Pubdate: Sun, 13 Dec 1998
Source: Independent on Sunday (UK)
Copyright: Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Marie Woolf


The Royal College of Midwives, which is a key adviser to the
Government on anti-smoking policy, has been directly investing in
tobacco shares.

The college, which helped the Government frame proposals on helping
pregnant women to quit smoking in last week's White Paper on tobacco,
owns hundreds of shares in Imperial Tobacco, which produces Embassy

The disclosure comes as a severe embarrassment to the college since
its members have been offering anti-smoking advice to mothers-to-be
for years.

The organisation believed it had an ethical investment policy which
bans it from holding shares in tobacco or arms firms.

When The Independent on Sunday informed the college about owning 500
shares in the tobacco company it was "appalled" and pledged to sell
them immediately. The shares are worth more than UKP3000.

"I am appalled at this. We led the campaign against smoking," said
Louise Silverton, deputy general secretary. "I am going to have to
make sure that we sell [the shares] on Monday. We will be
investigating this."

The 500 shares in the London Stock Exchange-quoted company are held by
its Scottish headquarters which was previously forced to sell shares
it held in Vickers, the defence manufacturer, by its London branch.
The Scottish branch, which is said to operate independently from
London, was unavailable for comment yesterday.

Last week we revealed how the British Heart Foundation has invested
its employees' pension contributions in a fund that makes money from
tobacco stocks. The foundation welcomed the Government's policy on
tobacco and cigarette advertising published last week.

The hard-hitting White Paper entitled Smoking Kills includes a chapter
on helping women to beat the habit during pregnancy. The Royal College
advised ministers on how to implement the most effective policy for
helping women to quit.

The paper, launched by Frank Dobson, the Secretary of State for
Health, said that midwives play a key role in offering support and

"Midwives...and other health professionals have regular one-to-one
contact with pregnant women. These contacts are ideal opportunities to
offer support and practical advice on giving up smoking. Evidence
shows pre-natal counselling...can double quit rates."
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Checked-by: derek rea