Pubdate: Thu, 27 Aug 2015
Source: North Coast Journal (Arcata, CA)
Column: The Week in Weed
Copyright: 2015 North Coast Journal
Author: Grant Scott-Goforth


In another portent of the gentrification of marijuana, cannabis 
activists have tapped into the fitness industrial complex to create 
the 420 Games, a series of sporting events that claims it is 
"destigmatizing millions of responsible, positive cannabis users 
through athletic achievement."

In mid-August, several hundred runners lined up to run a 4.20 (yes, 
math whiz, that zero is unnecessary) course through San Francisco's 
Golden Gate Park.

Think it doesn't get much whiter than smoking pot in public before a 
jog in San Francisco? Guess again.

The queue for 420 Games events running through October includes: a 
golf tournament in San Jose, a stand up paddleboard race on Lake 
Tahoe, and a cruiser bike race in Orange County. That is one 
alabaster event lineup.

But why pick on them for that? After all, it's no surprise that 
there's crossover between people who enjoy the soaring influence of 
cannabis and those afflicted with the fitness bug. Or people who 
exercise and use marijuana for its therapeutic effects.

And it's all part of "mainstream attitudes toward pot use slowly 
changing statewide," as the San Francisco Chronicle wrote in coverage 
of the race, right?

Or maybe founder Jim McAlpine just sees dollar signs - after all, 
we're living in a time of near-legalization and an abundance of 
lucrative exercise startups. That's fine, too.

But maybe there's something more political to the 420 Games, and the 
lofty claim from its website would suggest that McAlpine thinks there 
is. Is it a calculated effort to change the minds of affluent white 
people? Some might say that's an important demographic, seeing as it 
includes most of the lawmakers who have kept marijuana illegal for so 
many decades. But it's also the group that by and large doesn't feel 
the negative effects of prohibition, even among its marijuana-smoking ranks.

Perhaps appealling to them wins votes for legalization. And maybe 
that's a good thing for everyone, even people who aren't pot-smoking, 
loft-renting weekend warriors. Marijuana legalization is one step in 
many to end a misguided and virulently racist war on drugs that 
vastly favors white stoners.

At the same time, there's something sticky-icky about the 420 Games. 
Can you imagine a group of black pot smokers gathering in any U.S. 
city, even weed-loving SF, toking up and just going for a jog, free 
from police scrutiny?

And if the 420 Games is committed to ending stigmatization of 
responsible pot-smoking athletes, what is it doing for high school, 
college and professional sports players - many of them minorities - 
who turn to marijuana as an accessible and effective pain reliever, 
putting their careers at risk?

Getting high on a golf course may, eventually, in a roundabout way, 
be beneficial to the people of color who are locked up at much higher 
rates than White America. But in the meantime, it's like an 
expression of white privilege completely lacking self-awareness.

As the Journal went to press, North Coast lawmakers were scrambling 
to modify medical marijuana bills as the state's legislative session 
comes to an end. There are currently three bills seeking to regulate 
and tax California's medical marijuana industry - one each introduced 
by state Sen. Mike McGuire, state Assemblyman Jim Wood and East Bay 
Assemblyman Rob Bonta.

According to a Times-Standard report, staff for McGuire and Bonta are 
working on a short deadline to combine their bills, seeking to 
compromise on differences before submitting one or both of them to 
appropriations committees for approval by Aug. 26.

Wood is also seeking to adapt his bill so that it will work as 
companion legislation to whatever McGuire and Bonta can agree on.

Check the Journal's website for more on this story as it develops 
through the week.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom