Pubdate: Wed, 22 Sep 2010
Source: Outlook (OR)
Copyright: 2010 Pamplin Media Group
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Oregon's current system for allowing the medical use of marijuana has 
created a mess - placing pot in a murky legal status that is 
confusing for law enforcement, employers and even the people who 
might have a legitimate health reason for use of marijuana.

Given the well-documented problems with the medical marijuana 
program, we agree with proponents of Measure 74, which appears on the 
Nov. 2 ballot, that something needs to be done. In our view, however, 
this particular measure would only add to the confusion, pushing 
marijuana closer to legalization without actually making it legal.

Measure 74 would set up a system of nonprofit dispensaries that could 
produce, sell, transport and supply pot to people who hold medical 
marijuana cards. At present, it is very easy to obtain a medical 
marijuana card from physicians who specialize in authorizing such 
cards. Tens of thousands of Oregonians have been granted these cards 
in the 12 years since voters initially approved the medical marijuana program.

But there are obvious troubles that arise from granting marijuana 
cards by the thousands. When some people can legally use pot - but 
others cannot - police have difficulty enforcing drug laws, and 
employers are burdened with deciding whether some workers should be 
excluded from their drug policies.

Measure 74 doesn't solve these issues, but it does have the potential 
to greatly expand the availability of marijuana and encourage even 
more people to avail themselves of the program.

We have argued before that Oregonians need to make up their minds 
about marijuana - either it is legal or it is not. Measure 74 takes 
another incremental step toward legalization, but fails to ask the 
real question. Voters should reject this measure, lest they further 
confuse a system that's confounding enough already.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom