Pubdate: Sat, 05 Jan 2013
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2013 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Bruce Owen
Page A6


Meet Bill VanderGraaf. The 61-year-old former Winnipeg police 
detective is the local poster boy for the movement against drug 
prohibition, specifically marijuana.

Recent Canadian polls and the fact two U.S. states approved the 
recreational use of marijuana would suggest it's a growing movement.

During his 29 years on the police force, VanderGraaf was a 
stereotypical cop: gruff, stoic, dedicated. His uncle was city police 
officer Peter VanderGraaf, who with his partner Jack Taylor defined 
policing in Winnipeg in the 1960s and '70s. Another uncle was also a 
cop and two other family members were Mounties.

During his early years on the job, VanderGraaf saw the world in black 
and white. That changed in December 1985 when he helped arrest a 
28-year-old, on-duty city police officer in a drug raid, catching him 
in possession of seven grams of marijuana. The officer quickly 
resigned from the force and pleaded guilty in provincial court, 
receiving a $100 fine.

"I actually realized that the war on marijuana was crazy when I had 
to arrest a uniform cop for using pot," VanderGraaf says. "He lost 
his job, but the alcoholics on the job driving impaired or worse were 
given breaks and allowed to keep their jobs. Silly, I thought."

VanderGraaf retired in 2001. Six years later, he was arrested for 
growing marijuana in the basement of his house. Police seized 21 
plants. He later got a conditional discharge, successfully arguing in 
court he was growing the plant for his own use and to help his ailing 
father, who in his final year suffered from ALS, or Lou Gehrig's 
disease. His son gave him marijuana cookies to ease his pain.

The following year, VanderGraaf joined Law Enforcement Against 
Prohibition (LEAP), and since then has been a vocal proponent of 
legalizing marijuana.

"I believe it can be a health benefit to some people," the licensed 
medical marijuana user says.

"I think marijuana should be provincially regulated and then 
controlled. What we do is eliminate that aspect from organized crime. 
They make huge profits off it in this country. I think it's better 
suited that those profits come to us, the people, so that we can, in 
turn, put them into our health-care system and other societal needs 
like social services."

A conservative estimate is the province could see a $600-million 
boost in revenue, he says, based on the estimate that 20 per cent of 
Manitobans smoke marijuana.

When LEAP was formed, the idea that any jurisdiction in North America 
would approve anything to do with marijuana was as far off as humans 
landing on Jupiter.

That changed Nov. 6, when voters in Colorado and Washington approved 
ballot measures allowing the use of pot without a doctor's 
recommendation for adults over 21. Adults in Colorado can now possess 
up to an ounce of marijuana, or six plants. Public use and sale of 
the drug remain illegal. In Washington, the personal possession of up 
to one ounce of pot -- roughly 28 grams -- is allowed. Selling it 
remains illegal.

The changes in Colorado and Washington prompted U.S. President Barack 
Obama to say prosecuting recreational users in the two states is not 
a "top priority."

In Canada, a recent survey by Toronto's Forum Research found 65 per 
cent of Canadians favour either the legalization and taxation of the 
drug, or decriminalizing it in small amounts.

Public opinion surveys done by Angus Reid and Postmedia News and 
Global TV have had similar results.

VanderGraaf and others say Canada should go one step further than 
Colorado and Washington. It should allow the provinces to tax it as 
with cigarettes and alcohol. The revenue would be staggering, they say.

How staggering?

Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser 
University said in a recent study British Columbians' pot purchases 
alone total about half a billion dollars each year. The Fraser 
Institute, a right-of-centre policy group, estimates B.C.'s marijuana 
industry is worth $7 billion annually.

Lead author Dan Werb, a member of the pro-pot Stop the Violence B.C. 
coalition, said the regulation of marijuana by the provinces and 
Ottawa would have three major effects on the country:

- -- It would remove a source of revenue from organized crime, which 
controls the cultivation and distribution of marijuana.

- -- Governments would have more resources for core services such as 
health care and education because they wouldn't be spending as much 
money on street-level drug enforcement and court proceedings.

- -- It would generate tax revenue from a government-regulated 
marijuana-distribution system.

"You're going to suddenly have a government that's a lot better 
positioned compared to organized crime, that has a lot more resources 
that are freed up and a lot more tax revenue," Werb said, adding some 
of that new revenue could go toward drug prevention and treatment 
programs and other health-care or social service initiatives.

"Also what you do is, if you're freeing up law enforcement from 
simply getting bogged down in arresting street-level dealers or 
people who happen to have a few joints on them, they're in a much 
better position to start going after people in the upper echelon of 
organized crime." But that's easier said than done.

Drug laws are a federal responsibilty in Canada. That means, at least 
for now, only Ottawa can amend or soften the laws against marijuana 
possession -- not provinces or municipalities.

"The control of those substances is a matter of federal law," 
Manitoba Justice Minister Andrews Swan said. "Manitoba has no ability 
to pass laws in areas already covered by federal legislation (the 
Controlled Drug and Substances Act). The provinces have no right to 
make criminal law at all."

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said Canadians should not take any 
cues from Colorado and Washington.

"First of all, I think you've got to be very careful about pointing 
to these two states as any kind of relaxing of the law in respect of 
marijuana in the United States," Toews said. "The federal government 
there and the federal lawmakers still make it a very harsh crime if 
you're caught. So I would just caution any Canadian going into those 
states -- and thinking that they will essentially be given a free 
pass -- to be very careful about that.

"Secondly, our government has made it clear that we do not support 
the legalization of marijuana and I have no further comments to make on that."

Despite that, municipal leaders in British Columbia have taken up the 
fight to legalize pot.

At a Union of B.C. Municipalities meeting in September, civic leaders 
agreed to lobby Ottawa to pursue the decriminalization, taxation and 
regulation of marijuana. The vote followed a debate in which some 
argued Canada's prohibition on pot is a failed policy that has cost 
millions of dollars in police, court, jail and social costs. 
(Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz declined an interview request on the subject).

Pot proponents want the B.C. government to pass the Sensible Policing 
Act, which would direct all police in the province away from making 
searches, seizures or arrests in cases of simple cannabis possession. 
They want a provincial referendum in 2014.

VanderGraaf believes marijuana decriminalization in Canada could come 
within three years if the Conservatives are voted out of office in 
the next federal election, which is scheduled for Oct. 19, 2015. NDP 
Leader Thomas Mulcair has said he supports the creation of a 
commission to examine the decriminalization of marijuana. He has also 
said no one should go to jail for possessing a couple of joints. The 
Liberals have already said, if elected, they would move to legalize 
weed completely and regulate its production and sale, although it 
remains to be seen if that becomes one of their campaign planks.

"The Canadian public is using it anyway," VanderGraaf says. "I don't 
expect a huge increase in the use of this product if it's legalized. 
There may be some increase, but I think it would level out just like 
we saw in places like the Netherlands."

Marijuana is technically illegal in the Netherlands, but police do 
not prosecute people for possession of small amounts.

After several decades of marijuana tolerance, reports say rates for 
Dutch pot use are in the middle of international norms, higher than 
those in neighbouring Germany, but lower than those in France, 
Britain, Australia or even the United States.

Marijuana use in Canada is similar to that in the U.S. among teens 
and adults, according to the Canadian Public Health Association and 
the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.

"The vast majority of young people report greater access to cannabis 
than to alcohol and tobacco," Werb added. "I don't think it's by 
coincidence that tobacco and alcohol are regulated and cannabis is 
ostensibly prohibited. We have a system where you have ready access 
to cannabis. Where do they get it? Four lockers down."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom