Pubdate: Tue, 06 Apr 2010
Source: Times-Republican (Marshalltown, IA)
Copyright: 2010 Times Republican
Author: Tammy R. Lawson


Professor Offers Pros and Cons About Medical Marijuana

It has become one of the most burning issues in the country, as far 
as legalization.

And Iowa is among the states debating benefits and drawbacks of 
medicinal marijuana.

Ronald Herman, associate professor and director of the Iowa Drug 
Information Network, was on hand Monday at the Marshalltown Noon 
Lions Club to give a presentation entitled "Medical Marijuana: 
Evaluation of the Evidence."

Because of his years of experience, he was asked by the The Iowa 
Board of Pharmacy to look into medical evidence associated with the 
use of marijuana.

Last fall, public hearings were held throughout the state in order to 
receive input from various individuals on its safety and effectiveness.

According to Herman, cannabis has its benefits, yet risks - hence its 
classification as a schedule 1 drug, meaning a category not 
considered legitimate for medicinal purpose with a strong potential for abuse.

However, its actual toxicity from overdose is very rare.

As one of the oldest mood-altering drugs known, cannabis contains 
more than 460 varied chemicals. THC is the main substance which 
causes some of its psycho-active effects.

"We've all known someone who has been on prednisone, and there are 
similar steroids in the plant," Herman said. "That's something we 
need to remember - when people are ingesting or inhaling the plant, 
you're not getting one chemical substance, but a whole wide array."

Medical marijuana is currently used as an analgesic, pain reliever or 
for appetite stimulation - especially for AIDS or cancer patients who 
are emaciated or experiencing extreme nausea from effects of chemotherapy.

"We probably need to be doing more research and find individual 
ingredients that will do what we want it to do without some of the 
contradictory effects," he said.

During several studies, Herman said some patients were given 
marijuana and others were given placebos - a cigarette without 
cannabis - to check whether they legitimately received benefits from 
the drug. However, of those using the placebo, 30 percent said they 
were given pain relief - while 50 percent who smoked actual cannabis 
did so as well.

Aside from toxicity, studies found there are a number of harmful 
effects on the heart, lungs, brain, endocrine system and eyes. It can 
also increase heart rate and blood pressure.

Herman said it was important to carefully sift through scientific 
studies already performed to determine the superiority or inferiority 
of marijuana - not just in comparison to a placebo, but also to 
active treatments that entail current standards of care.

Though individuals such as cancer patients or people suffering from 
glaucoma swear by it, Herman cautions against the drug being a cure-all.

"We need to know if it's better or as good as aspirin, codeine or 
morphine," he said. "Until a law would be passed, I don't think it's 
going to be the blessing that some people are hoping it's going to 
be," he said.

Patients who attended the hearings offered pros and cons on using the 
drug, however he said testimonials on both sides aren't enough to 
make sound, medical decisions.

"If this does come into law, I'm not sure that all of the proponents 
of medical marijuana understand the implications of it becoming a 
schedule 2 substance, which would require a prescription from a 
physician," he said. "And it won't give people the freedom to grow 
their own and treat themselves."

Herman said if patients are interested in smoking marijuana, four 
studies were conducted that said it may provide pain relief in some, 
but further testing needs to be conducted, and "people should be 
warned of the neurological, psycho-active effects because they are very real."

After examining over 80 studies, Herman advised a close look at 
information currently out there before medical marijuana could be 
actively promoted.

The Pharmacy Board did make a recommendation that it be moved from 
schedule 1 into schedule 2 categorization, he said. And if the Iowa 
Legislature implements what the board has suggested, he feels 
comfortable there will be good controls in place, depending on what 
gets added to its legislation.

"Some of this research should have been conducted long ago, but 
there's no funding for it because it's not approved," he said. "If it 
moves into schedule 2 status, maybe more can be done and we'll get 
better answers on some of these things." 
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