Pubdate: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 Source: Standard, The (St. Catharines, CN ON) Copyright: 2013 St. Catharines Standard Contact: Website: Details: Author: Joe Potter Page: 4 TAX POT TO HELP PAY FOR FIGHT AGAINST DRUG CRIMINALS Great reporting on the dangerous synthetic marijuana called The Izms. Good news not seeing advertisements for this chemical concoction in stores anymore. I am concerned that now that they have been kicked out of stores, they will go underground, making policing very difficult. Salvia Divinorum, an ancient natural legal plant, is also out there in stores and is even more dangerous. Combating these drugs will require a lot of expensive police resources to be paid for by tax dollars. The government should legalize and tax marijuana the same as alcohol and tobacco to pay the cost of fighting drug criminals. Joe Potter St. Catharines - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom