Pubdate: Thu, 23 Aug 2012
Source: Philadelphia Daily News (PA)
Copyright: 2012 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
Author: Erica Bartlett


I read with great interest your article in the Daily News in which 
you recommend a carrot-andstick approach to drug addiction (Bykofsky, 
Aug. 10). I agree completely but wanted to point out that drug courts 
employ just the kind of sanction-and-reward system that you suggest.

I am the public defender assigned to the Philadelphia Treatment 
Court, the first drug court to operate in Pennsylvania. We have 
successfully graduated thousands of drug-addicted participants 
through an approach that rewards clean time and holds addicts 
accountable for their behavior. This method employed by drug courts 
across the nation has proved successful for all kinds of addicts, 
potheads and cocaine and heroin users alike. The court is in session 
every week in Room 1006 at the Criminal Justice Center and our judge 
and coordinator are always happy to speak about our remarkable success.

The Philadelphia D.A.'s Office has been a big supporter of drug 
courts since Treatment Court began in 1997, even as it has eased 
sanctions on possession of small amounts of marijuana. The 
Philadelphia Treatment Court is a national model and a mentor court 
for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, an 
organization that supports drug courts nationwide.

With the news of Garrett Reid's death, I am hopeful that the 
importance of drug treatment will gain more prominence in the public discourse.

Your carrot-and-stick approach when coupled with access to effective 
treatment has proven success in the "war on drugs."

Erica Bartlett

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