Pubdate: Mon, 04 Apr 2016
Source: Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ)
Copyright: 2016 The Arizona Republic
Authors: Frank Milstead, Bill Montgomery, Sheila Polk Note: Frank 
Milstead is director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Bill 
Montgomery is the Maricopa County Attorney. Sheila Polk is the 
Yavapai County Attorney.


The people behind the marijuana initiative want to "regulate 
marijuana like alcohol." Clever marketing. But it hides the many 
flaws inherent in legalizing this drug  flaws that have statewide 
lawenforcement leaders, along with many others, united in opposition.

Just look to Colorado, the pioneer in marijuana legalization. Since 
legalization there, teen use has increased to more than 70 percent 
above the national average. So much for this being about giving 
adults choices. Arizona should expect similarly disastrous effects.

Meanwhile, advocates claim that legalization will allow law 
enforcement to focus on more serious crimes than marijuana 
possession. We already are: Only about 3 percent of marijuana users 
are ever arrested, and those people are generally involved in other 
crimes as well. Or, they are carrying pounds (not ounces) of marijuana.

We also make a lot more arrests for alcohol and liquor violations. If 
marijuana is regulated like alcohol, we would actually end up making 
more arrests for marijuana violations, not fewer.

In Colorado, the black market for marijuana did not end. It thrives, 
and police now have a more difficult job sorting out the legal from 
the illegal.

This is just the beginning. Since legalization in Colorado, that 
state has seen an increase in traffic fatalities related to 
marijuana, an increase in marijuana-related hospitalizations and 
emergency room visits, and an increase in marijuana-related calls to 
poison control. Much of this is due to the high potency and 
attraction of marijuana edibles. Now think about what will happen in 
Arizona when our children bite into pot-infused gummy bears, cookies 
and lollipops.

The proposed law solves none of the problems proponents of 
legalization say it will. It exacerbates them.

Beyond all this, the industry-friendly initiative creates an entire 
set of new costs and problems for Arizona:

The proposed law fills 20 pages with complex legal language. It will 
be voter protected, so the problems cannot be fixed by the state 
Legislature. We simply have to live with them.

The proposed law transfers regulatory authority over this harmful and 
addictive drug from the Department of Health Services to a newly 
created department, leading to even more government.

The proposed law creates a Marijuana Commission packed with industry 
representatives. Regulate it like alcohol? Not likely as the fox 
would be guarding the henhouse.

Even at that, there isn't much left to guard. The initiative makes 
penalties for violations much weaker than alcohol penalties. It makes 
our roads more dangerous by weakening the ability to prosecute 
marijuana-impaired drivers. This is not regulating marijuana like 
alcohol; it's giving marijuana a free pass and sending all the wrong 
signals to our youth.

The proposed law was written by the medical-marijuana dispensary 
industry, which cynically gives itself a monopoly on retail licenses.

The proposed law creates a statutory right to use marijuana that 
protects marijuana users over employers and landlords, and over the 
rights of other employees.

The benefits in this initiative flow to the marijuana industry for 
the purpose of their profits - and at the expense of our public 
health, education and safety. This will all translate to more abuse 
by teens, more emergency room visits, more traffic deaths and more 
societal costs. We in law enforcement want none of that. No Arizonan should.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom