Pubdate: Fri, 18 Apr 2014
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2014 The Tribune Co.
Author: Douglas MacKinnon
Note: Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon 
official, and an author.


In 1939, Frank Capra made one of the most entertaining, important and 
enduring political movies of all time titled "Mr. Smith Goes to 
Washington" starring James Stewart and Jean Arthur.

An essential part of the plot involved an immensely powerful and 
corrupt businessman by the name of "Jim Taylor" from Mr. Smith's 
fictional home state. "The Taylor Machine" in the movie continually 
manipulated a politician it had bought and paid for years earlier. 
Sadly, 75 years after the film premiered, many hard-working and 
honest Americans look at our nation's capital and even the state of 
Florida and understandably wonder if much really has changed.

Be it Washington, D.C., or Tallahassee, many times when the pushing 
of an issue just doesn't seem to pass the common-sense or smell test, 
then the political axiom "follow the money" usually kicks in. Which 
politicians are supporting it? What is their rationale? Who pays the 
bills? Who is contributing to their campaigns? What connections do 
these contributors have to the issue?

Being a fairly new resident of Florida, I don't pretend to know all 
the players or who might be supporting them from the shadows or even 
pulling their strings. That said, be it Florida, New York, California 
or elsewhere, it's never really a shock to any voters when they come 
to realize that certain politicians are indebted to certain 
benefactors who are seeking certain desired legislative outcomes. Now 
while much of this behavior may be legal, it is often less than 
transparent or ethical.

As a resident of a state I proudly chose to live in, I was greatly 
bothered to learn that an amendment to legalize "medical marijuana" 
will be on the November ballot as a result of a very well-funded 
petition drive. Really? Does nobody else see the multiple flaws and 
outright dangers associated with such an amendment? Does anyone else 
not recognize the fact that "medical marijuana" is a fantasy created 
for profit?

Anyone who truly believes this amendment is being pushed for 
altruistic "medical" reasons also may be open to buying a certain 
bridge between New Jersey and New York.

Human nature dictates that most people embrace the truth right up 
until the moment it reflects poorly upon themselves or their cause. 
That said, here are some facts that reflect poorly on the rush to 
legalize what federal laws define as a "Schedule 1" illegal narcotic:

For anyone whose mind is not already clouded, it will come as no 
surprise to know that in the states where "medical marijuana" has 
been permitted, the largest users are males between the ages of 18 
and 34. The most common reasons given as to why they need it being 
"stress," "insomnia" and "pain."

In Colorado, for in-stance, 94 percent of users cited "pain" as the 
reason needed, 13 percent cited "muscle spasms" and 3 percent cited 
reasons associated with cancer, according to the Colorado Department of Health.

If the amendment is passed, "medical marijuana" could be available in 
candy, cookies, soda, brownies, mints and a host of other "food" 
products making it potentially undetectable and tempting to children. 
Tragically, a teenager in Colorado reportedly fell off a balcony this 
month after eating marijuana cookies.

The active ingredients in marijuana often cited as needed to relieve 
nausea have been available in pill form for more than 28 years.

Smoked "medical marijuana" is opposed by law-enforcement agencies, 
the American Medical Association, the National Cancer Institute, the 
American Cancer Society and a number of medical institutions.

If the media and the voters take time to examine the aggressive 
campaign behind this amendment, they will realize it is easily 
discredited. So, what then is the real reason for pushing this issue?

Could it simply be all about galvanizing the youth vote? And if so, 
which politician might have the most to gain should they flock to the 
ballot box in November?

Interestingly, if we look at states that did not have a "medical 
marijuana" amendment on the ballot in 2012, there was virtually no 
change in the youth vote turnout. However, in the three states that 
did have medical marijuana amendments on the ballot, the youth vote 
increased some 63 percent.


Should this amendment pass, employers, parents, children, 
law-enforcement officers, hospitals and most of us will pay a severe 
price so a select few can profit greatly

Hopefully there is not a "Taylor Machine" operating in the state 
pushing for that destructive outcome.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom