Pubdate: Thu, 13 Feb 2014
Source: Boulder Weekly (CO)
Copyright: 2014 Boulder Weekly
Author: Leland Rucker


Feds Grappling With Their Own Rules

As more state legislatures vote to allow medical marijuana use and
research, and public approval in the United States for ending the
federal ban on cannabis continues to rise, there is still much
official opposition. And perhaps the most entrenched opponents are
those in Washington actually charged with enforcing that federal ban.

Some of President Barack Obama's own "drug abuse" advisers have
publicly disagreed with his published comments that cannabis is no
more dangerous than alcohol or other drugs. DEA chief Michele Leonhart
reportedly told a law enforcement group in a speech a few days later
that the president's comments were reckless and irresponsible.

The schizophrenia in the executive branch's oversight of cannabis has
never been more apparent than during a Feb. 4 House Oversight
Committee hearing on (what else?) the schizophrenia in the executive
branch's oversight of cannabis. At one point, Virginia Rep. Gerry
Connolly (D) questioned Michael Botticelli, the deputy director of the
White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, on the
harmfulness of cannabis in light of the president's comments.

Connolly called himself "a child of the '60s" and no advocate for the
legalization of any drugs, but he's serious that the federal
government bases its drug policies on science, not politics. It's an
amazing nine minutes that anyone who cares about cannabis legalization
needs to watch. It's here. Taking advantage of the opportunity and
armed with facts gleaned from government statistics, Connolly actually
forces Botticelli to answer him, guiding him back to the question at
hand when Botticelli tries to wander off.

What the interrogation outlines, in starkly human detail, is that, in
spite of Obama's comments, there are those in the White House who
don't, or possibly, can't approach cannabis except in a negative
light. It also shows the difficulty of getting anyone in the
government - well, apparently beyond the president and attorney
general - to actually analyze federal drug policies.

The key exchange is priceless:

Connolly: "How many people die from marijuana overdoses every year?"

Botticelli: "I don't know that I know. It is very rare."

Connolly: "Very rare. Now let's contrast that with prescription
drugs, unintentional deaths from prescription drugs. One American
dies every 19 minutes. Nothing comparable to marijuana. Is that correct?"

Botticelli: "Correct."

Connolly: "Alcohol - hundreds of thousands of people die every year
from alcohol-related deaths: automobile accidents, liver disease,
esophageal cancer, blood poisoning. Is that correct?" Botticelli: "I
think the way you have to look at this is the totality of harm
associated with this substance and to basically say that even though
it doesn't have the lethality of those other drugs. I think it's the
significant public health effects of the drug."

Connolly: "I guess I'm sticking with the president - the head of your
administration - who is making a different point. He is making a
point that is empirically true. That isn't a normative statement that
marijuana is good or bad, but he was contrasting it with alcohol and
empirically he is correct, is he not?"

Botticelli begins to reiterate the "public health"

Connolly: "Is it not a scientific fact that there is nothing
comparable with marijuana? And I'm not saying it is good or bad, but
when we look at deaths and illnesses, alcohol and other hard drugs
are certainly - even prescription drugs - are a threat to public
health in a way that just, isolated, marijuana is not. Isn't that a
scientific fact? Or do you dispute that fact?"

Botticelli: "I don't dispute that fact."

Since being added to the Schedule I classification under the
Controlled Substances Act in 1970, cannabis has been considered a drug
equally as addicting as heroin and even more dangerous than cocaine or
methamphetamine. Connolly, again using the government's own facts and
figures, suggests that perhaps the classification should be

But if you work for the DEA or in the White House's Office of National
Drug Control Policy, apparently you can't even consider the growing
evidence that cannabinoids provide benefits that even medical doctors
are now acknowledging. Though it has a facility in Mississippi that
grows it, the government won't provide cannabis for researchers who
want to study its medical properties. The Institute for Drug Abuse is
just that. It doesn't study drug use - only drug abuse.

There is some thawing. A bipartisan group of congresspeople that
includes Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) is supporting bills that would
give cannabusinesses the same tax opportunities as any other
enterprise. Others are seeing the evil behind arresting and
incarcerating Americans, mostly those of color, for simply using
cannabis. The recent Farm Bill allows the production of hemp to begin
again in a few states after a 70-year limbo because the government
wasn't able to distinguish it from marijuana. As Connolly noted,
almost half the country is now allowing medical cannabis.

After mentioning Just Say No and other failed prohibitive drug
campaigns and programs over the decades, the representative from
Virginia concludes that the war on drugs hasn't worked very well -
either in influencing public opinion or in curbing demand for the
product. He notes that other campaigns, for tobacco and alcohol that
are voluntary, actually have worked to lower demand and satisfied
public opinion.

"Maybe we could learn something from that," the representative

I'm not holding my breath.