Pubdate: Sun, 21 Sep 2008
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2008 Canwest Publishing Inc.
Author: Shannon Kari, Canwest News Service
Bookmark: (Marijuana - Medicinal - Canada)


Medical-Marijuana Users Forced to Rely on the Black Market

TORONTO -- People with severe medical conditions have the 
constitutional right to easily access government-supplied marijuana, 
an Ontario court heard Friday.

Health Canada has been making "a good-faith effort with its legal 
supply," government lawyer Lisa Csele said in Ontario Superior Court.

The government is asking Justice Eva Frank to overturn a ruling last 
year by a provincial court judge in Toronto who found there was no 
law against simple possession of pot, because the medical marijuana 
scheme was still invalid.

Frank reserved her decision.

Justice Howard Borenstein concluded that a government "policy" to 
supply marijuana to medical users through Prairie Plant Systems Inc. 
was not sufficient in dismissing charges against Clifford Long, a 
Toronto man arrested with $40 worth of cannabis.

"Reasonable access is now dependent on policy, not law -- on a law 
that has been found to have set up barriers to reasonable access," 
wrote Borenstein.

The judge based his ruling on a 2003 Ontario Court of Appeal decision 
that found some sections of the government's medical marijuana 
regulations to be unconstitutional because authorized users had to 
obtain their medicine on the black market.

The court gave the federal government options to fix the problem -- 
by allowing compassion clubs to operate or by becoming the sole 
supplier for medical users.

The changes "can easily be implemented with dispatch, simply by 
regulation," said the Court of Appeal.

Health Canada responded by re-enacting some of the unconstitutional 
restrictions, including a prohibition on a designated producer 
growing for more than one user.

It also entered into the contract with Prairie Plant Systems, which 
has enough supply for all authorized users, although some 
medical-marijuana advocates have complained about the quality and the price.

The pledge to produce enough marijuana for medical users is a result 
of policy, rather than any formal regulation or law.

Csele agreed that if the medical-marijuana scheme is 
unconstitutional, then there is no law against simple possession of cannabis.

Restrictions on a non-government supply for medical users are 
permitted as long as Health Canada provides enough product, she said.

"What about the potential for arbitrary change [in the policy]?" Frank asked.

"There is no evidence people are not receiving their marijuana," 
Csele responded.

If the federal government does not provide an adequate supply, then 
medical users could launch a court action, she suggested.

The ruling by Borenstein is one of a number of decisions in the past 
eight years to find aspects of the medical marijuana regulations to 
be unconstitutional.

Earlier this year, a Federal Court of Canada judge found some of the 
restrictions on designated growers to be invalid.

That decision is under appeal. 
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