Pubdate: Fri, 19 Apr 2013
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2013 The Vancouver Sun
Author: Ian Mulgrew
Cited: Stop the Violence BC:


Poll finds overwhelming support for regulation over prohibition,
following lead of Washington state

Marijuana is being pushed onto the B.C. election agenda by a new poll
that suggests the province should follow two American states that are
moving to tax and regulate pot.

The Angus Reid survey, released Thursday by the lobby group Stop the
Violence B.C., shows that British Columbians overwhelmingly support a
pilot study to evaluate the legalization of cannabis for adults.

Conducted April 8 and 9, the poll found that 73 per cent of those who
responded support a research trial to determine whether such a
strategy would reduce the profits of organized crime and better
prevent youth access to the drug.

As well, 44 per cent of respondents said their perception of a
provincial political party would improve if it supported a trial of
this nature, compared with 33 per cent who say their opinion would be
unchanged and just 12 per cent who said their opinion would worsen.

In November, the public opinion firm found 75 per cent of British
Columbians supported the regulation and taxation of marijuana rather
than the present criminal prohibition.

"These results clearly indicate British Columbians, regardless of
their political affiliation, would welcome researching a new approach
to marijuana policy involving the taxation and regulation of adult
use," said Mario Canseco of Angus Reid Public Opinion.

"Consistently, our polling results are showing the public is demanding
a new approach and turning away from strategies like mandatory minimum
sentences for marijuana offences."

Considered accurate to plus or minus 3.5 per cent, the latest polling
data are available at .

In November, Washington and Colorado voters endorsed ballot
initiatives calling for the state governments to ignore the federal
criminal prohibition and begin regulating pot much like liquor.

Representing a broad coalition primarily of legal and medical
specialists, Stop the Violence has asked B.C.'s four major political
parties whether they support following the same path.

"British Columbians clearly want their politicians to show leadership
of marijuana policy reform," insisted Geoff Plant, who served as B.C.
attorney general from 2001 to 2005.

"With the province facing an election in a few weeks, now is the time
for all political parties to let the public know whether they will
support the proposed research trial of cannabis taxation and

Plant's NDP predecessors as attorney general also support moving to a
tax-and-regulate policy for marijuana.

"Our politicians have been out of step with public opinion on this
issue for too long," said Ujjal Dosanjh, the former premier and
ex-attorney general.

Washington and Colorado are establishing regulatory regimes for the
production and sale of the drug.

John McKay, the former U.S. attorney for the western district of
Washington state, who prosecuted Vancouver's imprisoned Prince of Pot
Marc Emery, was a key advocate of the state initiative.

"British Columbia has an opportunity to join Washington state and show
the world criminal prohibition is a costly failure, and public health
and safety will be better served by legalization, strict regulation
and capturing, through taxation, the profits we've handed over to the
drug cartels and thugs for decades," McKay said.

Stop the Violence is advocating a research trial to assess the impact
of legalization under Section 56 of the federal Controlled Drugs and
Substances Act, the same mechanism that allowed prescription heroin
and ecstasy programs. 
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