Source: The Winnipeg Sun Contact: 11 Aug 1998 Author: Chris Buors DRUG PROHIBITION DISASTER MUST END `The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced.' - Albert Einstein - If more people were to use MS Morgan's comparison of the lessons learned from alcohol prohibition to today's drug prohibition, the law would change in short order. Heroin addicts are overdosing and dying in Vancouver as well as Winnipeg for the same reasons people went blind and died of alcohol poisoning in the 20's. Prohibition caused people from all walks of life to disrespect the law and brew alcohol on their stove tops and mix gin in the bathtub, who knows what it was cut with to increase profits? Today who knows where heroin is refined and what it is cut with to increase profits? Results are the same in both cases, a drug supply of unknown quantity and unknown quality. The debate roared on for 50 years in the U.S. before alcohol was prohibited. Temperance supporters envisioned an alcohol free society. After 11 years it was discarded for the disaster history proves it to be. In Canada we are approaching 75 years of drug prohibition in the quest for a drug free society. History will record this experiment as the unmitigated disaster that it is. Chris Buors (204)663-3485 - --- Checked-by: Mike Gogulski