Pubdate: Thu, 22 Nov 2012
Source: Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA)
Copyright: 2012 The Ukiah Daily Journal
Author: Alan Jamison


To the Editor:

Murder, home invasion, robbery, burglary, assault, battery, coercion, 
tax evasion, and medical malpractice. These crimes seem to be on an 
increase in Mendocino County. Lesser crimes that also seem to be on 
the increase include panhandling, DUIs, camping in public places, and 
child endangerment/child abandonment. Not classified as crimes, 
suicide, family alienation, community discord. While proponents of 
the marijuana initiative may have presented a hazy truth, I really 
find it hard to believe that the cultivation, processing, 
transportation, and consumption of marijuana is a victimless crime. I 
also believe that, because of the relaxed attitude toward marijuana, 
other drug manufacture, transportation, and consumption is on the increase.

All of these crimes consume much of Public Safety's time and resources.

They inhibit public safety's response time to other major crimes and 
accidents. They unduly place public safety in harm's way. While they 
are responding to a DUI related rollover or a transient sleeping 
behind a private residence, they can't respond to a burglary or home invasion.

This "victimless" crime inundates our courtrooms. This "victimless" 
crime reduces Social Services' ability to be effective by 
necessitating staff to hand out fraudulent food stamp EBT cards and 
AFDC monies to persons with no visible means of income and/or 
multiple SSA cards. Drug rehab facilities now have waiting lists.

Families can no longer reconcile with loved ones who have become 
addled and cannot form coherent thoughts.

While the Compassionate Use Act is probably a good thing and for that 
purpose I am willing to bend a little, the current laws, ordinances, 
and regulations aren't strict enough to genuinely provide for those 
persons who are actually in need of this herb/drug. I propose that 
the Supervisors go back to the drawing board and rewrite their 
marijuana ordinances. These ordinances should include:

A reasonable, not excessive, amount of marijuana needed for relief.

A requirement for doctors to determine liver function of consumers 
under their care, initially at a six month interval .

A procedure for determining and validating the strength of the 
product so that the consumer is being charged a fair price for the 
product and so that the dosage can be monitored.

That the product contains no toxins or pesticide residue.

The processing area should be in a sanitary field and that the 
processors are disease free.

A fee schedule for growers and processors that covers any inspections 
and documentation required to verify the potency, hygiene, and 
sanitary conditions.

I don't think that these are unreasonable requirements if, after all, 
compassion for those who really need it is the paramount reason for 
allowing it in the first place.

Alan Jamison

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom