Contact:  (515) 288-0309
Pubdate: 12 Aug 98
Author: Pat Costigan


I am writing in response to the story "Bob's Name in Vain" (July 29), but
first I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation to your readers
who braved the weather to come out to support this year's Bob Marley
Festival.  Especially the dozens of people who showed up early and waited
patiently until the rain finally stopped.

As for the story, I spoke to many people about your article and they all
laughed, saying, "Consider the source." But for your readers who don't know
Dave Grimm personally, I would like to introduce him and respond to the

Dave Grimm was an enthusiastic volunteer the first year the festival came
to Des Moines.  Mr. Grimm was very helpful.  Apparently, he didn't have a
job at the time and had a lot of time to help with the festival.  He was so
helpful that we paid him for his assistance.

The second year, Mr. Grimm was helpful again but continually bad-mouthed
other people involved in the festival.  He told me if Connie Derry
continued to be involved, the next year he would not be. I thanked him for
all his help, wished him well on his future endeavors and again gave him
some money.

Dave Grimm was never in the inner circle of the festival, never knew what
our revenues were and never knew what we paid out in expenses.  Any figures
quoted by Mr. Grimm in this story are made up in his head. The festival is
not run entirely on free labor, and I wish Mr. Grimm would tell me where we
could get some of those cut-rate prices he spoke of.

As far as Ms. Wilson's participation in the story, it is apparent she
believed Mr. Grimm's tale.  For every disgruntled band or vendor Mr Grimm
supplied, I could have supplied you with 10 names of bands or vendors who
are anxious to participate every year.  It's a shame she never asked me for
them.  Apparently, she was afraid that would have taken the edge off her

Ms. Derry and I are very proud of the festival voted "Best Festival of the
Year" by Cityview readers last year.  As long as the people of Des Moines
enjoy the festival and continue to support it, we will work hard to bring
it to them.

Hopefully, some day we'll make the kind of money Dave Grimm thinks we do.

Pat Costigan

Festival coordinator

Editor's note: The story's main intent was to let our readers and
especially the volunteers know the Bob Marley Festival is a for-profit
venture.  And while Mr. Grimm's speculation about the festival's profits
may trouble organizers, neither Mr. Costigan nor Ms. Derry have been
forthcoming with figures.

Also, the Bob Marley Festival did not win in any categories of our Best of
Des Moines readers' poll in 1997 or 1998.

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Checked-by: Mike Gogulski