Pubdate: 08 Nov 2011
Source: Abbotsford Times (CN BC)
Contact:  2011 The Abbotsford Times
Author: Cam Tucker, The Times


In another effort to crack down on gangs and organized crime, the 
Abbotsford Police Department launched a new initiative Thursday 
targeting marijuana grow operations.

The APD announced the beginning of ts Marijuana Enforcement Project, 
which ill focus the patrol division on helping to liminate illegal 
grow operations in he city, with the mentorship of a ember from the 
department's rug unit, said Const. Ian Maconald.

"Under the tutelage of an experienced drug enforcement unit member, 
patrol resources are going to be mustered and applied to doing what we 
can to rid Abbotsford of as many illegal marijuana grow operations as 
possible," said MacDonald. As they relate to the project, part of the 
patrol's tasks will be to help identify as many grow operations as 
possible in Abbotsford so the department can take further actions.

MacDonald said most of the information coming to the APD's drug unit 
on the city's drug trade was already coming from the patrol division.

"What we decided to do was not let that go to waste," said MacDonald.

The project is designed to give patrol members the added assistance of 
a drug enforcement member who will help them gain experience with drug files.

"All the members will have one person who will assist them with all 
their marijuanarelated [intelligence] and coordinate and assist with 
warrants and warrant execution," said MacDonald.

"And he can be that liaison back to both drug squad and gang squad 
with all that great stuff patrol is doing."

In the long term, the APD is hoping the project will help rid the city 
of as many grow-ops as posible and increase public safety.

It wasn't specified how many active grow-ops there are in Abbotsford, 
however, there have been instances of violence resulting from grow rips.

"People will often concentrate on the potential fire hazards . . . and 
those are very real concerns," said MacDonald.

"But the violence that is inherent with the drug trade . . . it's all 
part of organized crime and gangs.

"If we want to be serious about stemming the gang violence and making 
the community safer, then it's something police have to do something about."
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.