Pubdate: [Sun, 10 Dec 1995] Source: Spokesman-Review, Spokane (WA) Author: Tom Hawkins I would like to thank the Spokesman-Review for publishing the article well written article brings out into the open a point that has been ignored during the Proposition 215 debate. The law has been passed by a majority of California voters. The question is not whether to accept the law, but rather on how to enforce it. Dan Lungren and others admirably admit that this is the will of the people. Yet they still seek to subvert the will of the people by imposing impossible requirements upon the people whom the law protects. All this while continuing to block any attempt to perform valid medical and scientific research into the subject of medicinal marijuana. Our elected officials must be hiding the benefits of this natural medicine for a reason. Could it be to protect the pharmaceutical companies from an effective but unpatentable medicine? Or is it because of the governmentally imposed social stigma against marijuana? Or both? Enough I say. These people are public servants, put in their positions by the same people that passed California's Proposition 215. It is their duty to follow the letter of the law, and more importantly, the spirit of the law. And if they can not, for whatever reason, then I call for them to step down for people that will. Sincerely, Tom Hawkins Grand Coulee