Pubdate: Mon, 22 Jan 2018
Source: Labradorian, The (CN NF)
Copyright: 2018 The Labradorian
Author: Karla Loder
Page: 6


National Non-Smoking Week 2018

National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) has been observed during the third
week in January for more than 35 years.

 From Jan. 21 to 27, one of the most important events in Canada's
ongoing health education efforts in the prevention and reduction of
tobacco use will be promoted, with Weedless Wednesday on Jan. 23.

Weedless Wednesday focuses on the benefits of cessation and promotes a
"one day at a time" approach to quitting smoking - a concept appealing
to many smokers who may be discouraged when contemplating a week or
perhaps a lifetime without cigarettes. Coping with one smoke-free day
is manageable, and can contribute to small successes that lead to the
decision of quitting long-term.

This year's theme "Smoke is Smoke" reinforces the message that there
is no safe levels of second-hand smoke. Although the health risks
associated with second-hand smoke from tobacco cigarettes are well
known, many are unaware of the exposure from cannabis or a hookah
(water) pipe.


A hookah, or water pipe, is a device used to smoke tobacco and shisha,
which is a non-tobacco herbal product. According to the World Health
Organization, both products can produce toxic chemicals such as carbon
monoxide and ultrafine particles. However, not only does shisha give
off chemicals, but so does the burning charcoal used to heat the
shisha. It produces very high levels of heavy metals and cancer
causing chemicals.


Smoke from cannabis (marijuana) has been shown to have many of the
same toxic chemicals as tobacco. It also contains THC, a chemical
responsible for the "high" experienced by users. Second hand smoke
could negatively affect the health of those exposed (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention).

Limiting exposure to all sources of smoke (tobacco, shisha and
cannabis) is the best way to protect yourself and others from the
harmful effects.

* Avoid places where you might be exposed to any kind of second-hand

* Make your home and car smoke-free

* Avoid shisha or cannabis around children, those pregnant, older
adults and those with conditions such as asthma, lung or heart disease

* If you smoke, think about quitting

The Newfoundland and Labrador Smokers' Helpline (SHL) is a free,
confidential counseling service available to individuals who want to
quit smoking and stay smoke-free. SHL staff are there to provide
support to help motivate you to take action, provide information on
proven quit methods, suggest practical tips that have worked for
others and to offer assistance for staying smoke-free. There's no
pressure to quit right away, rather, helpful information and tools for
when an individual is ready. Contact the Smokers' Helpline at
1-800-363-5864 or visit them online at:

National Non-Smoking Week and Weedless Wednesday is an opportunity to
remind residents of Northern Newfoundland and Labrador that
Labrador-Grenfell Health properties are smoke-free. This is a policy
designed to protect others and to provide a smoke free environment
because there is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke.
Please contact your local health professional for more information.

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Karla Loder is the regional health promotion and education consultant 
with Labrador-Grenfell Health.
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MAP posted-by: Matt