Pubdate: Sat, 24 Mar 2012
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2012 The Denver Post Corp
Author: Felisa Cardona


In 2nd Round of Letters, Feds Target 25 Sites

The Colorado U.S. attorney, John Walsh, sent letters to the owners of 
25 medical-marijuana dispensaries - all located within 1,000 feet of 
a school - notifying them that they have 45 days to close or 
potentially face criminal prosecution.

The letters - sent to dispensaries statewide - come a little over a 
week after Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett asked Walsh 
to drop the crackdown on dispensaries that are abiding by state law.

Walsh's spokesman, Jeff Dorschner, said dispensaries in Boulder that 
are being sent the letters were on the list to receive them before 
Garnett's request.

The are about a dozen medical-pot dispensaries within 1,000 feet of 
schools in Boulder, including

the University of Colorado. Dorschner declined to say how many 
dispensaries in Boulder will receive letters.

Garnett said he is not surprised the letters went out, especially 
given that Walsh wrote back to Garnett declining to take his advice.

Garnett said he understands the need to keep marijuana away from 
children. "That's not the issue," he said. "What they don't see is 
the causal connection between schools and a dispensary being 800, 600 
or 500 feet away. "

If the stores do not stop selling and or distributing marijuana 
within 45 days, they could face criminal prosecution or asset forfeiture.

"I think it is absolutely offensive that John Walsh is usurping and 
interfering with the power of the state on this issue," said Lauren 
Davis, a Denver medical-marijuana attorney. "These towns spent a lot 
of time considering these issues and writing the legislation they 
believe was reasonable and looking out for the safety of their community."

Dorschner said Walsh's intention is to protect young people.

The letters are the second round of action by federal authorities 
against the businesses, which are legal under state law but illegal 
under federal laws.

In January, letters were sent to the owners of 23 dispensaries near 
schools, telling them to move or close. Dorschner said Friday's round 
of letters won't be the last.

This time, Davis doesn't think the medical-marijuana industry will be 
as compliant.

"The first time people were scared to not move or shut down," she 
said, "but I can venture a guess that people are not going to sit as quietly."
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