Pubdate: Sun, 01 Jun 2014
Source: Gainesville Sun, The (FL)
Copyright: 2014 The Gainesville Sun
Author: Joseph Rosado
Note: Dr. Joseph Rosado is a Florida-licensed primary care medical 
doctor living in Alachua County.


As I read the arguments being put forth by the Florida Sheriffs 
Association against Amendment 2, echoed by Alachua County Sheriff 
Sadie Darnell in a recent guest column expressing her opposition to 
this measure that would allow for the medical use of marijuana in our 
state, I was simultaneously struck by both the callousness and the 
sheer disingenuousness of their case.

Sheriff Darnell appears to stand behind the same discredited talking 
points being disseminated by the FSA across the state, a collection 
of artfully phrased half-truths, distortions and outright falsehoods 
meant to scare voters into denying this important therapeutic tool to 
thousands of suffering Floridians.

She claims that under Amendment 2 minors will have access to medical 
marijuana without parental consent. This is simply not true. A minor, 
like any other patient, would need to have a physician's 
recommendation to obtain medical marijuana. Under Florida law, except 
in rare circumstances like emergencies, no physician can offer 
medical treatment to a minor without the consent of a parent or guardian.

She alleges that Floridians will be able to have access to medical 
marijuana for minor ailments like migraines, menstrual cramps or 
anxiety. The Florida Supreme Court, however, has already ruled that 
the scope of Amendment 2 is unequivocal: it will only make cannabis 
available to patients suffering from debilitating diseases like 
cancer, HIV/AIDS and multiple sclerosis among others.

She constructs outlandish scenarios including unregulated 
dispensaries, felons, addicts and ex-drug dealers qualifying as 
caregivers and a complete absence of dosage control. The truth is if 
this amendment passes, every single one of those concerns would be 
addressed by the Florida Department of Health, the agency that would 
be tasked with constructing the regulatory framework under Amendment 2.

Moreover, the Florida Legislature would still be able to pass 
additional protective laws to further enhance protections against 
abuse. Does Sheriff Darnell have so little faith in our state's 
government that she believes it would implement this amendment in an 
irresponsible way?

Sheriff Darnell also attempts to convince voters that the recent 
Charlotte's Web bill approved by the Legislature will be enough serve 
the needs of Floridians with debilitating diseases. These statements 
simply highlight why it is best for physicians to make decisions 
regarding their patients' care, not politicians, or for that matter 
law enforcement officers.

The Charlotte's Web strain of marijuana has only proven effective at 
helping children with intractable epilepsy. There is no evidence that 
it would provide relief to the vast majority of patients suffering 
from other conditions that could be alleviated by medical cannabis.

Floridians with debilitating diseases deserve full access to the 
widest possible range of strains so they can find the appropriate 
medicine for their condition. The only way to ensure that is to 
approve Amendment 2 in November.

Floridians deserve better than the misleading talking points the 
Florida Sheriffs Association and Sheriff Sadie Darnell are offering. 
As a physician I believe we need a debate governed by facts, fairness 
and above all, compassion.

The quality of life of someone you know, even your own some day, may 
depend on it.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom