Pubdate: Fri, 3 Jun 1998 Source: Toronto Star (Canada) Page: A23 Contact: TIRED TACTICS WON'T STOP KIDS FROM LIGHTING UP Re Student smokers face suspension (June 19) Tory MPP Terence Young's Zero Tolerance for Substance Abuse Act, which passed second reading recently, promotes segregating and suspending students who are caught with a mere unlit cigarette. If keeping drug users from participating in society worked, we would have licked the adult drug problem already, right? Wrong. We've used this tactic for 90 years now, and the harm resulting from alcohol, tobacco and other drug use continues unabated. Young's bill is also a boon to schoolyard bullies, who will undoubtedly welcome the chance to see a fellow student suspended merely by dropping an unlit cigarette into his or her knapsack. Perhaps Young could take a cue from his fellow Tory MPPs, Helen Johns and Ernie Hardeman. They recently called for changes to the existing Tobacco Control Act, simply because the act of barring tobacco use by students on school property has driven smoking students to loiter in neighborhoods surrounding their schools. It has also has the unfortunate effect of leaving students open to increased drug use off school grounds, where they can't be monitored in any way. For some reason, Young would seem to want to increase these negative effects, adding these on top of the rise in drug use and youth crime that will surely come as schools' extracurricular activities are curtailed due to lack of funding. It's sad that Young only wants to punish Ontario's youth, rather than look at ways to help them through the so-called best years of their lives. Dave Haans Toronto - ---