Pubdate: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Copyright: 2012 Los Angeles Times Contact: Details: Author: Laurel Gord Referenced: DRUGS AND THE COST OF WAR Thank you for pointing out the destruction attributable to the never-ending U.S.-led war on drugs. With about 50,000 dead in Mexico alone, the use of the word "war" is clearly not just metaphorical. What is missing in the editorial is the war that has been waged against our own citizens of color. It is well established that marijuana use is pretty equal across race lines, yet African Americans are arrested at much higher rates for marijuana-related crimes. Surely a first step in addressing this issue must be to acknowledge that this war has gone terribly wrong, has caused unspeakable damage both at home and abroad, and that we have absolutely nothing even approaching a victory to show for it. Laurel Gord Venice - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom