Pubdate: Wed, 07 Sep 2011
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2011 The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Dawn Walton


An Alberta judge, who presided over a fatality inquiry concerning an 
imprisoned aboriginal man who ingested a toxic mix of morphine, 
ecstasy and marijuana, has provocatively concluded that the war on 
drugs has been lost.

Provincial Court Judge Les Grieve's analysis of the "unenviable" life 
and "tragic" death of 40-year-old Kory Stewart Mountain at the 
federal Drumheller Institution comes as deadly drug and gang-related 
violence has erupted on an Alberta reserve. His conclusions also 
appear to take aim at the federal Conservative government's 
tough-on-crime agenda as well as provincial cuts to restorative 
justice programs that bring offenders and victims face-to-face, which 
experts say can steer wayward people straight.

"The so-called 'war on drugs' is, in my humble view, a war which 
cannot be won," Judge Grieve wrote.

In his six-page report issued Tuesday, Judge Grieve, whose career 
took him from police departments in Nova Scotia to the Crown 
prosecutor's office in Calgary before being elevated to the bench 
almost four years ago, laments a culture that uses intoxicants so permissively.

"Society does not seem committed to this battle as can be seen by 
sports heroes and other celebrity role models who use drugs, even 
smuggle them, yet are still revered by the masses," he wrote, "It may 
be that all we can hope for in this war is to keep the casualties to 
a minimum."

Valerie Wiebe, Calgary's executive director for addiction and mental 
health with Alberta Health Services, said the sentiments do a 
disservice to people in counselling for drug and alcohol abuse.

"Just because something is complex it doesn't make it a lost cause. 
Cancer is complex," she said.

Michael Huston, a psychologist and counsellor at Mount Royal 
University in Calgary, was similarly shocked and noted Alcoholics 
Anonymous is a success story. "Are we able to do anything about drug 
and alcohol problems? Absolutely."

However, Judge Grieve's indictment of a system that has failed 
aboriginal people, who are sent to jail in disproportionate numbers, 
also calls for funding for programs such as addiction treatment.

At least one wish may be granted as early as Wednesday. According to 
a source, Alberta's Solicitor-General is poised to reverse its 
controversial decision to cut $351,000 in funding for restorative 
justice programs.

Sue Hopgood, who is the co-ordinator with Alberta Conflict 
Transformation Society and handles 35 to 50 cases a year, said she 
has witnessed the benefits of restorative justice and has trained 
workers on first nations reserves in the practise.

Meanwhile, an autopsy was under way Tuesday on the body of a 
23-year-old woman who was shot at a known gang house in Hobbema, 
which is the hub of four native reserves south of Edmonton. Last 
month, the woman's next-door neighbour, a 5-year-old boy, was killed 
as he slept when shots were fired outside his house.

As Hobbema copes with drugs, gangs and six unsolved homicides in 
recent years, Judge Grieve's analysis strikes a chord with community 
leader Roy Louis.

"Probably for some people it is a lost cause, but for others there's 
always hope. I'm a firm believer in hope," he said.

Police have heard the negative comments before, but refuse to surrender.

"You can't make a mistake on this," said Alberta RCMP Sergeant 
Patrick Webb, "If all of a sudden you decide the war on drugs has 
failed and drugs are free to everybody, what kind of country are you 
going to live in?"
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom