Pubdate: Sat, 07 Nov 2015
Source: Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA)
Copyright: 2015 Appeal-Democrat
Author: Karen Ligget


There have been landlords claiming to not know of their tenants 
growing marijuana. Well, I am giving you information that in the 
California Landlord/Tenant handbook (page 67) has the guidelines for 
you. It states you have to go by the laws according to cultivating 
and manufacturing illegal drugs.

If tenants have a medical marijuana card, they still have to be in 
compliance with the ordinances and state law. New laws are coming up 
about marijuana soon. You are breaking the law if not in compliance 
with laws and ordinances.

I am not a lawyer, but I am giving you the information so that you, 
as a landlord, don't break the law. You can give the tenant a 
threeday notice, according to the handbook. You can get a copy at 
California Rural Legal Assistance on D Street in Marysville.

I myself hope that landlords who let tenants grow and manufacture 
illegal drugs are arrested with their tenants. You are not above the 
law. And you are not making the area that our property is at safe.

You have Google Earth to look at the outside of your property.

And I believe you can give tenants 24-hour notice to check inside and 
out. You are responsible for your property. Remember the term 
"slumlord"  they only care about money. You don't want to be called 
that, do you?

I was told that you can put in the ad and lease, no growing 
marijuana. So that the tenant knows before they rent. Just like when 
you put no smoking in ad (which means not on property).

Then you have more information when you go to court to evict them, if needed.

Please, landlords, make our area safe and do not rent to pot growers.

Your property may have kids around the neighborhood. Please keep them safe.

And there are home invasions. You don't want negative incidents 
linked to your property.

Thank you to landlords who do care about their property and to keep 
the neighborhood safe.

Karen Ligget,

Yuba City
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom