Pubdate: Sat, 31 Dec 2011
Source: Times, The (Trenton, NJ)
Copyright: 2011 Stan White
Author: Stan White


Another reason to allow people who are ill and suffering easy access
to cannabis (marijuana) that doesn't get mentioned (op-ed, "Upper
Freehold takes cover behind bad federal drug law," Dec. 28, and story,
"Construction of pot greenhouse put on hold - Upper Freehold vote
prevents town from violating federal law," Dec. 26) is because it is
biblically correct. God indicates he created all the seed-bearing
plants, saying they are all good, on literally the very first page of
the Bible (Gen. 1:11-12 and 29-30).

The only biblical restriction placed on cannabis is to accept it with
thankfulness (1 Tim. 4:1-5). Furthermore, it asks: "But whoever has
the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart
against him, how does the love of God abide in him?" (1 John 3:17).

Many people know cannabis is the tree of life, and the very last page
of the Bible indicates the leaves of the tree of life are for the
healing of the nations (Rev. 22). Jesus (whose birthday we just
celebrated) risked jail to heal the sick.

Peace to all who use what God says is good.

- -- Stan White,

Dillon, Colo.
- ---
MAP posted-by: Jo-D