Pubdate: Fri, 03 Sep 2010
Source: Morning Star, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2010 The Morning Star
Author: Shawn Cardinal


RE: Kalamalka Road - 60 marijuana plant and a free pass.

What are the RCMP thinking?? The last time I checked, growing 
marijuana was highly illegal and considered a grow-op. With all of 
the problems that stem from illegal drugs and drug use, I am totally 
baffled why someone was not put in cuffs and charged with 
manufacturing a controlled substance.

I'm so frustrated, steaming mad, confused and in disbelief as to how 
this whole thing has been handled.

What kind of precedent does this set for other wanna-be growers, 
manufacturers and future drug dealers? How is it that one person gets 
charged and jailed for this type of illegal activity and the other does not?

It was not just one marijuana plant, it was 60 plants. Yet the police 
are arresting people on the street for a bag or a joint.

This is ludicrous and I think this should be investigated. Why were 
there not charges laid?

This guy should be treated just like every other person that is 
busted for growing marijuana.

Shawn Cardinal
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom