Pubdate: Fri, 26 Apr 2013
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2013 The New York Times Company
Author: Thomas Kaplan


A New York State assemblyman from the Hudson Valley who had been 
charged with marijuana possession has agreed to a plea bargain that 
will result in the dismissal of the charge if he performs community 
service and stays out of trouble.

The assemblyman, Stephen M. Katz, 59, a Republican from Mohegan Lake, 
was stopped for speeding on the New York State Thruway in Coeymans, 
south of Albany, on March 14; a small bag of marijuana was found in 
his car, the State Police said.

On Thursday, a town justice in Coeymans, Philip A. Crandall Sr., 
agreed to dismiss the charge of unlawful possession of marijuana, but 
required that Assemblyman Katz complete 20 hours of community service 
and avoid reoffending.

Justice Crandall also reduced Mr. Katz's speeding ticket - he was 
cited for driving 80 miles per hour in an area where the speed limit 
was 65 m.p.h. - to a parking violation that carries a $75 fine.

Mr. Katz did not appear in court.

His lawyer, Susan Chana Lask, said Mr. Katz, who is a veterinarian, 
planned to complete his community service by volunteering at an animal shelter.

"Everybody wants to take a chomp out of you when you're in Albany, 
and something happens and you're a bad guy," Ms. Lask said. "He's not 
a bad guy. He's a hard worker for the people, and this story is behind him."

Mr. Katz was first elected in 2010, and represents a district that 
includes parts of Westchester and Putnam Counties. He remains a 
member of the Assembly Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, among 
other legislative panels.
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