Source: The Advertiser (Australia) 
Pubdate: Wed, 16 Nov 1998 
Section: Editorial
Page: 16


ALMOST with one step forward and one back, Australia is moving towards a
more sensible, less hysterical approach to the crisis of hard drugs and,
especially, heroin addiction.

Our series of reports from the front line today includes confirmation that
trials here of the blocking medication naltrexone, among a small group of
Adelaide addicts, have been successful.

This came as absolutely no surprise to those with first-hand knowledge of
the problem and the possible solution. It is not only the members of the
trial group who have proved the almost miraculous capability of naltrexone
treatment: it is also the number of addicts who have sought available
private treatment.

What an appalling failure of health services and State Government it is
therefore that responsible agencies offering this hope, this chance of a
new life, such as Drug Aid of SA, are faced with imminent closure because
they are starved of funds.

As well as embracing a heroin trial program, surely confronted with
evidence of the value of this treatment, the Olsen Government can think
laterally and act positively. 
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Checked-by: Richard Lake