Pubdate: Sun, 10 Apr 2016
Source: Des Moines Register (IA)
Copyright: 2016 The Des Moines Register
Authors: Cam Sutton and Gary Kirke


We applaud Gov. Terry Branstad for being open to the issue of medical 
cannabis [Branstad mulls medical cannabis expansion, April 5]. Over 
the past three years, thousands of Iowans have asked their lawmakers 
to pass this meaningful legislation to either get relief from a 
debilitating medical condition themselves or for a loved one. More 
than 90 of the state's most influential business leaders have signed 
a letter urging the Legislature to act. More than 4 of 5 Iowans 
support the passage of this legislation. And hundreds of local 
government leaders have lent their support to the cause. It is time 
for the Legislature to act.

In the governor's weekly news conference on April 4, he stated that 
he is willing to work with the Legislature on this issue. The 
governor is a true statesman for taking this approach. Thank you, 
governor, for hearing the voices of Iowans on this issue and lending 
your support.

It is time for Iowa to join the ranks of 23 other states who have 
compassion for the sick and suffering people in their states. It is 
time to pass a comprehensive medical cannabis law that will provide 
relief to thousands of Iowans. The people of Iowa are tired of waiting.

- - Cam Sutton, Waukee, and Gary Kirke, West Des Moines
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