Pubdate: Mon, 29 Jun 2015
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2015 Postmedia Network Inc.
Author: Bob Schmautz
Page: 14


What a breath of fresh air to read Gordon Clark's columns on medical 
marijuana. Finally, someone makes sense of the so-called medical 
benefits of pot.

People who smoke pot will defend it to the end, but in my opinion 
this has very little to do with medical issues and a whole lot to do 
with getting high.

Do the people promoting this ever look at some of the images in the 
media of the pro-marijuana gatherings, like the recent 4/20 event in 
downtown Vancouver? Is that what they would want their kids to look like?

Another question is, "why are they not working?" Judging by their 
appearance, I suppose the answer is evident.

I hope Clark will have more to say about this matter; his columns 
will be read each and every time. As for the rest of the crap being 
shoved down our throats, I can only hope that people don't buy into it.

Bob Schmautz, Burnaby
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom