Pubdate: Wed, 12 Mar 2014
Source: Sentinel-Record, The (AR)
Copyright: 2014 Dave Richards
Author: Dave Richards


Dear editor:

Marijuana is not a harmless drug that users are led to believe. The U.
S. government classifies it in the most dangerous category, along with
heroin, LSD and Ecstasy, and it is highly addictive.

The effects of marijuana are much more severe than alcohol. It is a
"mind altering" drug. It impairs your judgment, which results in
reckless and irresponsible decisions you wouldn't ordinarily make,
oftentimes leaving terrible consequences. It stays in your system and
continues to build up with usage. Just one joint will test positive a
month after using it and children around you will test positive as

Pot smokers have difficulty in securing a good job. Employers screen
applicants with drug tests because they know people spaced out on pot
are unreliable, can't focus, disorganized, can't think clearly.
Marijuana can also lower your IQ , cause depression, damage your heart
and lungs and can cause permanent brain damage.

Pregnant women who smoke pot are subject to arrest for child abuse and
endangerment, and could give birth in jail and lose custody of other
children as well. Babies may be born with permanent health problems,
like undeveloped organs and spine, and mental problems.

Not only is pot unsafe, it's expensive. People hooked on it may spend
$ 500 a month or more to support this filthy habit. They give it to
terminally ill patients because it numbs or deadens the brain.

It is known as the "gateway" drug, and rightfully so. Surveys
conducted on heroin or crack addicts find some began on this road to
destruction by first smoking pot. While under the influence of pot,
you are much more vulnerable to experiment with worse drugs.

The mind is a terrible thing to lose. Don't risk it. Give it up, or
best, never take your first hit.

Dave Richards

Hot Springs 
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D