs, I thought in view of the "My View" article entitled "Illegal drug use leads to surrender of social liberties" by Joseph Filko that I would mention to you one freedom that is dear to us all that is indeed threatened to be abolished. This freedom is our First Amendment right, the freedom of speech. In the a recent article in Reason magazine ("A Duty to Censor," by Phillip O. Corrin, in the Aug./Sept. issue), we read that the United Nations is attempting to prohibit any and all who have a differing opinion to current drug policy. In a country where the most bigoted racist has a platform to speak his mind, how do we justify the censorship of those who suggest Drug Policy Reform. To Mr. Filko, this is why I protest every Thursday at noon on the corner of Allen Street and College Avenue. The article I've mentioned highlights the United Nations' position. I wonder if Mr. Filko stands with them. Prohibiting dialog and speech is justified since everything is justified in the War on (some) Drugs. I may not agree with your opinion but I will defend to the death your right to speak it. I invite a debate with Mr. Filko at any time. I finish with a quote from Abraham Lincoln: "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." Looks like ol' Abe knew about the hypocrisy of banning people from consuming what they will, and to a deep level. Think about that when you have a beer and scorn a person for smoking marijuana. Jay Ferguson State College - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * History is repeating itself. During alcohol prohibition things got so far out of control that teen alcoholism became a major problem. Every high school had its own bootlegger. Schools were closed because of student drunkenness. The cause of the problem was the same for alcohol then as it is for drugs now -- outlaws don't ask for ID cards. In a criminal black market anyone of any age can buy anything they have enough money to pay for. Hence, we are seeing 13-year-old heroin users. It is essential to recognize this as a symptom of a failed policy. Escalating the drug laws will only make matters worse. The results of 15 years of the most intensive drug prohibition in history are nothing less than a national disaster. A massive effort costing well over a trillion dollars to date has resulted in the cheapest, purest and most widely available heroin and cocaine since the drug laws went on the books. Even school children now have access. It's time to stop listening to hypocritical drug prohibitionists who actually create child addiction with their drug policies. The solution is to legalize drugs for adult use and regulate the drug market the same way we do the alcohol trade. Criminal dealers cannot compete in a legal market and licensed dealers won't sell to kids. That's why we don't see bootleggers selling booze in the schoolyards the way they did in the 1920s. Legalization and regulation will greatly reduce children's access to drugs and eliminate all "drug crime" caused by empowering a criminal black market. Redford Givens San Francisco - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *This letter is a responsible citizen's addendum to Joseph B. Filko's Aug. 16 column. The title was "Illegal drug use leads to surrender of social liberties." Does this mean that legal drug use does not? Filko asserts that marijuana "adds nothing to civilized society or to human productivity." What about alcohol (see numerous articles from CDT on the alcohol-induced arts festival riot)? The author's argument is a moral one, that abusing intoxicating or hallucinogenic substances is tantamount to Iying to oneself by distorting reality. Should we also make Iying to ourselves illegal? The article ignores the issue of hemp. To those who support laws compelling others to do what we think is best for them: Must we also ban hemp as an alternative to deforestation and dependence on petroleum-based, oil-producing countries? Joel Carlson State College - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * While marijuana is most definitely a psychoactive drug with intoxicating properties, it absolutely does not promote violence like alcohol does. In the Netherlands, coffee shops that serve marijuana are notorious for their peaceful atmosphere. Anybody who frequents them will tell you that there is never any violence or lunacy associated with marijuana use. There is no reason why Americans should not have the freedom to consume marijuana. Some people think that people should be free to do things the overhwhelming marjority of society agrees upon. In acuality, this is not freedom. Nobody needs the freedom to do that which everyone will applaud. Personal liberty comes at an expense to society. This is a defining characteristic of liberty. In a recent column in the CDT, Joseph B. Filko wrote: "Human rights are more accurately defined as those freedoms of action which are required for the realization of the full potential and continuation of human life." What he is describing is not freedom. Similar reasoning is often used to condemn homosex-uality. In fact, if we could successfully prohibit heterosexual intercourse, we could reduce the spread of HIV (and, thus, AIDS-related deaths) significantly. As people's views on religion and spirituality vary significantly, so do our goals and aspirations in life. What one person regards as "the full potential" of humanity might be agreed upon by everyone. For some people, the freedom to peacefully consume a marijuana cigarette seems as basic as the freedom to engage in consensual sexual relations. Kirk Nechamkin Forest Hills, N.Y. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This is a response to the editorial by Mr. Joseph B. Filko on Aug. 16. Mr. Filko, you suggest "... that the demonstrators have a very limited grasp of the rational and historic origins of human and civil rights." I claim that in fact the demonstrators have an excellent understanding of the disturbing history of drug prohibition and the dismal reality of the war on drugs. Laws against marijuana, as well as other drugs, were enacted primarily to repress minority groups. In a hearing before Congress in 1937, the Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger argued that marijuana needed to be prohibited because of its supposed violent "effect on the degenerate races." Congress agreed over the protests of the American Medical Association, which presented evidence that marijuana was not a threat to public health. And thus the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 became law, passed as a tax law because they understood what the demonstrators are trying to tell you -- that outright prohibition is an infringement of personal liberties guaranteed by the Constitu-tion. Founded in such ignorance and bigotry as this, it is no wonder that the War on Drugs has reaped such devastation. The facts are appalling: * Drug addicts are treated as criminals instead of patients; * Prisons are crowded beyond capacity; * Inner cities have become war zones; * And the government has continued to repress badly needed research regarding the medical merits of marijuana Mr. Filko said to survive we need "... to perceive reality accurately" and to respond to it rationally. I agree. We must see the War on Drugs for what it is -- a fundamentally flawed policy causing much more harm than good -- and work for a better solution. That is what these demonstrators are doing and I thank them for their efforts. Cindy Campbell West Haven, Conn. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * I can see that Joseph Filko has taught political science and, therefore, must be a scholar of drug policy, civil liberties and related issues. I would like to pose two simple questions to Mr. Filko: One: How would you explain the fact that even the people who wrote the original federal drug prohibition laws (the Harrison Tax Act and the Marijuana Tax Act) agreed that the federal government was constitutionally prohibited from enacting any law to prohibit the personal use of drugs? Two: I have collected the full text of most of the major studies of drugs and drug policy over the last 100 years, from around the world. Mr. Filko can find that collection on the Internet at As anyone can readily see, the short summation of the world's serious research on this issue is that this drug policy is a bad idea and always has been -- regardless of what you might think about the civil liberties issue. I ask Mr. Filko -- as the scholar of these issues that he is -- to supply me with the name of any significant study of drug policy in the last 100 years that he thinks supports our current drug policy -- particularly with respect to marijuana. I have been searching for 10 years, and I can't find one. Clifford A. Schaffer Canyon Country, Calif. The writer is director or the DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy, which can be viewed at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Joseph Filko responds: The writers of the referenced legislation were in no position to determine what is constitutional. The U.S. Supreme Court enjoys that exclusive priviledge, and they, apparently, have not seen fit to so rule regarding current drug law. I suggest that Mr. Schaffer pick up his telephone and call the director of life underwriting at any top-rated life insurance company and ask how applicants who are regular marijuana users are underwritten. He'll find that such persons are either declined insurance altogether or are so highly rated as to make the insurance practically unaffordable. Insurance companies reject or rate such applicants on the basis of claims experience and statistics, not puritanical thinking. He may also want to review "Say No to Marijuana Legalization," by Donna Shalala in the Wall Street Journal, Aug. 8, 1995, as well as reports to Congress from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Check the NIDA World Wide Web site for more information at: - --- Checked-by: Patrick Henry