Pubdate: Wed, 12 Feb 2014
Source: Philadelphia Daily News (PA)
Copyright: 2014 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
Author: Gus Richardson


Christine: I find myself in the unusual position of agreeing with 
everything you expressed. We disagree on most topics. However ...

Mr. Hoffman was a brilliant actor and I enjoyed his work very much. 
But, it should be clear to anyone with a brain that his use of heroin 
and other illegal drugs was definitely selfish (or other more earthy 
descriptive terms), considering his family responsibilities and lack 
of awareness (or caring) for the devastation that the ultimate result 
would have on his kids. Sure, lots of entertainers use drugs, but 
that's no excuse.

The article in the Daily News in the issue immediately following his 
death was fine, except for the last sentence, which said that Mr. 
Hoffman was the victim of a drug overdose. If there was ever an 
example of how words can be used correctly but incorrectly at the 
same time, that was it. To the extent that he probably would not have 
taken that last hit, if he knew the result, yes, he may have not 
given himself that last shot. But he was smart enough to know that it 
could happen at anytime and he apparently didn't care enough for his 
family's sake to be a man and think of someone else besides his own desires.

Gus Richardson

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