Pubdate: Wed, 12 Jan 2011
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2011 Postmedia Network Inc.
Author: John Colebourn
Bookmark: (Oxycontin/Oxycodone)


The recent violent robbery of two pharmacy store employees in Surrey 
has renewed concern over the highly sought after drug OxyContin.

Surrey RCMP on Tuesday issued the warning after they went public to 
track down two suspects from a pre-Christmas robbery.

The robbery on Dec. 6, 2010, at 12:51 p.m. at a pharmacy in the 
5600-block 177B Avenue resulted in two employees of the store being 
badly beaten.

While in the pharmacy the two suspects demanded OxyContin.

The employees were assaulted at knifepoint and told to open the store 
safe. After grabbing the contents, the suspects fled across a 
schoolyard and into a waiting vehicle.

The men are described as being in their 20s, about five feet eight 
inches to five feet 10 inches, clad in dark sweats with hoods, dark 
gloves, jeans and runners.

Violent incidents are on the rise across Canada in pharmacies that 
store the drug, known as "hillbilly heroin" in the U.S.

As the list of OxyContin robberies grows, the B.C. Pharmacy 
Association robbery task force has been busy working to offer 
solutions to the spate of armed holdups aimed at grabbing the 
powerful narcotic.

Association figures show that between May 2007 and August 2009 there 
were 52 pharmacy robberies in the Lower Mainland.

The 2,500-member group is working with police and a Simon Fraser 
University criminologist to look at ways to prevent the robberies.

Abbotsford Const. Ian MacDonald on Tuesday said that an increasing 
number of mid-level gangsters are popping the drug.

The synthetic opiate is used to control intense pain, and it removes 
inhibitions when it comes to violent acts. An 80-milligram pill can fetch $80.

"The bulk of the robberies [at drugstores] are for OyxContin," 
MacDonald said. The drug "is really prevalent among gangsters."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom