Pubdate: Fri, 26 Sep 2014
Source: Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Copyright: 2014 Chico Enterprise-Record
Note: Letters from newspaper's circulation area receive publishing priority
Author: Robert Galia


Although Cynthia Stevenson's recent letter "feels good" in a 
politically correct sort of way, it is absolutely absurd. Her first 
statement about criminals coming to Butte County in droves is 
particularly offensive. Growing cannabis in California for medical 
use is perfectly legal, as it will be very soon in all 50 states. 
Voting her way, "yes on A, no on B" is what will increase crime 
activity as the cartels move in to fill the demand.

Her statement about "kids on bikes getting killed by stoned drug 
dealers" is totally laughable considering there are absolutely no 
cases of this ever happening. In fact there is no case ever, in the 
history of mankind, where someone has overdosed and died as a result 
of cannabis consumption.

Look, cannabis is a wonderful, safe and effective medicine, an 
alternative to toxic, addictive pills and a substitute for alcohol. 
That is why we are allowed to grow it.

Growers want sensible regulation. We want to pay taxes. We are not 
welfare cheats. We use organic methods (dispensaries now test for 
harmful products). If people want to share their surplus with 
out-of-state dispensaries, so what? There is nothing more American 
than growing an agricultural product that is in demand, especially 
one that is so important to one's health as this herb can be.

Quality of life? A yes on A, no on B vote will mean economic disaster 
for this county.

- - Robert Galia, Chico
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom