Pubdate: Thu, 03 Sep 2009
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2009 Canwest Publishing Inc.
Author: Sherri Zickefoose, Staff Writer, With Files From Stephane Massinon


U Of C Prof Leads Push To Protect Renters, Owners

Alberta is poised to pioneer rules for cleaning up the growing number
of dank, mouldy houses used for illegal marijuana crops.

The Alberta Real Estate Association and University of Calgary are
proposing standards for rehabilitating former drug houses, guidelines
that could be the first of their kind in North America.

For unsuspecting homebuyers or renters, living in the aftermath of
drug labs can be toxic. Mouldy homes have been condemned by Alberta
Health Services after police have raided the illegal pot growing operations.

Besides the heath risks of "sick" properties, there are potential
financial pitfalls, including water, structural damage and unsafe wiring.

Officials estimate the average cost of remediation is $25,000 to $30,000.

The recommendations could also help improve decision-making, lower
costs and reduce the likelihood of legal action arising from these
properties, Uof C experts say.

Faculty of environmental design Prof. Tang Lee, an internationally
recognized expert in building failure and indoor air quality
investigations, investigated six former grow op homes in Calgary.

Along with partner Karen Rollins, Lee looked for structural
alterations, mould and electrical problems.

He said much of the problem can be avoided in rental properties if
landlords make regular inspections.

The guidelines are being presented to the provincial government "as a
means to assure Albertans that properties previously used as illegal
drug operations are safe for habitation," said Alberta Real Estate
Association spokesman Bill Fowler.

"There are no consistent remediation standards in place for mould or
air quality in properties previously used as marijuana grow ops or
other drug operations," said Fowler.

The project aims to create minimum acceptable remediation standards

"There are no guidelines in place to handle properties that cannot be
remediated to the satisfaction of local authorities," said Fowler,
director of government relations for the real estate

The government could provide protection for tenants and owners by
adopting the proposed standards, Fowler said. "It's that co-ordinated
effort and how it's handled right from the bust, right through to the
remediation, and what we've identified is both process and standards."

Ald. Andre Chabot said he supports the push for provincial guidelines
and believed they already existed.

"To find out that they don't have specific requirements, I find that
somewhat troubling," said Chabot.

He said the city is examining the issue of former grow ops and is
seeking legal advice about whether it can

board up or destroy the homes. A report to council is expected soon.

"What happens to a lot of these vacant homes is that you get a lot of
homeless or other drug-related individuals knowing that no one is
allowed in them and no one is likely to check on those residences,"
said Chabot.

He said the provincial guidelines seem like a good idea.

"If there's greater certainty as to exactly what is required, then at
least the owners themselves would know what is required to bring their
units back into compliance and be able to budget accordingly or sell
the property off knowing what the costs . . . will be so that buyer
can go in with his eyes wide open."

Drug houses are steady business in and around the city. According to
Calgary police, about 100 grow ops are condemned in the city each year.

The Southern Alberta Marijuana Investigative Team receives more than
500 tips from the public about suspected drug houses in neighbourhoods
all over.

"We rely on the citizens to be our eyes and ears. Every tip is
investigated," said Staff Sgt. Darren Cave of the drug unit.

"It only makes us all stronger in the battle against this."
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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr